Hack du serveur

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5 Mai 2012
coucou tout le monde
je vien ici car j'ai un gros soucis
quelqu'un a pris mon serveur minecraft pour cible

il remplie 50 slots en quelques seconde et si on en ban 1 , un autre revien avec une autre adresse IP (des proxy)

j'aimerai savoir si je peux faire quelques choses
la white list est bien sur desactivé car sinon il sature les connections et c'est encore pire

pour l"instant le serveur est off le temps que je trouve une solution

2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] epinefer [/] logged in with entity id 369 at ([world] 410.4334247026954, 63.563474149796235, 320.5281868963409)
2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] [Simple Player List] Can not connect to:
2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] tintinco [/] logged in with entity id 370 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] [Simple Player List] Can not connect to:
2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] keevern [/] logged in with entity id 371 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] [Simple Player List] Can not connect to:
2012-05-05 10:23:44 [INFO] playday [/] logged in with entity id 372 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:45 [INFO] [Simple Player List] Can not connect to:
2012-05-05 10:23:45 [INFO] antoine26 [/] logged in with entity id 373 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:45 [INFO] TheNils_2012 [/] logged in with entity id 374 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:45 [INFO] Agator [/] logged in with entity id 375 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:45 [INFO] Vitoke [/] logged in with entity id 376 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:46 [INFO] maximax538 [/] logged in with entity id 377 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:46 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-05-05 10:23:46 [INFO] kenisp [/] logged in with entity id 378 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:46 [INFO] keevern [/] logged in with entity id 379 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:46 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=keevern}
2012-05-05 10:23:47 [INFO] ninjajamaru [/] logged in with entity id 381 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:47 [INFO] Charlese [/] logged in with entity id 382 at ([world] 746.7571112989568, 75.0, 82.05782485277894)
2012-05-05 10:23:48 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-05-05 10:23:49 [INFO] playday [/] logged in with entity id 383 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:49 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=playday}
2012-05-05 10:23:49 [INFO] inindynup [/] logged in with entity id 384 at ([world] 400.5, 67.0, 339.5)
2012-05-05 10:23:50 [INFO] flo07laet11 [/] logged in with entity id 385 at ([world] -393.5583017382485, 64.0, 505.7504080623896)
2012-05-05 10:23:51 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-05-05 10:23:51 [INFO] Maxou45 [/] logged in with entity id 389 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:52 [INFO] hugo3529 [/] logged in with entity id 390 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:53 [INFO] bertrand [/] logged in with entity id 391 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:53 [INFO] [STAB] [bertrand] has logged in on the same IP as [Agator](
2012-05-05 10:23:54 [INFO] ced45250 [/] logged in with entity id 392 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:55 [INFO] TyraelDT [/] logged in with entity id 393 at ([world] 401.78550822090824, 66.0, 320.04215306633404)
2012-05-05 10:23:55 [INFO] [STAB] [TyraelDT] has logged in on the same IP as [ninjajamaru](
2012-05-05 10:23:56 [INFO] malokak [/] logged in with entity id 394 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:56 [INFO] [STAB] [malokak] has logged in on the same IP as [epinefer](
2012-05-05 10:23:57 [INFO] bertrand [/] logged in with entity id 395 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:57 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=bertrand}
2012-05-05 10:23:57 [INFO] loloic [/] logged in with entity id 396 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:58 [INFO] tyopido [/] logged in with entity id 397 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:58 [INFO] [STAB] [tyopido] has logged in on the same IP as [Vitoke](
2012-05-05 10:23:58 [INFO] tyopido [/] logged in with entity id 398 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:58 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=tyopido}
2012-05-05 10:23:59 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-05-05 10:23:59 [INFO] frank0707 [/] logged in with entity id 399 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:23:59 [INFO] Seebask [/] logged in with entity id 400 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:24:00 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-05-05 10:24:00 [INFO] jerem10 [/] logged in with entity id 405 at ([world] -231.80247595456382, 63.0, 594.3052260721103)
2012-05-05 10:24:00 [INFO] [STAB] [jerem10] has logged in on the same IP as [maximax538](
2012-05-05 10:24:01 [INFO] thegunix [/] logged in with entity id 407 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:24:01 [INFO] tintinco [/] logged in with entity id 408 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:24:01 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=tintinco}
2012-05-05 10:24:03 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-05-05 10:24:05 [INFO] wazazard [/] logged in with entity id 409 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:24:05 [INFO] Valentin [/] logged in with entity id 410 at ([world] 398.5, 68.62000000476837, 330.5)
2012-05-05 10:24:06 [INFO] bigsmoke [/] logged in with entity id 411 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
2012-05-05 10:24:07 [INFO] Odorile [/] logged in with entity id 412 at ([world] 400.0, 67.0, 339.0)
existe t'il un plugins ou autre pour bloquer cest type de noob ?