[Probléme] Probléme avec Iconomy v 5.0.1


18 Juin 2011
Salut tout le monde

Alors voila j'ai un probléme avec les permission

en effet Iconomy marche uniquement pour les admin au niveaux des commande comme /money top ou /money pay
En esperant que on peut m'aider

Mes Permission:
# System is no longer used, but may become used in the future
# Copies is for multiple-world support
#   Put the name of the world you wish for it to be a clone of, otherwise leave it empty.
#   If this file is for your default world (the one in server.properties) then you must
#   leave copies blank.
#  Example: copies: Derp    -  This will clone the permissions of the world Derp
# Make sure to rename this file to the name of the world that is in sever.properties under
# level-name.  So if it is level-name: world  then this should be world.yml and in the 
# plugins/Permissions directory (ie. plugins/Permissions/world.yml)
# NOTE: Do not use tabs while editing this document.  Use only spaces.  A good way to avoid
# doing this is to use Notepad++ and replace the tab with 4 spaces.
        system: default

# AntiBuild is included with this.  To disable a group from being able to build then
# set the build: flag to false (build: false).  If you want a group to be able to build
# then set it to true. 
# Groups can contain inheritance.
#   To make a group inherit the permissions from another
#   group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:" like so:
#   Example:
#       inheritance:
#           - Default
#   All permissions including the asterisks must be placed in single quotes.
#   like so:
#       - 'foo.bar'
#   Otherwise errors will happen!
#   Globalized Permission settings:
#       If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter:
#           - 'foo.*'
#       This will allow you to use all general commands.
#   Single Asterisk denotes all commands:
#       - '*'
#   If you give a group this permissions, do not have the group inherit any permissions
#   from other groups.  Any users assigned to this group should NOT be given any additional
#   permissions either.
#   To exempt a node use the - prefix like so:
#       - '-foo.bar'
#   prefix: and suffix: do not do anything on their own.  You need another outside plugin
#   such as iChat or HeroChat in order for these to do anything.
        default: true
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
            build: true
    - '*'
    - foo.bar
    - stargate.use
    - stargate.free.use
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.list
    - essentials.help
    - essentials.motd
    - essentials.rules
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.helpop
    - iConomy.payment
    - iConomy.access
    - iConomy.rank
    - iConomy.list
    - iConomyChestShop.shop.create
    - iConomyChestShop.shop.buy
    - iConomyChestShop.shop.sell
    - lwc.protect
    - elevators.builder 
    - travelportals.portal.use
    - elevators.operator 
    - falsebook.anyic
    - falsebook.blocks.*
    - falsebook.blocks.lift
    - falsebook.blocks.bridge
    - falsebook.blocks.door
    - falsebook.blocks.gate
    - falsebook.blocks.hiddenswitch
    - falsebook.blocks.hiddenswitch.create
    - falsebook.blocks.area
    - falsebook.ic.standard
    - falsebook.ic.detection
    - falsebook.ic.worldedit
    - falsebook.ic.selftriggered
        default: false
            prefix: '&1[&3Admin&1]&2'
            suffix: '&4'
            build: true
            - Default
    - bar.foo
    - stargate.use
    - stargate.create
    - stargate.create.personal
    - stargate.destroy.all
    - stargate.destroy.owner
    - stargate.hidden
    - stargate.private
    - stargate.free.use
    - stargate.free.create
    - stargate.free.destroy
    - stargate.world.{worldname}
    - stargate.network.{networkname}
    - stargate.option.hidden
    - stargate.option.alwayson
    - stargate.option.private
    - stargate.option.free
    - essentials.clearinventory
    - essentials.getpos
    - essentials.realname
    - essentials.compass
    - essentials.depth
    - essentials.mail
    - essentials.mail.send
    - essentials.me
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.ping
    - essentials.whois
    - essentials.afk
    - essentials.rules
    - essentials.sell
    - essentials.kit.tools
    - essentials.nick
    - essentials.time
    - essentials.kick
    - essentials.ban
    - essentials.unban
    - essentials.warp
    - essentials.warplist
    - essentials.tp
    - essentials.tphere
    - essentials.god
    - iConomy.admin.grant
    - iConomy.admin.set
    - iConomy.admin.stats 
    - iConomy.admin.reset
    - iConomyChestShop.shop.admin - admin
    - iConomyChestShop.command.iteminfo
    - lwc.blockinventory
    - lwc.mod
    - lwc.admin
    - elevators.advancedbuilder
    - elevators.operator 
    - ecoCreature.Creature.*
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftCreeper
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSkeleton
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftZombie
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSpider
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftPigZombie
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftGhast
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSlime
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftChicken
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftCow
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftPig
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSheep
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSquid
    - ecoCreature.Creature.CraftWolf
    - ecoCreature.Creature.Spawner
    - travelportals.portal.create
    - travelportals.portal.destroy
    - travelportals.portal.use
    - travelportals.command.help
    - travelportals.command.hide
    - travelportals.command.list
    - travelportals.command.name
    - travelportals.command.warp
    - travelportals.command.info
    - travelportals.command.deactivate
    - travelportals.command.export
    - simplesignedit.edit
    - simplesignedit.edit.all 
    - simplesignedit.colour.<code>
    - simplesignedit.setowner
    - bb.admin.*
    - magiccarpet.mc
    - magiccarpet.ml
        default: false
            prefix: '&1[&3Admin&1]&2'
            suffix: '&4'
            build: true
        - Moderator
            - '*'

et mes plugins installés:

Merci Beaucoup a tous ceux qui prendrons le temps de lire et de m'aider :D