Je vous interpelle car j'ai un petit soucis avec le plugin MobBounty(
Je l'ai installé sur mon serveur,mais le probleme,c'est qu'il ne marche pas.
Voici les configurations des fichiers:
# Define world rewards.
# world:
Chicken: 2.0
Cow: 2.0
Creeper: 8.0
ElectrifiedCreeper: 50.0
Ghast: 20.0
Giant: 50.0
Monster: 10.0
Pig: 2.0
PigZombie: 12.0
SelfTamedWolf: 0.0
Sheep: 2.0
Skeleton: 7.0
Slime: 5.0
Spider: 8.0
Squid: 2.0
TamedWolf: 2.0
Wolf: 2.0
Zombie: 6.0
# Define rewards based on a world. If a mob is left out from a world below the
# default values up top will be used for the missing mobs.
# Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# WorldName:
# MonsterName: Amount
# Example ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Worlds:
# world:
# Creeper: 50.0
# Ghast: 0.0
# Skeleton: 45.0
# Spider 30.0
# vipWorld:
# Cow: -15.0
Worlds: {}
# Define environment multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by
# if the player kills a mob in the certain environment. This stacks with the
# other multipliers, if they are on.
# world:
Normal: 1.0
Nether: 1.0
# Define group multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by if
# the player is in a specfic permission group. This stacks with the other
# multipliers, if they are on.
# Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# WorldName:
# GroupName: Amount
# Example ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Groups:
# world:
# VIP: 2.0
# world_nether:
# VIP: 4.0
Groups: {}
# Define time multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by if the
# player kills a mob during the certain time. This stacks with the other
# multipliers, if they are on.
Day: 1.0 Sunset: 1.0
Night: 1.5
Sunrise: 1.0
# Define world multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by if
# the player kills a mob in the certain world. This stacks with the other
# multipliers, if they are on.
# Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# WorldName: Amount
# Example ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Worlds:
# world: 1.5
# nether: 5.0
# vipWorld: 0.0
Worlds: {}
# Specifies which locale to use. MobBounty currently supports the following:
# de - German
# en - English
# es - Spanish (Latin America)
# fr - French
# it - Italian
# nl - Dutch
# pt - Portuguese (Brazil)
# sv - Swedish
locale: fr
# Use the environment multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useEnvironmentMultiplier: true
# Use the time multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useTimeMultiplier: true
# Use the group multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useGroupMultiplier: true
# Use the world multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useWorldMultiplier: true
# This will check for a mob spawner within a specified cube radius of the
# player when they kill a mob. If a mob spawner is found then the player isn't
# rewarded.
useMobSpawnerProtection: false
# This is the radius to check for a mob spawner for the mob spawner protection.
mobSpawnerProtectionRadius: 5
# Use depreciative return. So when a player continuesly kills the same mob for
# example at a mob spawner they will earn less and less with each kill until
# they go and kill another mob that yeilds a reward. (or they can relog.)
useDepreciativeReturn: false
# This is the rate inwhich the reward depreciates. For Example if a Spider
# rewards 28.5 and the depreciative return is set to 0.1 this is how it
# would work:
# 1st Kill - 28.5
# 2nd Kill - 25.65
# 3rd Kill - 22.8
# ...
# 9th Kill - 2.85
# 10th Kill - 0
# Another example is if a Zombie rewards 21 and the depreciative return is
# set to 0.25 this is how it would work:
# 1st Kill - 21
# 2nd Kill - 15.75
# 3rd Kill - 10.5
# 4th Kill - 5.25
# 5th Kill - 0
depreciativeReturnRate: 0.1
# German
Awarded: "&2Du hast &F%A &2bekommen, weil Du ein &F%M &2gekillt hast."
Fined: "&4Du bist mit &F%A &4bestraft worden, weil Du ein &F%M &4gekillt hast."
NoAccess: "&CDu kannst auf diesen Befehl nicht zugreifen."
# English
Awarded: '&2You have been awarded &F%A &2for killing a &F%M&2.'
Fined: '&4You have been fined &F%A &4for killing a &F%M&4.'
NoAccess: '&CYou do not have access to that command.'
MBReward: '&2%M : &F%A'
MBRewardRange: '&2%M : &F%1 - %2'
MBFine: '&4%M : &F%A'
MBFineRange: '&4%M : &F%A - %2'
MBGChange: '&2General setting &F%S &2has been changed to &F%V&2.'
MBGUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [property] <amount>'
MBGProperty: '&7Property: locale, envmulti, timemulti, grpmulti, worldmulti, deprreturn, deprreturnrate'
MBRChange: '&2Default reward/fine for mob &F%M &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBRUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [mob] <amount>'
MBRMobs: '&7Mob: Chicken, Cow, Creeper, ElectrifiedCreeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, PigZombie, SelfTamedWolf, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, TamedWolf, Wolf, Zombie'
MBWRChange: '&2Reward for mob &F%M &2in world &F%W &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBWRReset: '&2Reward for mob &F%M &2in world &F%W &2has been reset to default.'
MBWRUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [world] [mob] <amount>'
MBWRWorlds: '&7World: %W'
MBWRMobs: '&7Mob: Chicken, Cow, Creeper, ElectrifiedCreeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, PigZombie, SelfTamedWolf, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, TamedWolf, Wolf, Zombie'
MBEMChange: '&2Multiplier for the &F%E &2environment has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBEMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [environment] <amount>'
MBEMEnvs: '&7Environment: Normal, Nether'
MBTMChange: '&2Multiplier during the &F%T &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBTMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [time] <amount>'
MBTMTimes: '&7Time: Day, Sunset, Night, Sunrise'
MBGMChange: '&2Multiplier for the &F%G group of &F%W &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBGMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [world] <group> <amount>'
MBGMWorlds: '&7World: %W'
MBWMChange: '&2Multiplier for &F%W &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBWMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [world] <amount>'
MBWMWorlds: '&7World: %W'
MBSSaved: '&2MobBounty config has been saved.'
MBLLoaded: '&2MobBounty config has been loaded.'
# French
Awarded: "&5Vous avez reçu une récompense de &4%A &2pour avoir tué un &F%M&2."
Fined: "&4Vous avez reçu une amende de &F%A &4pour avoir tué un &F%M&4."
NoAccess: "&CVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande."
Désolé de ce long topic et merci de votre retour.
PS: les fichiers mentionnés sont en pièces jointes
Je vous interpelle car j'ai un petit soucis avec le plugin MobBounty(
Je l'ai installé sur mon serveur,mais le probleme,c'est qu'il ne marche pas.
Voici les configurations des fichiers:
# Define world rewards.
# world:
Chicken: 2.0
Cow: 2.0
Creeper: 8.0
ElectrifiedCreeper: 50.0
Ghast: 20.0
Giant: 50.0
Monster: 10.0
Pig: 2.0
PigZombie: 12.0
SelfTamedWolf: 0.0
Sheep: 2.0
Skeleton: 7.0
Slime: 5.0
Spider: 8.0
Squid: 2.0
TamedWolf: 2.0
Wolf: 2.0
Zombie: 6.0
# Define rewards based on a world. If a mob is left out from a world below the
# default values up top will be used for the missing mobs.
# Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# WorldName:
# MonsterName: Amount
# Example ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Worlds:
# world:
# Creeper: 50.0
# Ghast: 0.0
# Skeleton: 45.0
# Spider 30.0
# vipWorld:
# Cow: -15.0
Worlds: {}
# Define environment multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by
# if the player kills a mob in the certain environment. This stacks with the
# other multipliers, if they are on.
# world:
Normal: 1.0
Nether: 1.0
# Define group multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by if
# the player is in a specfic permission group. This stacks with the other
# multipliers, if they are on.
# Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# WorldName:
# GroupName: Amount
# Example ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Groups:
# world:
# VIP: 2.0
# world_nether:
# VIP: 4.0
Groups: {}
# Define time multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by if the
# player kills a mob during the certain time. This stacks with the other
# multipliers, if they are on.
Day: 1.0 Sunset: 1.0
Night: 1.5
Sunrise: 1.0
# Define world multipliers. These are what your rewards get multiplied by if
# the player kills a mob in the certain world. This stacks with the other
# multipliers, if they are on.
# Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# WorldName: Amount
# Example ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Worlds:
# world: 1.5
# nether: 5.0
# vipWorld: 0.0
Worlds: {}
# Specifies which locale to use. MobBounty currently supports the following:
# de - German
# en - English
# es - Spanish (Latin America)
# fr - French
# it - Italian
# nl - Dutch
# pt - Portuguese (Brazil)
# sv - Swedish
locale: fr
# Use the environment multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useEnvironmentMultiplier: true
# Use the time multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useTimeMultiplier: true
# Use the group multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useGroupMultiplier: true
# Use the world multipliers set in Multipliers.yml
useWorldMultiplier: true
# This will check for a mob spawner within a specified cube radius of the
# player when they kill a mob. If a mob spawner is found then the player isn't
# rewarded.
useMobSpawnerProtection: false
# This is the radius to check for a mob spawner for the mob spawner protection.
mobSpawnerProtectionRadius: 5
# Use depreciative return. So when a player continuesly kills the same mob for
# example at a mob spawner they will earn less and less with each kill until
# they go and kill another mob that yeilds a reward. (or they can relog.)
useDepreciativeReturn: false
# This is the rate inwhich the reward depreciates. For Example if a Spider
# rewards 28.5 and the depreciative return is set to 0.1 this is how it
# would work:
# 1st Kill - 28.5
# 2nd Kill - 25.65
# 3rd Kill - 22.8
# ...
# 9th Kill - 2.85
# 10th Kill - 0
# Another example is if a Zombie rewards 21 and the depreciative return is
# set to 0.25 this is how it would work:
# 1st Kill - 21
# 2nd Kill - 15.75
# 3rd Kill - 10.5
# 4th Kill - 5.25
# 5th Kill - 0
depreciativeReturnRate: 0.1
# German
Awarded: "&2Du hast &F%A &2bekommen, weil Du ein &F%M &2gekillt hast."
Fined: "&4Du bist mit &F%A &4bestraft worden, weil Du ein &F%M &4gekillt hast."
NoAccess: "&CDu kannst auf diesen Befehl nicht zugreifen."
# English
Awarded: '&2You have been awarded &F%A &2for killing a &F%M&2.'
Fined: '&4You have been fined &F%A &4for killing a &F%M&4.'
NoAccess: '&CYou do not have access to that command.'
MBReward: '&2%M : &F%A'
MBRewardRange: '&2%M : &F%1 - %2'
MBFine: '&4%M : &F%A'
MBFineRange: '&4%M : &F%A - %2'
MBGChange: '&2General setting &F%S &2has been changed to &F%V&2.'
MBGUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [property] <amount>'
MBGProperty: '&7Property: locale, envmulti, timemulti, grpmulti, worldmulti, deprreturn, deprreturnrate'
MBRChange: '&2Default reward/fine for mob &F%M &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBRUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [mob] <amount>'
MBRMobs: '&7Mob: Chicken, Cow, Creeper, ElectrifiedCreeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, PigZombie, SelfTamedWolf, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, TamedWolf, Wolf, Zombie'
MBWRChange: '&2Reward for mob &F%M &2in world &F%W &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBWRReset: '&2Reward for mob &F%M &2in world &F%W &2has been reset to default.'
MBWRUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [world] [mob] <amount>'
MBWRWorlds: '&7World: %W'
MBWRMobs: '&7Mob: Chicken, Cow, Creeper, ElectrifiedCreeper, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, PigZombie, SelfTamedWolf, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, TamedWolf, Wolf, Zombie'
MBEMChange: '&2Multiplier for the &F%E &2environment has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBEMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [environment] <amount>'
MBEMEnvs: '&7Environment: Normal, Nether'
MBTMChange: '&2Multiplier during the &F%T &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBTMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [time] <amount>'
MBTMTimes: '&7Time: Day, Sunset, Night, Sunrise'
MBGMChange: '&2Multiplier for the &F%G group of &F%W &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBGMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [world] <group> <amount>'
MBGMWorlds: '&7World: %W'
MBWMChange: '&2Multiplier for &F%W &2has been changed to &F%A&2.'
MBWMUsage: '&CUsage: /%C [world] <amount>'
MBWMWorlds: '&7World: %W'
MBSSaved: '&2MobBounty config has been saved.'
MBLLoaded: '&2MobBounty config has been loaded.'
# French
Awarded: "&5Vous avez reçu une récompense de &4%A &2pour avoir tué un &F%M&2."
Fined: "&4Vous avez reçu une amende de &F%A &4pour avoir tué un &F%M&4."
NoAccess: "&CVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande."
Désolé de ce long topic et merci de votre retour.
PS: les fichiers mentionnés sont en pièces jointes