Plugin Problème d'owner worldguard


11 Mai 2013
Depuis un moment j'ai remarqué qu'au bout de quelques heures ou quelques jours après avoir acheté une parcelle (simpleregionmarket) les joueurs n'ont plus aucun droit sur leur parcelle O.o biensur, les parcelle sont a l'intérieur d'une grande region et j'ai bien fais le /region parent ... En plus je vois bien les joueurs en owner quand je fais /region info !
Aidez moi svp mon serveur est a moitié bloqué a cause de ça !
  • J'aime
Reactions: Korasoa
voila ma config :
# Version 3.3.5
# by technisat and inik0
Enable_Economy: true
Logging: true
Statistics_Enabled: true
# Possible languages: en, ge, fr, pl
Language: fr
Statistics_Limit_Mode: false
#use statistics (rented, selled region conunt; per player info...)
Statistics_Enabled: true
# Remove region from market list when bought...
Auto_Removing_Regions: sell,bid
# Can players extend rent region
Can_Extend: true
# Here can be value in two formats, time (5d - 5 days) or amount (4 - 4 times)
Max_Rent_Extend: -1
Show_Auto_Expand_Message: true
# Show to player warning message when his region will expire, in minutes (0 - disabled)
Show_Warning_Rent_Expire: 0
# Remove LWC protections when region expire, example: rent,let
Remove_LWC_On_Expire: none
# Rollback bolocks when region expire (and save when region went buy), example: rent,let
Rollback_On_Expire: none
# If player line is empty... true: use sign creator name, false: use Default_Economy_Account
Player_Line_Empty: true
# Economy account to send moneys if line 'player' will be empty
Default_Economy_Account: '<admin>'
# Teleport: Player will teleport to his buyed Region
Teleport_To_Region: true
# Where do you want teleport, possible: minCorner, centerHighest, centerByLight
Teleport_Where: centerHighest
# True: find region with highest priority, False: use first region
Hight_Priority_Region: true
# Try to find region with that name in other worlds.
Use_Other_World_Regions: false
# Protect plugin from fast clicking (in miliseconds)
Clicking_Limit: 1200
Let_Statistics_Template: '&playerFrom& >> &playerTo&: &price&/&time&'
Regions_List_Template: '&region& (&tokenType&): &price&&time&'
Entries_Per_List_Page: 10
# Main colors of generated signs (color per line can be set in templates.yml)
Output_Color: '&f'
Taken_Color: '&f'
# Show buyable regions on dynmap
Enable_dynmap: true
Markerset_Name: Simple region market
Dynmap_Icon_Free: sign
Dynmap_Icon_Taken: basket
Dynmap_Show_On_Region_Loc: true
Show_bid: true
Show_let: true
Show_rent: true
Show_sell: true
Je vois pas qu'est ce que tu veux dire par l'erreur entière, c'était bien marqué que le languague yaml était invalidec'est tout