Config iConomy et QuickShop


18 Juin 2015
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir comment utiliser l'argent du plugin iConomy sur le plugin de shop QuickShop, actuellement quand j'achète un objet, il me dit que je suis débité du prix de l'objet, hors quand je fais /money mon solde ne change pas d'un pouce.

Voici la config du QuickShop :

#Tax amount (decimal) - Eg, P1 buys $50 worth of stuff from P2.  Therefore, P1 loses $50, P2 gains $(1-0.05)*50, and tax-account gains $(0.05)*50.
tax: 0.05
#The fake player who money from taxing people goes to
tax-account: tax

#Should we log transactions/creations to Bukkit\Plugins\QuickShop\qs.log?
log-actions: true

#Advanced.  This chooses which economy to hook into.  If it fails, it will fall back to trying vault. Spelling must be exact. Case insensitive.
# Vault - Will hook into anything vault can hook into (Vault is required for this to work)
# Satoshis
# Want yours added? Contact me (Netherfoam) on
economy: Vault

#For item-item based economies that don't use virtual coins.
whole-number-prices-only: false

    mysql: true
    host: *************
    port: 3306
    database: ***************
    user: ****************
    password: **************
#Limits the number of shops a person can create and own at a single time.
    #Disable these if you're not using them! If this is false, the rest of this section is ignored
    use: true
    #The default number of shops players can make
    default: 10
    #Players with these permissions can create these amounts of shops.
        #Anyone with '' permissions, can create 20 shops instead of 10. 20 #Players with can make 20 shops.

#A list of block (materials) which can be used to create shops.
#By default, chests are added to this list.
#This will only work for blocks which implement InventoryHolder
#in other words, no enderchest shops, no shops on dirt blocks, etc.
#May cause unexpected behaviour with some blocks... Eg don't make a
#shop on a hopper (It sucks the display item in) and furnace shops
#allow players to put whatever item they want in all 3 slots and
#dispenser shops aren't protected from redstone... Etc.
    - CHEST

    #Cost to make a stall
    cost: 10
    #Should we refund when their shops are deleted/removed/broken?
    refund: false

    #Is there a fee for changing prices on a shop (Help deter endless undercutting)
    price-change-requires-fee: true
    #If price changes require a fee, how much is the fee
    fee-for-price-change: 50

    #Should we try and lock their shops from other players, so people can't steal from them?
    lock: true
    #Should we require players be sneaking to create and use shops?
    sneak-only: false
    #Should we automatically create the sign for the chest?
    auto-sign: true
    #If a player owns an unlimited shop, should they receive the cash from it or not?
    #If you buy from YOUR unlimited shop, you will NEVER be charged $$, regardless of this setting
    pay-unlimited-shop-owners: false
    #Should we place display items on the chests?
    display-items: true
    #Should we place item frames on chests?
    frame-items: true
    #When someone uses /qs find <item>, how far should we search in blocks?
    #This command lets users shop quickly without wasting time searching
    #Settings > 100 WILL cause lag. Don't do it, or don't cry when your server lags.
    find-distance: 45

#List of items to disallow selling of.  Anyone with quickshop.bypass.<itemID> can bypass it   
    - 7 #Bedrock

J'ai essayer de changer la ligne :

economy: Vault par iConomy mais ça n'a rien changer


Architecte en herbe
23 Décembre 2011
Il faut que tu laisses Vault et que tu l'installes ainsi qu'iConomy et normalement cela devrait fonctionner à moins que tu es un autre plugin d'argent


18 Juin 2015
Il faut que tu laisses Vault et que tu l'installes ainsi qu'iConomy et normalement cela devrait fonctionner à moins que tu es un autre plugin d'argent

Au début Vault était marquer et ça ne fonctionnais pas du coup j'ai mis iConomy mais sans succès, je pense que essentials doit etre au dessus puisqu'il dispose de l'argent dans sa config seulement les seules lignes que je trouves sont celle ci :

# Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
# Remember, if you want to use special characters in this document,
# such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
currency-symbol: '€'

# Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
# The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
max-money: 10000000000000

# Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
# Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely.  Users need '' perm to go below 0.
min-money: -10000

# Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
economy-log-enabled: false

Compte supprimé

Bichour !
Bon... Essentials sert d'économie certes, MAIS si iConomy est présent, le petit Essentials suivra le porte-monnaie de iConomy. Point. Et comme l'a dit Estro qui je cite :
Il faut que tu laisses Vault [...]
Dans la configuration on est d'accord :3, c'est-à-dire :
#Advanced. This chooses which economy to hook into. If it fails, it will fall back to trying vault. Spelling must be exact. Case insensitive.
# Vault - Will hook into anything vault can hook into (Vault is required for this to work)
# Satoshis
# Want yours added? Contact me (Netherfoam) on
economy: Vault
Et après tu l'installes, car beaucoup de plugins ont besoin de Vault pour fonctionner (Je t'épargne la liste, je suis sadique, mais pas autant O.O)
Aller, voilà le lien de Vault (Dernière Version) :3. C'est mon heure de bonté : CLIQUE ICI !!!!!!!!!!!!!


18 Juin 2015
Bonsoir, enfaite je viens de m'apercevoir que je suis assez con, je vous explique pourquoi...

J'ai créer un shop, j'ai mis l'objet en vente et je l'ai acheter pour voir si le solde changer.

Ou est l'erreur ?

Si on achète un objet à soi meme pour le meme prix, le solde ne bougera jamais... Moralité la config est bonne depuis le début, c'est juste le cerveau du mec qui tape ses lignes qui n'est pas bon ...

Merci quand meme !


Architecte en herbe
23 Décembre 2011
L'erreur est humaine x)

En tout cas si tu as d'autres questions ,n'hésite pas :)