Probleme Permission+/Lockette/Ecocreature

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion kasyos
  • Date de début Date de début


Slime des glaces
30 Mars 2011

Je suis le propriétaire d'un serveur Bukkit, qui tourne très bien, mais depuis sa mise à jour en versions stable 3 de mes plugins ne marche plu sans raison !

- Permissions + :

Depuis la maj la commande /group pseudo nom du groupe ne marche plus !

Comment faire ?

- Lockette :

Cette fois-ci les admins peuven private des coffre mais pas les joueur, voic ma configuration :

enable-messages-help: true
broadcast-snoop-target: '[Everyone]'
broadcast-reload-target: '[Operators]'
broadcast-break-target: '[Everyone]'
enable-messages-error: true
enable-messages-user: true
enable-messages-owner: false
enable-messages-admin: true
enable-protection-doors: true
default-door-timer: 0
explosion-protection-all: false
enable-permissions: true
allow-admin-bypass: true
allow-admin-snoop: false

- Ecocreature :

Ce dernier marchait trés bien avant la maj, je suis sous iconomy voici la config :

# Welcome new and old user of ecoCreature!
# ----------------------------------------
# It is vital that you go through the configuration from start to end before you continue
# using this plugin, to make sure that it is functioning with your server configuration.
# Remember, it is YOUR server, it is YOUR rules. You can not appease everyone.
# Now then ...
# Which economy system are you running? ecoCreature supports the following four.
# iConomy, BOSEconomy, Essentials, MineConomy
# As an example, you have BOSE, you should change the CORE setting to Core: BOSEconomy
# IntegerCurrency set to true will round the reward to a whole number, no decimals.
# While if it is set to false, it will give rewards with a decimal value.
# AllowCamping defaults to false, it will prevent camping around mobspawners / dungeons etc.
# This setting is followed by CampRadius - what it does is that it prevents camping within the set
# amount of blocks in all directions. Both can be changed to suit your needs.
# ClearCampDrops is available as an option, it will clear the creature / monster drops if set to
# true, and if false, it will allow regular creature drops.
# OverrideDrops, if set to true... default drops will be overriden by the drops specified
# for ecoCreature. This only applies to the player killed monsters.
# If a monster dies by accident / fire / whatever it will default to the Minecraft default drops. Have
# this in mind.
# FixedDrops
# If you do not like your drops to be random between 0 and the amount you wanted, set FixedDrops to true
# and the creature / spawner will drop the amount of items you specified.
# BowRewards
# If this value is set to false, there will be no gains from killing with a bow.
# PenalizeDeath should only be set to true if you want to penalize your players for dieing while hunting.
# as it will withdraw the money they hold in their hand, and not from their banks, if they have that.
# PenalizeType, this has two values: true or false.
# If the type is set to false, the amount will be a flat amount, a constant value of the set amount upon death.
# If the type is set to true, the amount will be used as a percentage value and drawn from the total held currency.
# This is so that ecoCreature knows whether you want to punish via flatrate or percent.
# PenalizeAmount - How much money should they drop, from the amount they already have?
# This depends on what you set the type to, flat or percent (false or true).
# An example;
# PenalizeType: true <---- we want to punish with percentage of held money
# PenalizeAmount: 5 <---- draw 5% of the players held money
# AllowUnderSeaLVL - Really not that useful, should in most cases be set to true.
# What does it do? If you are under the sea level when hunting, rewards are enabled. If this is set to false,
# you will not get rewards for kills below sea level. This applies to everything under sea level.
# Message Options!
# ----------------
# Output :: Should you notify the player of rewards, penalties or no rewards? Defaults to true - to notify.
# NoReward :: If set to true, it will output a message to the player, stating he got no reward, false will not
# output anything to the player when they get no reward.
# Spawner :: When accidently killing around the spawn, a player can be notified of a nearby dungeon.
# Having this option set to false will not send them the spawn/mobspawn camping message.
# Extra Hooks!
# ------------
# uQuest, true or false... should it be enabled or not
# uQuestRQP, how big a chance does a player have to receive a random quest from killing a creature?
# Gains!
# -----
# These are per group on your server, if a player is in a group called Donors in your permissions
# they will gain the base amount * value specified in the amount bit for the group.
# You may freely add additional groupnames and specify your own amount here.
# The group names must match those within your Permissions configuration, ecoCreature compares.
        Core: 'iConomy'
        IntegerCurrency: true
        AllowCamping: true
        ClearCampDrops: true
        OverrideDrops: true
        FixedDrops: false
        BowRewards: true
        PenalizeDeath: false
        PenalizeType:  false
        PenalizeAmount: 3
        AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
        WolverineMode: false
        BowRange: 25
        CampRadius: 15
        Output: true
        NoReward: true
        Spawner: false
        NoCampMessage: '[&4Warning&f] Camping around the Monster Spawn gives no rewards.'
        NoBowMessage: '[&9???&f] You can''t seem to find any currency on this creature.'
        DeathPenaltyMessage: 'You wake up to find that &6<amt> &fis missing from your pockets!'
        uQuest: false
        uQuestRQP: 0.5
        Amount: 1
        Amount: 2.5

#     - format: 'item:amount:percent'
#     - more drops: Seperate the items with ; add next
#         - format example: 'item:amount:percent;item2:amount:percent'
# This means, first you input the item id, second the item max amount upon drop, and third
# is the chanse it has to drop, in percent... 50 yields a fifty fifty, for instance.
# -+-+- Special note on the AMOUNT, if you set an item to drop with the value set to 10
#       it selects a random amount, there's no guarantee that it will be fixed to 10.
#       ---> This will later be optional.
# Coin_Minimum - Minium amount of coins to drop.
# Coin_Maximum - The max amount of coins to drop.
# !!! With a low minimum and high maximum, you will get a random amount between those values
# Sometimes, it would be great if the amount was fixed instead of everchanging, but how?
# It's simple... set the MINIMUM to the same amount as MAXIMUM - and you're ready for action!
# Coin_Percent - What are the odds to receive any currency at all?
# NoReward_Message - Even if the player doesn't receive a reward, a death message can be configured.
# Reward_Message - Every creature destroyed can have its personal reward message upon death
#     - Acceptable codes:
#     - &colourcode - Check out the forum post for the colour codes!
#     - <crt> - Will display creature name
#     - <amt> - Will display the amount + currency
#     - <itm> - Will display the item you held in your hand at the time
# Penalty_Message - If you have a negative amount for a creature, this is the custom message
# for when the player is penalized with a deduction.
        Drops: '289:3:60;263:3:30;260:1:30'
        Coin_Minimum: 2.00
        Coin_Maximum: 7.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $c%m $fest mort . Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $f sur le corps du $c%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de  $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $c%m'

        Drops: '352:2:70;262:4:70;318:2:10;261:1:5;306:1:5;307:1:5;348:2:5'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 5.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $cSquelette $fest mort . Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $cSquelette'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de  $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $cSquelette'

        Drops: '288:2:60;320:1:30;308:1:5;309:1:5;39:2:25;40:2:25'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 5.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $c%m $fest mort . Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $c%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de  $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $c%m'

        Drops: '287:1:60;295:2:25;319:1:25;349:1:40'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 5.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] L'' $cAraignee $fest morte . Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps de l'' $cAraignees'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue une $cAraignee'

        Drops: '320:2:5;288:2:30'
        Coin_Minimum: 5.00
        Coin_Maximum: 10.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $c%m $fest mort . Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $c%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $c%m'

        Drops: '289:2:20'
        Coin_Minimum: 7.00
        Coin_Maximum: 8.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $c%m $fest mort . Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $c%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $c%m'

        Drops: '341:2:10'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 5.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $c%m $f est mort. Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $c%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $c%m'

        Drops: '357:5:10;329:1:5;322:1:5;264:4:10;266:4:20;265:4:25'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 5.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $c%m $fest mort. Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $c%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $c%m'

        Drops: '288:2:80;344:2:30'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 2.00
        Coin_Percent: 50
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $cPoulet $fest mort deplume. Sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps du $cPoulet'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $cPoulet'

        Drops: '334:2:60;319:2:20'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 3.00
        Coin_Percent: 50
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] La $cVache $f est morte. Votre $3%i sert a recuperer ce qu il en reste'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $fsur le corps de la $cVache'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue une $cVache'

        Drops: '319:2:65'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 3.00
        Coin_Percent: 50
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $2Cochon $f est mort, vous utilisez votre $3%i pour en faire du bacon.'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $f sur le corps du $cCochon'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $cCochon'

        Drops: '319:1:30'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 3.00
        Coin_Percent: 50
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $2Mouton $fest mort , vous en faites un mechoui avec votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $f sur le corps du $cMouton'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $cMouton'

        Drops: '351:2:65'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 3.00
        Coin_Percent: 50
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $cPoulpe $f est mort. Grace a votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $f sur le corps du $cPoulpe'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $cPoulpe'

        Drops: '334:2:70'
        Coin_Minimum: 1.00
        Coin_Maximum: 3.00
        Coin_Percent: 50
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] Le $cLoup $f est mort. Grace a votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $f sur le corps du $cLoup'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir tue un $cLoup'

        Drops: '2256:1:10;2257:1:10;322:1:10;276:1:10;265:5:40;266:5:20;264:5:10'
        Coin_Minimum: 10.00
        Coin_Maximum: 15.00
        Coin_Percent: 100
        NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] LE $2%m $f explose sous le coup de votre $3%i'
        Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] Vous ramassez $6%c $f a cote du $2%m'
        Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] Vous etes penalise de $6%c $f pour avoir detruit une $2%m'

            Configure: true

# If you have now reached this point of the ecoCreature.yml file, you may of have noticed the last entry.
# Switch the Configure: false to Configure: true
# Why? It means that you have, hopefully, read, understood as well as configured the plugin to your needs.
# If this value is still false when you start your server, the plugin will be disabled.
# WHY!?
# Because. It simply just explains itself. Don't even think about starting an argument about it.

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide et vos réponse.

Cordialement kasyos.
Je sais que pour ajouter quelqu'un a un group(In game ) maintenant tu doie avoir le pluggin PermissionsPlus avec ça tu fait la commande /user -setgroup u:tonnom s:nomdugroup

et voila :)