Que est ce qu ne va pas ?


16 Mars 2011
Voici mon dossier permission mais rien veut marcher :s
# System is no longer used, but may become used in the future
# Copies is for multiple-world support
# Put the name of the world you wish for it to be a clone of, otherwise leave it empty.
# Does not work for the default world.
# Example: copies: Derp - This will clone the permissions of the world Derp
# Make sure to rename this file to the name of the world that is in sever.properties under
# level-name. So if it is level-name: world then this should be world.yml and in the
# plugins/Permissions directory (ie. plugins/Permissions/world.yml)
# NOTE: Do not use tabs while editing this document. Use only spaces. A good way to avoid
# doing this is to use Notepad++ and replace the tab with 4 spaces.
system: default

# AntiBuild is included with this. To disable a group from being able to build then
# set the build: flag to false (build: false). If you want a group to be able to build
# then set it to true.
# Groups can contain inheritance.
# To make a group inherit the permissions from another
# group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:" like so:
# Example:
# inheritance:
# - Default
# All permissions including the asterisks must be placed in single quotes.
# like so:
# - 'general.spawn'
# Otherwise errors will happen!
# Globalized Permission settings:
# If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter:
# - 'general.*'
# This will allow you to use all general commands.
# Single Asterisk denotes all commands:
# - '*'
# If you give a group this permissions, do not have the group inherit any permissions
# from other groups. Any users assigned to this group should NOT be given any additional
# permissions either.
# To exempt a node use the - prefix like so:
# - '-general.time'
# prefix: and suffix: do not do anything on their own. You need another outside plugin
# such as iChat or HeroChat in order for these to do anything.
default: true
prefix: ''
suffix: ''
build: false
- 'essentials.help'
- 'essentials.spawn'
- 'essentials.tpaccept'
- 'foo.bar'
default: false
prefix: ''
suffix: ''
build: true
- Default
- Default
- iConomy.payment
- iConomy.rank
- iConomy.access
- iConomy.list
- localshops.buysel
- 'essentials.sethome'
- 'essentials.tpdeny'
- 'monsterhunt.usercmd.*'
- 'myhome.home.*'
- 'factions.participate'
- 'factions.create'
- iConomyChestShop.shop.sell
- iConomyChestShop.shop.buy
- iConomyChestShop.shop.create
- 'bar.foo'
default: false
prefix: ''
suffix: ''
build: true
- Joueurs
- 'essentials.time'
- 'essentials.tp'
- 'essentials.tphere'
- 'factions.create'
- 'factions.manageSafeZone'
- essentials.help
- essentials.helpop
- essentials.list
- essentials.motd
- essentials.rules
- essentials.spawn
- essentials.afk
- essentials.back.ondeath
- essentials.balance
- essentials.chat.shout
- essentials.compass
- essentials.home
- essentials.kit
- essentials.kit.tools
- pvpreward.reward
- essentials.mail
- essentials.mail.send
- essentials.me
- essentials.msg
- essentials.nick
- essentials.pay
- essentials.portal
- essentials.protect
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.signs.buy.use
- essentials.signs.disposal.create
- essentials.signs.disposal.use
- essentials.signs.free.use
- essentials.signs.heal.use
- essentials.signs.mail.create
- essentials.signs.mail.use
- essentials.signs.protection.create
- essentials.signs.protection.use
- essentials.signs.sell.use
- essentials.signs.trade.create
- essentials.signs.trade.use
- essentials.suicide
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpahere
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.warp
- essentials.warp.list
- essentials.worth
- essentials.back
- essentials.ban
- essentials.banip
- essentials.broadcast
- essentials.delwarp
- essentials.depth
- essentials.eco
- essentials.getpos
- essentials.jump
- essentials.kick
- essentials.kill
- essentials.setwarp
- essentials.time
- essentials.togglejail
- essentials.top
- essentials.tp
- essentials.tphere
- essentials.tpo
- essentials.tpohere
- essentials.tppos
- essentials.tptoggle
- essentials.unban
- essentials.unbanip
- essentials.whois
- essentials.world
- groupmanager.listgroups
- groupmanager.mandemote
- groupmanager.manload
- groupmanager.manpromote
- groupmanager.mansave
- groupmanager.manselect
- groupmanager.manuadd
- groupmanager.manudel

# Users denote which users are included in which group.
# TheNo1Yeti is in the Admin group
# Herpina is a member of the Moderator group but also has access
# to the herp.derp permissions
# Derpina is a member of the admin group but does not have access
# to the derp.derp permission node
# Users can also have a prefix and suffix as seen with Herpina
group: Admins
group: Admin
prefix: 'Moo'
suffix: 'Cow'
- 'herp.derp'
group: Admins
- '-derp.derp'

Pouriez vous me dire ou est le blem? :mobnotch:
Le blem est que tu as posté dans la mauvaise section. Je mets pas d'averto, j'ai la flem mais attention la prochaine fois.

De plus, je ne sais pas si tu comprends comment ça fonctionne, car pour laisser les exmples du fichier de config par défaut, ça sert strictement à rien, à part encombrer l'affichage.
Ensuite, tu peux me dire pourquoi au début tu as utilisé les des simples quotes ' et après tu les omets, ça te choque pas ?

Pour terminer, si tu veux vraiment de l'aide efficacement, je te conseille de joindre ton fichier de permissions a ton post, car là avec le copier coller, on peut pas se rendre compte de tes eventuelles erreurs d'indentation.