Configuration Plugin Problème plugin


11 Octobre 2017

Je fait appel à vous aujourd'hui car j'ai un problème avec le plugin CustomCrates en gros lorseque je change le préfix dans le dossier de config que voiçi :
Prefix: '&8&l(&a&lTest&8&l)'
INVALID-CMD: 'Command not found.'
NO-PERMISSION: 'You don't have permission to use this command.'
NO-CRATEKEYS-CONFIG: 'Cannot find cratekeys config file!'
SUCCESS-CONVERT: 'CrateKeys config converted to Crates. Now you must go setup the materials and names for the GUI.'
INVALID-USAGE: 'That is not the right usage.'
NOT-A-CRATE: 'That is not a crate.'
INVALID-PLAYER: 'Player must be online.'
SUCCESS-CRATE: 'You must now place down the case to register it as a crate.'
INVALID-AMOUNT: 'Amount must be an interger.'
SUCCESS-KEY: 'You now have %amount%x %crate% crate key(s).'
RELOADING: 'Reloading Plugin...'
RELOAD-COMPLETE: 'Reload Complete. Took %ms%ms.'
ALREADY-OPENING: 'You must wait until your Crate is done opening!'
OPEN-WITHOUT-KEY: 'You must have a %crate% Key to use this.'
SAVED-TO-CONFIG: 'You have placed a %crate% Crate, Saving to config.'
SNEAK-TO-DESTROY: 'You must sneak to destory this Crate.'
DELETED-FROM-CONFIG: 'You have destoryed a Crate, Deleting from config.'
INVALID-MATERIAL: 'That material does not exist.'
INVALID-STRING: 'That was not a valid string.'
SUCCESS-SETITEM: 'You set the prizeitem for %crate%.'
SUCCESS-SETBLOCKTYPE: 'You set the blocktype for %crate%.'
CANNOT-PLACE-KEY: 'You can not place a %crate% key here!'
Le préfix ne ce change pas en jeu mais il n'y a aucune erreur donc je voudrais s'avoir si quelqu’un a la solution ?

PS : Je ne sais pas si je suis dans la bonne section désoler c'est mon premier poste.

es-tu sur que le plugin supporte les codes couleurs? As-tu essayé sans?