Recherche ~ Empecher les joueurs utilisant un VPN de se connecter !

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Représentant !
19 Novembre 2014
Salut !

J'ai actuellement quelques problèmes d'un autre serveur qui envoi ses joueurs créer des comptes sur mon serveur et les administrateurs se connectent et ils télécharge ma carte.
J'aimerais empêcher que ses Admin's qui utilisent des VPN/PROXY ne puissent se connecter.

Plateforme : Spigot 1.7.10 (1649)

En vous remerciant par avance,
GameZcraft !
sinon j'ai une solution pour éviter le téléchargement de tes maps,
qui peut empecher (paramétrable et avec des permissions)
  • Block the world downloader mod! Players will be punished if they try to join with this mod.
  • Block the Schematica mod! Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
    • Schematica is a very similar mod to the World Downloader mod. This mod downloads parts of your world, unlike the World Downloader that downloads your worlds (duh). The Schematica mod works like this: it displays a ghost image of a schematic file inside Minecraft to rebuild a structure or export any part of your world into a schematic file.
  • Block the Forge mod. Players will be punished if they try to join with this mod.
  • Block the Damage Indicators mod. Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
  • Block the Rei's Minimap mod. Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
  • Block the VoxelMap mod. Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
  • Block the 5zig Mod. Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
  • Block the BetterPvP Mod. Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
  • Block the LiteLoader mod. Players will be punished if they try to join with this mod.
  • Block the Better Sprinting mod. Players can't be punished. But if they join with the mod, it will be disabled.
  • Block the LabyMod. Player
si ca peut aider
a bientot
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