

22 Avril 2016
J'ai un problème avec jsonapi J'ai fais comme sur une vidéo mais cela ne fonctionne pas et j'en ai besoin a tout prix pour mon site Mon skype : loicmf venez m'aider svp.......
Topic mis dans la bonne section. Pour ton problème, as tu une erreur a propos de jsonapi au démarrage de ton serveur (si oui, met le avec la balise [ CODE][/ CODE] (sans l'espace))
je ne suis vraiment pas un pro pour ce genre de choses Je peux donc seulement t'éclairer en te copiant c'est 2 lignes au reload de mon serveur
[22:49:18] [Thread-32/WARN]: at com.alecgorge.minecraft.jsonapi.JSONServer.connectionInfo(JSONServer.java:130)
[22:49:18] [Thread-32/WARN]: at com.alecgorge.minecraft.jsonapi.JSONServer$1.run(JSONServer.java:108)
hum non mais j'ai trouvé sa aussi
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Disabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON server
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON socket server
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON WebSocket server
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Tearing down API methods
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Cancelling performance monitoring

Sinon ajoute moi ont peut faire un appel je pense que cela est plus facile
Tu as simplement à copier-coller les logs entier de jsonapi au démarrage de ton serveur (met le entre les balises)
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Enabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Logging to file: log_jsonapi
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Logging to console: true
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] IP Whitelist = None, all requests are allowed.
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Loaded methods.json.
[22:30:11] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Waiting 2,000 seconds to load methods so that all the other plugins load...
[22:30:11] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Any requests in this time will not work...
[22:30:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Attempting to use port 22697

C'est sa ? Et que veut dire entre deux balises Je met tout ces textes entre les 2 balises dans la console
Sa c'est le début des logs de JSONAPI, il doit bien y avoir une suite. Tu dois mettre entre balise ce code ici et pas dans la console
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Enabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Logging to file: log_jsonapi
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Logging to console: true
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] IP Whitelist = None, all requests are allowed.
[22:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Loaded methods.json.
[22:30:11] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Waiting 2,000 seconds to load methods so that all the other plugins load...
[22:30:11] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Any requests in this time will not work...
[22:30:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Attempting to use port 22697
[23:22:55] Loïc  : [22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Dynmap cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'dynmap'
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Remote Toolkit cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'RemoteToolkitPlugin'
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Dynmap cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'dynmap'
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Remote Toolkit methods cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'RemoteToolkitPlugin'
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] 384 methods loaded in 7 namespaces.
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] ------[Connection information]-------
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON Server listening on 22697
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON Stream Server listening on 22698
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON WebSocket Stream Server listening on 22699
[22:30:13] [Thread-14/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Active and listening for requests.
[23:23:14] Loïc  : [22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Disabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON server
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON socket server
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON WebSocket server
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Tearing down API methods
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Cancelling performance [22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Disabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON server
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON socket server
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON WebSocket server
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Tearing down API methods
[22:48:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Cancelling performance monitoring
[23:23:46] Loïc  : [22:48:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Loading JSONAPI v5.6.0
[23:23:55] Loïc  : [22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Dynmap cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'dynmap'
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Remote Toolkit cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'RemoteToolkitPlugin'
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Dynmap cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'dynmap'
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Remote Toolkit methods cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'RemoteToolkitPlugin'
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] 384 methods loaded in 7 namespaces.
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] ------[Connection information]-------
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON Server listening on 22697
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON Stream Server listening on 22698
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON WebSocket Stream Server listening on 22699
[22:49:17] [Thread-32/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Active and listening for requests.
[23:24:11] Loïc  : [23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Disabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON server
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON socket server
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Stopping JSON WebSocket server
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Tearing down API methods
[23:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Cancelling performance monitoring
[23:24:35] Loïc  : [23:06:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Enabling JSONAPI v5.6.0
[23:06:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Logging to file: log_jsonapi
[23:06:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Logging to console: true
[23:06:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] IP Whitelist = None, all requests are allowed.
[23:06:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Loaded methods.json.
[23:06:22] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Waiting 2,000 seconds to load methods so that all the other plugins load...
[23:06:22] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Any requests in this time will not work...
[23:06:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Attempting to use port 22697
[23:24:44] Loïc  : [23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Dynmap cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'dynmap'
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Remote Toolkit cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'RemoteToolkitPlugin'
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Dynmap cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'dynmap'
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Remote Toolkit methods cannot be loaded because it depends on a plugin that is not installed: 'RemoteToolkitPlugin'
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] 384 methods loaded in 7 namespaces.
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] ------[Connection information]-------
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON Server listening on 22697
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON Stream Server listening on 22698
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] JSON WebSocket Stream Server listening on 22699
[23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Active and listening for requests.
[23:24:58] Loïc  : [23:06:24] [Thread-50/INFO]: [JSONAPI] -------------------------------------

Je sais que cela prend du temps mais as tu analyser ?
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Bonsoir !

Evites les doubles post, utilises le bouton "éditer" prévu à cette effet ;) Pour ton problème, les logs indiquent que le plugin Dynmap est nécessaire mai qu'il n'est pas installé. Installes Dynmap sur ton serveur et refais un essai puis tient nous au courant ;)
