Pourquoi ça ne marche pas ?


9 Avril 2016
Bonjour, après avoir traduit le plugin CrazyAuction (Hotel de vente )
Rien ne marche sur mon serveur.. :/
Voici l'original : config.yml
  Prefix: '&7[&4Crazy &bAuctions&7]: ' #Prefix of when you get Crazy Auctions Messages.
  GUIName: '&4Crazy &bAuctions&8' #Name of the Main GUI.
  Players-Current-Items: '&8Your Current Listings' #The Name of the Player Current Items GUI.
  Cancelled/Expired-Items: '&8Cancelled/Expired Listings' #Name of the Cancelled/Expired GUI.
  Buying-Item: '&8Purchase Item: Are You Sure?' #Name of the Buying GUI.
  Bidding-On-Item: '&8You Are Bidding On This Item.' #Name of the Budding GUI.
  Categories: '&8Categories' #Name of the Category GUI.
  Sell-Time: 2d #The time that each item will sell for.
  Bid-Time: 2m 30s #Time for each item that is biddable.
  Full-Expire-Time: 10d #The full time the item is in the crazy auctions.
  Bid-Winner-Time: 20d #The time the winner of a bid has to claim there prize.
  Minimum-Sell-Price: 10 #Minimum amount you can sell a item for.
  Max-Beginning-Sell-Price: 1000000 #Max amount you can sell a item for.
  Minimum-Bid-Price: 100 #Minimum starting bid.
  Max-Beginning-Bid-Price: 1000000 #Maximum starting bid.
  Allow-Damaged-Items: False #Allow items that have been damaged.
  Category-Page-Opens-First: False #If set to true the categories page will open when they do /CA.
    Toggle: False #Disable the clicking sound.
    Sound: 'CLICK' #Make sure if you use 1.8 or lower you use the 1.8 sound and 1.9 and up use 1.9 sounds. The default sound is 1.8.
    #1.8 sounds are found here: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
    #1.9 sounds are found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
  GUISettings: #Settings for things in the gui.
    SellingItemLore: #The lore on items that are being sold.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClick here to purchase.'
      - ''
      - '&9Price: &e$%Price%'
      - '&9Seller: &e%Seller%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
    CurrentLore: #Lore on items that are in your current items GUI.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClick here to cancel.'
      - ''
      - '&9Price: &e$%Price%'
      - '&9Expire: &e%Time%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
    Cancelled/ExpiredLore: #Lore on items that are in your cancelled/expired GUI.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClick here to return to you.'
      - ''
      - '&9Full Expire: &e%Time%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
    Bidding: #Lore on Bidding Items.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClick here to bid.'
      - ''
      - '&9Seller: &e%Seller%'
      - '&9Current Bid: &e$%TopBid%'
      - '&9Top Bidder: &e%TopBidder%'
      - '&9Time Left: &e%Time%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
        Item: '315'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 11
        Name: '&6&lArmor'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7armor that is currently being sold.'
        Item: '283'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 12
        Name: '&6&lWeapons'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7weapons that is currently being sold.'
        Item: '285'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 13
        Name: '&6&lTools'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7tools that is currently being sold.'
        Item: '322'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 14
        Name: '&6&lFood'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7food that is currently being sold.'
        Item: '373:8227'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 15
        Name: '&6&lPotions'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7potions that is currently being sold.'
        Item: '2'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 16
        Name: '&6&lBlocks'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7blocks that is currently being sold.'
        Item: '371'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 17
        Name: '&6&lOthers'
          - '&7This category contains all the'
          - '&7other items currently being sold.'
        Item: '166'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 23
        Name: '&6&lNone'
          - '&7This category contains all'
          - '&7items currently being sold.'
    OtherSettings: #Other Settings for the GUIs.
      SellingItems: #The button for your current items.
        Item: '264' #The item that this button is.
        Toggle: true #If the item is in the gui or not.
        Slot: 46 #The slot it is in. I recommend not changing these. If you do make sure they are still in the bottom row.
        Name: '&6Items You are Selling' #Name of the item.
        Lore: #Lore of the item.
          - '&aClick here to view all the items you'
          - '&aare currently selling on the auction.'
      Cancelled/ExpiredItems: #The button for Cancelled/Expired Items.
        Item: '394'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 47
        Name: '&6Collect Expired / Cancelled Items'
          - '&aClick here to view and collect all of the'
          - '&aitems you have cancelled or has expired.'
      PreviousPage: #The button for Previous Page.
        Item: '339'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 49
        Name: '&6Previous Page'
        Lore: {}
      Refesh: #The button for Refresh Page.
        Item: '175'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 50
        Name: '&6Refresh Page'
        Lore: {}
      NextPage: #The button for Next Page.
        Item: '339'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 51
        Name: '&6Next Page'
        Lore: {}
      Category1: #The button for Next Page.
        Item: '54'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 52
        Name: '&6Categories'
          - '&bCurrent Category: &6%Category%'
          - '&aWant see items in specific categories?'
          - '&aClick here to see all categories of items.'
      Category2: #The button for Next Page.
        Item: '54'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 48
        Name: '&6Categories'
          - '&bCurrent Category: &6%Category%'
          - '&aWant see items in specific categories?'
          - '&aClick here to see all categories of items.'
      Bidding/Selling: #Switch between Bidding and Selling.
          Item: '341'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 53
          Name: '&6Currently looking at items being sold.'
            - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Click here to see items'
            - '&7that you can be bidded on.'
          Item: '378'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 53
          Name: '&6Currently looking at items that can be bid on.'
            - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Click here to see items'
            - '&7that you can buy at a price.'
      WhatIsThis: #The info on all the Books buttons.
        SellingShop: #The Book in the main shop.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
            - '&aThis is the crazy auctions, here you can'
            - '&aput items for sale, and buy items'
            - '&athat others have put for sale.'
            - ''
            - '&aThe auction is also a great place to make'
            - '&amoney by selling items that others'
            - '&amay be interested in buying.'
        BiddingShop: #The Book in the main shop.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
            - '&aThis is the crazy auctions, here you can'
            - '&aput items for sale, and bid on items'
            - '&athat others have put for sale.'
            - ''
            - '&aThe bidding auction is also a great place to'
            - '&amake money by bidding off items that others'
            - '&amay be interested in bidding on.'
        CurrentItems: #The Book in the Current items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
            - '&aThese are your current listings, all of'
            - '&athe items you currenty have listed on'
            - '&acrazy auctions are displayed here.'
            - ''
            - '&aYou can cancel and view your listings'
            - '&aexpire time here.'
        Cancelled/ExpiredItems: #The Book in the Cancelled/Expired Items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
            - '&aThis page houses all of your cancelled and'
            - '&aexpired items, when a listings is cancelled'
            - '&aor expires you will be able to return that'
            - '&aitem back to you from this menu.'
            - ''
            - '&aJust click on the item and if you have enough'
            - '&ainventory space you will receive that item.'
        Viewing: #The Book in the Viewing Items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 50
          Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
            - '&aThis page shows all the items that'
            - '&aa player has currently on the bidding'
            - '&aand selling market. You can quickly see'
            - '&awhat a specific player is selling.'
        Categories: #The Book in the Viewing Items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
            - '&aThis page shows all the categories'
            - '&athat you can choose from. When you click'
            - '&aa category it will open the gui with only'
            - '&aitems that belong to that category.'
      Back: #The Back Buttons.
        Item: '339'
        Slot: 46
        Name: '&6Back'
      Return: #The Return Buttons.
        Item: '390'
        Slot: 50
        Name: '&6Return All'
          - '&aClick here to return all cancelled'
          - '&aand expired items to your inventory.'
      Confirm: #The Confirm Buttons.
        Item: '160:5'
        Name: '&aConfirm'
      Cancel: #The Cancel Buttons.
        Item: '160:14'
        Name: '&cCancel'
      Your-Item: #The item that shows when you try to buy/bid on your item.
        Item: '166'
        Name: '&cYou Cant Purchase Your Own Item.'
      Cant-Afford: #The item that shows when you cant afford this item.
        Item: '166'
        Name: '&cYou Cant Afford This Item.'
      Top-Bidder: #The item for when a player is already the top bidder.
        Item: '166'
        Name: '&cYou are already the top bidder.'
      Bidding: #The item in the middle when bidding on an item.
        Item: '160:15'
        Name: '&7Bidding'
          - '&7<--&aAdd &cRemove&7-->'
          - '&9Your Current Bid: &e$%Bid%'
          - '&9Current Top Bid: &e$%TopBid%'
      Bid: #The button for when you want to confirm your bid.
        Item: '160:3'
        Name: '&bBid Now'
          - '&7Click here to Bid Now.'
    - '7'
    - '120'
message. yml
  Players-Only: '&cOnly players can use this command.'
  Reload: '&7You have just reloaded the Crazy Auctions Files.'
  Need-More-Money: '&cYou are in need of &a$%Money_Needed%&c.'
  Inventory-Full: '&cYour inventory is to full. Please open up some space to buy that.'
  No-Permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use that command!'
  Not-Online: '&cThat player is not online at this time.'
  Doesnt-Have-Item-In-Hand: '&cYou must have an item in your hand.'
  Not-A-Number: '&c%Arg% is not a number.'
  Got-Item-Back: '&7Your item has been returned.'
  Cancelled-Item: '&7You have cancelled an item on the auction list, return your items with /ah expired.'
  Item-Has-Expired: '&7An item you have in the Crazy Auctions has just expired.'
  Admin-Force-Cancelled: '&7You have just force cancelled a sale.'
  Admin-Force-Cancelled-To-Player: '&cOne of your items was just force cancelled by an Admin.'
  Item-Doesnt-Exist: '&cThat item isnt in the crazy auctions any more.'
  Max-Items: '&cYou cant list any more items to the Crazy Auctions.'
  Item-BlackListed: '&cThat item is not allowed to be sold here.'
  Item-Damaged: '&cThat item is damaged and is not allowed to be sold here.'
  Sold-Msg: '&7Thank you for buying this item.'
  Bid-More-Money: '&cYour bid is to low, please bid more.'
  Not-A-Currency: '&cThat is not a currency. Please use Money or Tokens.' #Remove Tokens if you do not have TokenManager.
  Sell-Price-To-Low: '&cYour sell price is to low the minimum is &a$10&c.'
  Sell-Price-To-High: '&cYour sell price is to high the maximum is &a$1000000&c.'
  Bid-Price-To-Low: '&cYour starting bid price is to low the minimum is &a$100&c.'
  Bid-Price-To-High: '&cYour starting bid price is to high the maximum is &a$1000000&c.'
  Bought-Item: '&7You have just bought a item for &a$%Price%&7.'
  Win-Bidding: '&7You have just won a bid for &a$%Price%&7. Do /Ah Collect to collect your winnings.'
  Player-Bought-Item: '&7%Player% has bought your item for &a$%Price%.'
  Someone-Won-Players-Bid: '&7%Player% has won your item you from a bid for &a$%Price%.'
  Added-Item-To-Auction: '&7You have just added a item to the crazy auctions for &a$%Price%&7.'
  Bid-Msg: '&7You have just bid &a$%Bid% &7on that item.'
    - '&e-- &6Crazy Auctions Help &e--'
    - '&9/Ah - &eOpens the crazy auction.'
    - '&9/Ah View <Player> - &eSee what a player is selling.'
    - '&9/Ah Sell/Bid <Price> [Amount of items] - &eList the item you are holding on the crazy auction.'
    - '&9/Ah Expired/Collect - &eView and manage your cancelled and expired items.'
    - '&9/Ah Listed - &eView and manage the items you are selling.'
    - '&9/Ah Help - &eView this help menu.'

La traduction : config.yml
  Prefix: '&7[&bHôtel &bde &bvente&7]: ' #Prefix of when you get Crazy Auctions Messages.
  GUIName: '&bHôtel &bde &bvente' #Name of the Main GUI.
  Players-Current-Items: '&8Your Current Listings' #The Name of the Player Current Items GUI.
  Cancelled/Expired-Items: &8Annulé/Expiré Annonces' #Name of the Cancelled/Expired GUI.
  Buying-Item: '&8Achat d"items: Etes-vous sûr?' #Name of the Buying GUI.
  Bidding-On-Item: '&8You Are Bidding On This Item.' #Name of the Budding GUI.
  Categories: '&8Categories' #Name of the Category GUI.
  Sell-Time: 2d #The time that each item will sell for.
  Bid-Time: 60S #Time for each item that is biddable.
  Full-Expire-Time: 10d #The full time the item is in the crazy auctions.
  Bid-Winner-Time: 20d #The time the winner of a bid has to claim there prize.
  Minimum-Sell-Price: 1 #Minimum amount you can sell a item for.
  Max-Beginning-Sell-Price: 400000 #Max amount you can sell a item for.
  Minimum-Bid-Price: 1 #Minimum starting bid.
  Max-Beginning-Bid-Price: 400000 #Maximum starting bid.
  Allow-Damaged-Items: true #Allow items that have been damaged.
  Category-Page-Opens-First: False #If set to true the categories page will open when they do /CA.
    Toggle: False #Disable the clicking sound.
    Sound: 'CLICK' #Make sure if you use 1.8 or lower you use the 1.8 sound and 1.9 and up use 1.9 sounds. The default sound is 1.8.
    #1.8 sounds are found here: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
    #1.9 sounds are found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
  GUISettings: #Settings for things in the gui.
    SellingItemLore: #The lore on items that are being sold.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClique pour acheter.'
      - ''
      - '&9Prix: &e$%Prix%'
      - '&9Vendeur: &e%Vendeur%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
    CurrentLore: #Lore on items that are in your current items GUI.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClique ici pour annuler.'
      - ''
      - '&9Prix: &e$%Prix%'
      - '&9Expire: &e%Temps%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
    Cancelled/ExpiredLore: #Lore on items that are in your cancelled/expired GUI.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClique ici pour renvoyer l"items.'
      - ''
      - '&9Temps d'expiration: &e%Temps%%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
    Bidding: #Lore on Bidding Items.
      - '&7-------------------------'
      - '&aClique ici pour enchérir.'
      - ''
      - '&9Vendeur: &e%Vendeur%'
      - '&9Offre actuelle: &e$%Offre actuelle%'
      - '&9Meilleure offre: &e%Meilleure offre%'
      - '&9Temps restant: &e%Temps%'
      - '&7-------------------------'
        Item: '311'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 11
        Name: '&6&lArmures'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient toutes les armures'
          - '&7Armures actuellement en ventes.'
        Item: '276'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 12
        Name: '&6&lArmes'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient toutes les armes'
          - '&7Armes actuellement en ventes.'
        Item: '278'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 13
        Name: '&6&lOutils'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient tous les outils'
          - '&7Outils actuellement en vente.'
        Item: '364'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 14
        Name: '&6&lNourritures'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient toutes la nourriture'
          - '&7Nourriture actuellement en vente.'
        Item: '373:8227'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 15
        Name: '&6&lPotions'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient toutes les potions'
          - '&7Potions actuellement en ventes.'
        Item: '2'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 16
        Name: '&6&lBlocks'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient tous les blocks'
          - '&7Blocks actuellement en vente.'
        Item: '371'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 17
        Name: '&6&lAutres'
          - '&7Cette categorie contients les autres items'
          - '&7Autres items actuellement en vente.'
        Item: '166'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 23
        Name: '&6&lRien'
          - '&7Cette categorie contient rien.'
          - '&7Aucun items en vente.'
    OtherSettings: #Other Settings for the GUIs.
      SellingItems: #The button for your current items.
        Item: '264' #The item that this button is.
        Toggle: true #If the item is in the gui or not.
        Slot: 46 #The slot it is in. I recommend not changing these. If you do make sure they are still in the bottom row.
        Name: '&6Items que tu as vendus' #Name of the item.
        Lore: #Lore of the item.
          - '&aClique ici pour voir les items que tu as vendus'
          - '&aà l"hôtel de vente.'
      Cancelled/ExpiredItems: #The button for Cancelled/Expired Items.
        Item: '394'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 47
        Name: '&6Items expirer / Items annuler'
          - '&aClique ici pour voir les'
          - '&aitems annuler ou expirer.'
      PreviousPage: #The button for Previous Page.
        Item: '339'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 49
        Name: '&6Page precedente'
        Lore: {}
      Refesh: #The button for Refresh Page.
        Item: '175'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 50
        Name: '&6Rafraîchir le page'
        Lore: {}
      NextPage: #The button for Next Page.
        Item: '339'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 51
        Name: '&6Page suivante'
        Lore: {}
      Category1: #The button for Next Page.
        Item: '54'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 52
        Name: '&6Categories'
          - '&bCategorie actuelle: &6%Categorie%'
          - '&aVous voulez voir des items dans des categories specifiques?'
          - '&aClique ici pour voir toutes les categories d"items.'
      Category2: #The button for Next Page.
        Item: '54'
        Toggle: true
        Slot: 48
        Name: '&6Categories'
          - '&bCategorie actuelle: &6%Categorie%'
          - '&aVous voulez voir des items dans des categories specifiques?'
          - '&aClique ici pour voir toutes les categories d"items.'
      Bidding/Selling: #Switch between Bidding and Selling.
          Item: '341'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 53
          Name: '&6Voir les articles vendus actuellement.'
            - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Clique ici pour voir les articles'
          Item: '378'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 53
          Name: '&6Les items qui sont actuellement en enchere.'
            - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Clique ici pour voir l"items'
      WhatIsThis: #The info on all the Books buttons.
        SellingShop: #The Book in the main shop.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6Quelle est cette page?'
            - '&aC"est l"hôtel de vente, ici tu peux'
            - '&avendre tes items ou les acheter'
            - '&aque les joueurs ont mis en ventes.'
            - ''
            - '&aL"hôtel de vente et un endroit excellent'
            - '&pour ce faire de la monnaie et vendre des items'
            - '&ou etre interresser par l"achat.'
        BiddingShop: #The Book in the main shop.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6Quelle est cette page?'
            - '&aC"est l"hôtel de vente, ici tu peux'
            - '&vendre tes items ou les acheter'
            - '&que les joueurs ont mis en ventes.'
            - ''
            - '&aL"hôtel de vente et un endroit excellent'
            - '&pour ce faire de la monnaie et vendre des items'
            - '&ou etre interresse par l"achat.'
        CurrentItems: #The Book in the Current items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6Quelle est cette page?'
            - '&aCe sont vos items actuellement en vente'
            - '&aVous pouvez annuler vos ventes'
            - '&aet voir le temps restant.'
        Cancelled/ExpiredItems: #The Book in the Cancelled/Expired Items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6Quelle est cette page?'
            - '&aCette page contient vos annulation'
            - '&Les items expires, de vos ventes'
            - '&aVous pourrez recuperer vos items'
            - '&adans votre inventaire.'
            - ''
            - '&aIl suffit de cliquer sur l"items'
            - '&aEt il viendra dans votre barre d'inventaire.'
        Viewing: #The Book in the Viewing Items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 50
          Name: '&6Quelle est cette page?'
            - '&aCette page affiche tous les elements'
            - '&aque les joueurs ont mis en enchere'
            - '&aEt les items en vente.Vous pourrez voir'
            - '&ace que un joueur vend.'
        Categories: #The Book in the Viewing Items GUI.
          Item: '340'
          Toggle: true
          Slot: 54
          Name: '&6Quelle est cette page?'
            - '&aCette page affiche toutes les categories'
            - '&aQue vous pourrez choisir,lorsque vous cliquez'
            - '&aUne categorie s"ouvrira'
            - '&aAvec les articles correspondant.'
      Back: #The Back Buttons.
        Item: '339'
        Slot: 46
        Name: '&6Retour'
      Return: #The Return Buttons.
        Item: '390'
        Slot: 50
        Name: '&6Revenir au menu'
          - '&aClique ici pour recupere les articles annules'
          - '&aou expire pour le mettre dans ton inventaire.'
      Confirm: #The Confirm Buttons.
        Item: '160:5'
        Name: '&aConfirmer'
      Cancel: #The Cancel Buttons.
        Item: '160:14'
        Name: '&cAnnuler'
      Your-Item: #The item that shows when you try to buy/bid on your item.
        Item: '166'
        Name: '&cVous ne pouvez pas acheter votre items.'
      Cant-Afford: #The item that shows when you cant afford this item.
        Item: '166'
        Name: '&cVous ne pouvez pas offrir cet items .'
      Top-Bidder: #The item for when a player is already the top bidder.
        Item: '166'
        Name: '&cVous deja le meilleur enrechisseur.'
      Bidding: #The item in the middle when bidding on an item.
        Item: '160:15'
        Name: '&7Enchere'
          - '&7<--&aAjouter &cRetirer&7-->'
          - '&9Votre offre actuelle: &e$%Offre%'
          - '&9Offre principale actuelle: &e$%Offre principale%'
      Bid: #The button for when you want to confirm your bid.
        Item: '160:3'
        Name: '&bFaire une offre'
          - '&7Clique ici pour faire une offre.'
    - '7'
    - '120'
  Players-Only: '&cSeuls les joueurs peuvent avoir cette commande'
  Reload: '&7Vous avez rechargé la configuration'
  Need-More-Money: '&cEt les &a$%Money_Needed% &crestants.?'
  Inventory-Full: '&cTu n'as pas de place dans ton inventaire...'
  No-Permission: '&cTu t'es cru pour un modérateur ^^'
  Not-Online: '&cCe joueur est déconnecté'
  Doesnt-Have-Item-In-Hand: '&cTu dois avoir l'item dans ta main'
  Not-A-Number: '&c%Arg% n'est pas un nombre'
  Got-Item-Back: '&7Ton item est dans ton inventaire'
  Cancelled-Item: '&7Tu as annulé un article sur la liste d'enchères'
  Item-Has-Expired: '&7Un article à vous aux enchères a expiré'
  Admin-Force-Cancelled: '&7Tu as forcé l'annulation'
  Admin-Force-Cancelled-To-Player: '&cUn admin a annulé une de tes enchères.'
  Item-Doesnt-Exist: '&cOn n'a jamais vu cet item !'
  Max-Items: '&cTu ne peux pas vendre plus de 1 item'
  Item-BlackListed: '&cCet item ne peut être vendu ici'
  Item-Damaged: '&cCet item est usé et tu ne peux pas le vendre'
  Sold-Msg: '&7Merci d avoir acheté cet item'
  Bid-More-Money: '&cTon prix est faible,offre +'
  Not-A-Currency: '&cThat is not a currency. Please use Money.' #Remove Tokens if you do not have TokenManager.
  Sell-Price-To-Low: '&cPas assez elevé ! Mets au minimum 1$'
  Sell-Price-To-High: '&cTrop cher ! Le maximum est &a$400000&c.'
  Bid-Price-To-Low: '&cEnchère trop faible,propose au moins &a$100&c.'
  Bid-Price-To-High: '&cTon enchère est élevée ! Ne dépasse pas &a$400000&c.'
  Bought-Item: '&7Tu as acheté un item pour &a$%Price%&7.'
  Win-Bidding: '&7Tu as gagné une enchère pour &a$%Price%&7. Fais /Ah collect pour récuperer'
  Player-Bought-Item: '&7%Player% t'a acheté ton item pour &a$%Price%.'
  Someone-Won-Players-Bid: '&7%Player% a gagné ton item pour &a$%Price%.'
  Added-Item-To-Auction: '&7Tu as ajouté un item pour &a$%Price%&7.'
  Bid-Msg: '&7Tu as enchéri &a$%Bid% &7sur cet item'
    - '&e-- &6Aide Crazy Auctions &e--'
    - '&9/Ah - &eOuvrir le menu'
    - '&9/Ah View &bJoueur &e- Voir ce que joueur'
    - '&9/Ah Sell/Bid &bPrix Nombre d exemplaires &e- Met l'item dans ta main aux enchères'
    - '&9/Ah Expired/Collect - &eGère tes items collectés ou expirés'
    - '&9/Ah Listed - &eVoir et gérer tes items en vente/enchère'
    - '&9/Ah Help - &eVoir le menu d Help'
Dernière édition:


Créateur de plugins (PhoenixRebirth)
17 Août 2012
10 536
2 247
Bruxelles - Belgique

Cette section est réservée à la présentation, la suggestion et la recherche de plugin. Moi j'ai plus l'impression que tu demandes de l'aide. Tu aurais donc du posté ton message dans la section "support". Je signale ton message à un modérateur qui le déplacera surement.
La section en question: http://minecraft.fr/forum/forums/support-serveur.33/

Bref, pour ton problème c'est normal que tu n'arrives pas à upload les fichiers. Tu ne peux upload ici que des images, pas des plugins ou des fichiers text. Par contre tu peux copié/collé un fichier texte et le mettre entre des balises code comme expliqué ici: http://minecraft.fr/forum/threads/trucs-pour-résoudre-un-problème.77248/
Outre le fichier que tu as traduit, il serait également utile d'avoir tes logs.



Funder of Horyzon incubation project
24 Mars 2012
Pour moi la raison principale c'est que dans la traduction de tes messages, lorsque tu utilises un apostrophe, tu dois le doubler car sinon bukkit va générer une erreur car il ne peut plus reconnaitre le début et la fin du message, exemple:

Doesnt-Have-Item-In-Hand: '&cTu dois avoir l'item dans ta main'

Doit s'écrire:
Doesnt-Have-Item-In-Hand: '&cTu dois avoir l''item dans ta main'

-> l''item
  • J'aime
Reactions: Detobel36