WTF ? erreur serveur


Massacreur de Mouton
13 Janvier 2014
Bonjour voilà j'ai un serveur moddé en 1.6.4 et dans ma map j'ai des chunk qui bougent x).C'est à dire que j'ai un chunk de biome sable dans un biome neige un chunk de biome foret dans un biome sable etc et j'ai cette erreur :

2014-09-06 à 21:49:50​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -19,97 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -19, 97, got -12, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:49​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,98 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 98, got -11, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:49​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,99 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 99, got -21, 117)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:48​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,101 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 101, got -8, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:48​
[WARNING] Entity is at -247.5,1859.5 (chunk -16,116) but was stored in chunk -21,102
2014-09-06 à 21:49:48​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityMinecartChest[''/138260, l='Minelost', x=-247,50, y=23,50, z=1859,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:48​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,102 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 102, got -16, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:48​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,103 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 103, got -6, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:41​
[WARNING] Entity is at -293.5,1864.5 (chunk -19,116) but was stored in chunk -21,110
2014-09-06 à 21:49:41​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityMinecartChest[''/138157, l='Minelost', x=-293,50, y=24,50, z=1864,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:41​
[WARNING] Entity is at -294.3531736731529,1856.3414632827044 (chunk -19,116) but was stored in chunk -21,110
2014-09-06 à 21:49:41​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/138156, l='Minelost', x=-294,35, y=24,72, z=1856,34] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Entity is at -278.2509962388866,1839.1749011025108 (chunk -18,114) but was stored in chunk -21,114
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/138155, l='Minelost', x=-278,25, y=26,09, z=1839,17] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Entity is at -279.0161727929082,1827.454848338509 (chunk -18,114) but was stored in chunk -21,114
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/138154, l='Minelost', x=-279,02, y=25,90, z=1827,45] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Entity is at -279.65368119264133,1825.4365543510212 (chunk -18,114) but was stored in chunk -21,114
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/138153, l='Minelost', x=-279,65, y=25,73, z=1825,44] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Entity is at -279.62368655162396,1824.5923022536188 (chunk -18,114) but was stored in chunk -21,114
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/138152, l='Minelost', x=-279,62, y=25,98, z=1824,59] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,104 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 104, got -3, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,105 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 105, got -10, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,110 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 110, got -19, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,112 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 112, got -15, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,114 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 114, got -18, 114)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:40​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,117 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 117, got -21, 99)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:37​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -21,108 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -21, 108, got -18, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -20,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -20, 116, got -21, 96)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -332.5,1766.5 (chunk -21,110) but was stored in chunk -19,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138029, l='Minelost', x=-332,50, y=45,92, z=1766,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -333.5,1766.5 (chunk -21,110) but was stored in chunk -19,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138028, l='Minelost', x=-333,50, y=45,92, z=1766,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -19,115 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -19, 115, got -4, 116)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -19,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -19, 116, got -21, 110)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -328.5,1728.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138017, l='Minelost', x=-328,50, y=39,11, z=1728,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -329.5,1728.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138016, l='Minelost', x=-329,50, y=39,11, z=1728,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -330.5,1728.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138015, l='Minelost', x=-330,50, y=39,11, z=1728,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -331.5,1728.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138014, l='Minelost', x=-331,50, y=40,11, z=1728,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -328.5,1730.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138013, l='Minelost', x=-328,50, y=40,11, z=1730,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -328.5,1729.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138012, l='Minelost', x=-328,50, y=40,11, z=1729,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -329.5,1730.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138011, l='Minelost', x=-329,50, y=39,11, z=1730,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Entity is at -329.5,1729.5 (chunk -21,108) but was stored in chunk -18,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:36​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/138010, l='Minelost', x=-329,50, y=39,11, z=1729,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:35​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -18,114 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -18, 114, got -21, 114)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:35​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -18,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -18, 116, got -21, 108)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:34​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -17,130 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -17, 130, got -23, 132)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.bukkit.util.DynamicPluginCommand.execute(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin.onCommand(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit.handleCommand(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandsManager.execute(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandsManager.executeMethod(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit$1.invokeMethod(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit$1.invokeMethod(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandsManager.invokeMethod(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.commands.BiomeCommands.biomeList(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitBiomeTypes.all(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] at com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitBiomeType.(
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[SEVERE] java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: JUNGLE_EDGE
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: /biomelist
2014-09-06 à 21:49:33​
[INFO] [MineLostAntiLag] 54 Items on etait supprimé!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:30​
[WARNING] Entity is at -334.5,1798.5 (chunk -21,112) but was stored in chunk -15,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:30​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137997, l='Minelost', x=-334,50, y=9,69, z=1798,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:30​
[WARNING] Entity is at -335.5,1794.5 (chunk -21,112) but was stored in chunk -15,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:30​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137996, l='Minelost', x=-335,50, y=9,69, z=1794,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:30​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -15,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -15, 116, got -21, 112)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:29​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -12,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -12, 116, got -19, 97)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:28​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: //biome list
2014-09-06 à 21:49:24​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: //wand
2014-09-06 à 21:49:21​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -11,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -11, 116, got -21, 98)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:18​
[SEVERE] Chunk file at -10,116 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -10, 116, got -21, 105)
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -329.5,1671.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137833, l='Minelost', x=-329,50, y=45,38, z=1671,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -326.5,1669.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137832, l='Minelost', x=-326,50, y=46,38, z=1669,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -327.5,1670.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137831, l='Minelost', x=-327,50, y=46,38, z=1670,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -327.5,1669.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137830, l='Minelost', x=-327,50, y=45,38, z=1669,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -328.5,1670.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137829, l='Minelost', x=-328,50, y=45,38, z=1670,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -324.5,1668.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137828, l='Minelost', x=-324,50, y=45,43, z=1668,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -324.5,1667.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137827, l='Minelost', x=-324,50, y=45,43, z=1667,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -324.5,1669.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137826, l='Minelost', x=-324,50, y=45,43, z=1669,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -325.5,1669.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137825, l='Minelost', x=-325,50, y=45,43, z=1669,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -324.5,1670.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137824, l='Minelost', x=-324,50, y=45,43, z=1670,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -325.5,1670.5 (chunk -21,104) but was stored in chunk -3,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137823, l='Minelost', x=-325,50, y=45,43, z=1670,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -294.1923240721226,1855.4654249846935 (chunk -19,115) but was stored in chunk -4,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/137822, l='Minelost', x=-294,19, y=24,52, z=1855,47] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -291.27867689728737,1853.2765047699213 (chunk -19,115) but was stored in chunk -4,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/137821, l='Minelost', x=-291,28, y=24,34, z=1853,28] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -294.58795112371445,1854.1610668059438 (chunk -19,115) but was stored in chunk -4,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/137820, l='Minelost', x=-294,59, y=24,70, z=1854,16] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -294.25259801745415,1853.23714068532 (chunk -19,115) but was stored in chunk -4,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityItem['item.tile.rail'/137819, l='Minelost', x=-294,25, y=24,60, z=1853,24] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Entity is at -335.5,1659.5 (chunk -21,103) but was stored in chunk -6,116
2014-09-06 à 21:49:15​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityFallingSand['Falling Block'/137818, l='Minelost', x=-335,50, y=20,38, z=1659,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:07​
[WARNING] Entity is at 65.57035882472348,1652.5718481300023 (chunk 4,103) but was stored in chunk 4,127
2014-09-06 à 21:49:07​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/137749, l='Minelost', x=65,57, y=66,00, z=1652,57] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:07​
[WARNING] Entity is at 64.52922870020153,1652.3609215173024 (chunk 4,103) but was stored in chunk 4,127
2014-09-06 à 21:49:07​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/137748, l='Minelost', x=64,53, y=66,00, z=1652,36] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:49:07​
[WARNING] Entity is at 67.5,1652.5 (chunk 4,103) but was stored in chunk 4,127
2014-09-06 à 21:49:07​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/137747, l='Minelost', x=67,50, y=66,00, z=1652,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[WARNING] Entity is at 65.57035882472348,1652.5718481300023 (chunk 4,103) but was stored in chunk 4,127
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/137343, l='Minelost', x=65,57, y=66,00, z=1652,57] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[WARNING] Entity is at 64.52922870020153,1652.3609215173024 (chunk 4,103) but was stored in chunk 4,127
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/137342, l='Minelost', x=64,53, y=66,00, z=1652,36] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[WARNING] Entity is at 67.5,1652.5 (chunk 4,103) but was stored in chunk 4,127
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[WARNING] Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/137341, l='Minelost', x=67,50, y=66,00, z=1652,50] in world 'Minelost'!
2014-09-06 à 21:48:17​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: /warp corrompu
2014-09-06 à 21:48:12​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: /warp
2014-09-06 à 21:48:10​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: /tp multiman789
2014-09-06 à 21:46:44​
[INFO] multiman789 issued server command: /f home
2014-09-06 à 21:46:28​
[INFO] <-Donjon [Fondateur]bizoux699> ...
2014-09-06 à 21:46:25​
[INFO] <-Donjon [Fondateur]bizoux699> le serv ma surement fermé
2014-09-06 à 21:45:53​
[INFO] multiman789 issued server command: /spawn
2014-09-06 à 21:45:12​
[INFO] [MineLostAntiLag] Attention les items au sol vont etre supprimé dans 260 secondes!
2014-09-06 à 21:44:32​
[INFO] [MineLostAntiLag] Attention les items au sol vont etre supprimé dans 300 secondes!
2014-09-06 à 21:41:29​
[INFO] bizoux699 issued server command: /tp multiman789