Mod besoin d'aide avec la config de"veinminer"

ritchy ritch

Architecte en herbe
14 Juin 2015
salut les crafteurs

pour faire bref je joue en 1.7.10 moddé et j'utilise entre autres "veinminer" ne prend pas totalement en compte les mods "ex nihilo" et "minefactory reloaded"
c'est a dire que concernant ex nihilo:
-je doit rentrer une commande a chaque lancement de partie pour que le hammer mine les veines de gravier (ainsi que toutes ses déclinaisons ajouté par le mod )
-et avec le crook, je peux "veiner" les feuillages normaux, mais pas les feuillages infestés ( j'ai eu beau rentrer les commandes donnés par le moddeur, rien y fait )

pour minefactory:
-je ne peux tout simplement pas casser l'arbre en un coup, peux importe la hache utilisé ( la aussi les commandes n'y ont rien fait )

et en général:
- même si j'arrive a faire qqch avec les commandes in game, j'ai beau utiliser la commande "saveconfig" a chaque lancement de partie, je doit tout recommencer car rien n'as été enregistré dans le dossier config alors que c'est censé le faire

voila, en espérant que quelqu'un a la solution a mon problème, merci d'avance :)
si ça peux aider, voila ce qu'il y a dans la config "général" :

# Configuration file

# autodetect
# Autodetect items and blocks during game start-up.

autodetect {
# Autodetect blocks with the below prefixes in the ore dictionary, adding the names to the axe list. [default: true]

# List of prefixes to autodetect as blocks to be used with a axe.
# Separate with ',' [default: 'log,treeLeaves']

# Autodetect blocks with the below prefixes in the ore dictionary, adding the names to the hoe list. [default: false]

# List of prefixes to autodetect as blocks to be used with a hoe.
# Separate with ',' [default: '']

# Autodetect blocks with the below prefixes in the ore dictionary, adding the names to the pickaxe list. [default: true]

# List of prefixes to autodetect as blocks to be used with a pickaxe.
# Separate with ',' [default: 'ore']

# Autodetect blocks with the below prefixes in the ore dictionary, adding the names to the shears list. [default: true]

# List of prefixes to autodetect as blocks to be used with a shears.
# Separate with ',' [default: 'treeLeaves']

# Autodetect blocks with the below prefixes in the ore dictionary, adding the names to the shovel list. [default: false]

# List of prefixes to autodetect as blocks to be used with a shovel.
# Separate with ',' [default: '']

# client
# These settings are used client side, so they have no impact on servers.

client {
# What mode should the client use when joining a game.
# Valid modes: [default: pressed]
# 'disabled' = don't enable, even when keybind pressed
# 'pressed' = enables when keybind is pressed
# 'released' = enables when keybind is released
# 'sneak' = enables when sneaking (ignores keybind)
# 'no_sneak' = enables when not sneaking (ignores keybind)

limit {
# Limit of blocks to be destroyed at once. Use -1 for infinite. [range: -1 to 2147483647, default: 800]

# Maximum number of blocks to be removed per game tick (1/20 seconds). Using a low number will keep the game from getting huge performance drops but also decreases the speed at which blocks are destroyed. [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 10]

# Maximum distance from the first block to search for blocks to destroy. [range: -1 to 1000, default: 20]

misc {
# Block IDs (with metadata) to consider equivalent.
# Names are formatted like 'modName:block_name/metadata'. Separate names (with metadata) with ','. Use 'minecraft' as the mod name for vanilla blocks.
# [default: 'minecraft:redstone_ore=minecraft:lit_redstone_ore']

# Change how much experience is required to Veinmine and how much experience each block uses. [range: 0 to 2147483647, default: 0]

# Change how much additional hunger/exhaustion is used for every block. Every point is 0.025 hunger/exhaustion per block. [range: 0 to 2147483647, default: 0]

overrides {
# Mine all blocks with all registered tools that can harvest blocks.

# Allow all tools, including the open hand, to be used to mine blocks.

puis dans la config "modsupport" :

# Configuration file

# advanced
# You probably don't want to touch these

advanced {
# Blocks to not override success for
# [default: [EnderIO:blockConduitBundle]]
S:override_blacklist_blocks <

# Tools that need to be treated as special snowflakes
# [default: [excompressum:chickenStick], [excompressum:compressedHammerWood], [excompressum:compressedHammerStone], [excompressum:compressedHammerIron], [excompressum:compressedHammerGold], [excompressum:compressedHammerDiamond], [excompressum:doubleCompressedDiamondHammer], [excompressum:compressedCrook]]
S:special_snowflake_tools <

# autodetect
# Autodetect items and blocks during game start-up.

autodetect {
# Autodetect tools on starting the game, adding the names to the list.