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# EZRanksPro rankups.yml file
# Create your rankups in this file.
# If you need a default template, delete the rankups: section and
# let it regenerate an example rankup.
# rankup_actions are a list of
# actions which will be executed
# when a player successfully ranks up
# You must include required arguments
# <required>, (optional)
# rankup_action list:
# [consolecommand] <command> - perform a console command
# [playercommand] <command> - make the player perform a command
# [message] <message> - send the player a message
# [broadcast] <message> - send the server a message
# [jsonmessage] <json>- send the player a json message
# [jsonbroadcast] <json> - send the server a json message
# [actionbarmessage] <message> - send the player an actionbar message
# [actionbarbroadcast] <message> - send the server an actionbar message
# [addgroup] <group> (world) - add the player to a permissions group
# [removegroup] <group> (world) - remove the player from a permissions group
# [addpermission] <permission> (world) - add a permission node to the player
# [removepermission] <permission> (world) - remove a permission node from a player
# [setprefix] <prefix> - set the players prefix
# [setsuffix] <suffix> - set the players suffix
# [effect] <effect> - play an effect at the players location
# [sound] <sound> <volume> <pitch> - play a sound at the players location
# You can delay any of the rankup actions being performed by ending the action with
# <delay=(time in seconds)>
# example:
# [consolecommand] eco give %player% 100 <delay=10>
# Placeholders can be used in your rankup actions and messages:
# %player% - players name
# %displayname% - players displayname
# %world% - players current world
# %rank% - players current rank
# %rankup% - players next rank (if they have one)
# %cost% - cost to rankup
# %cost_formatted% - formatted cost to rankup
# %balance% - players balance
# %balance_formatted% - players formatted balance
# %difference% - amount still needed
# %difference_formatted% - formatted amount still needede
# %progress% - rounded progress % based on cost - balance
# %progressexact% - exact progress % based on cost - balance
# %progressbar% - custom progressbar based on cost - balance
# %rankprefix% - players current rank prefix defined in this file
# %rankupprefix% - players next rank prefix defined in this file
# %lastrank% - last rank available
# %lastrankprefix% - last rank available prefix
# %rankup_cost_<rankname>% - show the cost for a specific rank
# %rankup_cost_formatted_<rankname>% - show the formatted cost for a specific rank
# %rankup_is_completed_<rankname>% - show if a player has completed the specified rank
rank: Z
prefix: '&8[&bZ&8]'
- '&8&m------------'
- '&cYou need &a$&f%cost% &cto rankup to %rankupprefix%'
- '&8&m------------'
order: 1
prefix: '&8[&fA&8]'
rankup_to: B
cost: '20000'
- '[addgroup] B'
- '[removegroup] A'
- '[broadcast] &6&l>&b&l> &6%player% &eranked up to &7[&e&l%rankup%&7]'
order: 2
prefix: '&8[&fB&8]'
rankup_to: C
cost: '55000'
- '[addgroup] C'
- '[removegroup] B'
- '[broadcast] &6&l>&b&l> &6%player% &eranked up to &7[&e&l%rankup%&7]'
order: 3
prefix: '&8[&fC&8]'
rankup_to: D
cost: '115000'
- '[addgroup] D'
- '[removegroup] C'
- '[broadcast] &6&l>&b&l> &6%player% &eranked up to &7[&e&l%rankup%&7]'
Voila la config "rankups" sinon voici la config bah Config x)
# EZRanksPro 1.6.0 main configuration file
# Created by extended_clip
check_updates: true
debug: false
check_primary_group_for_available_rankup: false
chat_prefix_enabled: true
log_rankups_to_file: false
enabled: true
time: 10
enabled: true
time: 30
ranks_command_enabled: true
use_custom_message: true
- '&8&m----------'
- '&aA&f: &a$&f100'
- '&bB&f: &a$&f200'
- '&cC&f: &a$&f300'
- '&8&m----------'
- '&8&m----------'
format_previous_ranks: '&8%rank% to %rankto%: Completed'
format_current_rank: '&f%rank% to %rankto%: &a$&f%cost%'
format_incomplete_ranks: '&7%rank% to %rankto%: &a$&f%cost%'
format_last_rank: '&f%lastrank%: &cLast rank!'
format_is_last_rank: '&f%lastrank%: &aYou are the last rank!'
- '&8&m----------'
use_custom_format: false
custom_format: '#,###.00'
thousands_format: k
millions_format: M
billions_format: B
trillions_format: T
quadrillions_format: Q
has_color: '&a'
needs_color: '&8'
end_color: '&e'
left_character: '['
bar_character: ':'
right_character: ']'
is_full: '&a/rankup'
rank_completed: completed
rank_not_completed: incompleted
enabled: true
check_interval: 60