# DeathTpPlus by Don Redhorse and mung3r
# Configuration File for DeathTpPlus.
# For detailed assistance please visit: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deathtpplus/
#------- Default Configuration
# Configuration Version
configVer: "3.4"
# Informational Log Enabled
# Enable logging to server console
# Gives out some more informational messages.
informationLogEnabled: true
# Debug Log Enabled
# Enable more logging.. could be messy!
DebugLogEnabled: false
# Check for Update
# Will check if there is a new version of the plugin out.
# Please note: This will also track usage of reloads, config creation and updates of this version of the plugin via
# https://bitly.com/wYP2Nj
# Please disable this feature if you don't like this!
checkForUpdate: true
# Auto Update Config
# This will overwrite any changes outside the configuration parameters!
autoUpdateConfig: false
# Save Config
# This will overwrite any changes outside the configuration parameters!
# Only needed if you use ingame commands to change the configuration.
saveConfig: false
#-------- Plugin Configuration
#--------- Default Config Variables start here!
# Flag for CraftIrc
ircDeathTpTag: 'all'
# Date Format (For formatting, see http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html)
dateFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy'
# Time Format (For formatting, see http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html)
timeFormat: 'hh:mm a'
# Enable Lockette Support
enableLockette: true
# Enable LWC Support
enableLWC: false
# Set LWC Protection to public instead of removing it
lwcPublic: false
# Allow World Travel: yes, no, permissions
allowWorldTravel: 'no'
# Each line may be one of any custom text OR:
# {name} for player name
# {date} for day of death
# {time} for time of death (server time)
# {reason} for cause of death
Line1: "{name}"
Line2: "{reason}"
Line3: "{date}"
Line4: "{time}"
# Should we only use air to create signs and chests.
# WARNING: This can mean that NO DeathSigns or TombStones are created.
# Use at your own risk!
shouldOnlyUseAirToCreate: false
# Integrate into DynMap
integrateIntoDynmap: true
#--------- DeathTp Features
# Enable DeathTp Features
enableDeathtp: true
# Show the death messages on the server
showDeathNotify: true
# Disable the death messages on specific worlds
disableDeathNotifyInSpecifiedWorlds: false
# Worlds on which death messages are disabled
- "none"
# Show DeathMessages on console
showDeathNotifyOnConsole: false
# Show DeathMessages only in Death World
showDeathNotifyInDeathWorldOnly: false
# Allow players to access the deathtp command (Override permissions)
allowDeathtp: false
# Log the deaths to file
allowDeathLog: true
# Show kill, death streaks and multi kill messages
showStreaks: true
# Window of time (in milliseconds) to count kills towards a multikill
multiKillTimeWindow: "5000"
# Item ID of the item you must have in your hand to teleport. Will remove 1 of these when the command is given. Leave 0 for free teleports
chargeItem: "0"
# Show Deathsign (aka Tombstone Signs) upon death
showDeathSign: true
# Economy costs for deathtp command, leave 0 if you don't want to charge
deathtpCost: "10"
# Use DisplayName for Broadcast Messages
# Note: Depending on the characters you are using in the names this can cause NPE's!
useDisplayNameforBroadcasts: false
# Use the old teleport to highest block or the new save location feature.
# Note: Save location feature will display the location of the death if it doesn't find a save spot
# and not teleport the player in this case.
teleportToHighestBlock: true
#--------- TombStone Features (General)
# Enable TombStone Feature
enableTombStone: true
# Place a Sign on the TombStone
showTombStoneSign: true
# Prevent non-Op players from destroying TombStones if true (destroyQuickLoot overrides)
allowTombStoneDestroy: true
# Show status messages to the player
showTombStoneStatusMessage: true
# Save TombStone Listing between server reloads
saveTombStoneList: true
# Stop TombStone creation next to existing chests if true (IF set to true it could allow users to circumvent chest protection.)
allowInterfere: false
# We normally check to make sure we aren't trying to create a chest in the void.
# If you handle or modify the void with another plugin, you can disable that check here.
# This option should be true for most servers.
voidCheck: true
# If you are not locking your chests with Lockette or LWC but still want them to be
# protected against Creeper explosions, or you want your chests to be protected even
# after they are unlocked, enable this
creeperProtection: true
# Keep experience when quicklooting (Default is dropped / partial experience, see below)
keepExperienceOnQuickLoot: false
# Keep FULL experience instead of dropped.
keepFullExperience: false
#--------- TombStone features (Removal
# Destroy Tombstone on player quickloot
destroyOnQuickLoot: true
# Remove TombStone after RemoveTime
removeTombStone: true
# Remove the Tombstone after x Seconds if removeTombStone is true
removeTombStoneTime: "3600"
# Immediately remove TombStone once it is empty, overriding all other timeout options
removeTombStoneWhenEmpty: false
# Never remove a TombStone unless it is empty
keepTombStoneUntilEmpty: false
#--------- TombStone Features (Security
# Remove security after timeout
removeTombStoneSecurity: false
# Timeout for Security Removal in seconds
removeTombStoneSecurityTimeOut: "3600"
#--------- Tomb Features
# Enable the Tomb feature
enableTomb: true
# Price for createing a Tomb
tombCost: "10"
# Amount of Tombs a player can have
maxTomb: 1
# Use the Tomb as a respawn point
useTombAsRespawnPoint: false
# Keyword used to detect a Tomb
tombKeyWord: "[Tomb]"
# Number of death before destruction of every tomb of the player
# without resetting the counter. If set to 2, every 2 deaths, the tombs are destroyed. (Sign is dropped) 0: = Disabled
maxDeaths: 0
# When a Tomb is destroyed, the respawn point is reset.
resetTombRespawn: false
# When a Tomb right clicked the player is teleported to his deathlocation.
# Please Note: This only works if DeathTP is also enabled.
allowTombAsTeleport: false