Plugin Cannons régler dommages


7 Juin 2013
j'utilise le Plugin Cannons et je n'arrive pas à régler les dommages causés sur le joueurs touchés par les projectiles. Comment fait-on cela ?
Merci. :)


28 Septembre 2013
Après un bref regard sur le plugin,
j'ai trouvé dans le fichier projectiles, cobblestone.yml :
  #the explosion power of the cannonball when it hits; this number determines the explosions range in blocks.
  #for comparison, the explosion power of a creeper is 3. anything above 50 will cause lag on smaller servers
  explosionPower: 2
  #whether the explosion will destroy blocks
  doesExplosionDamage: true
  #the range of the potion effects specified below
  potionRange: 5
  #how long the effects will last. If the potion duration is <= 0 it will be disabled
  potionDuration: 7
  #how powerful the effect is, the higher this is the more powerful the effect. If set to 1 it has potion effect type II, if 0 potion effect type II
  potionAmplifier: 1
  #which potion effects are used. a list of effects supported by bukkit can be found here-
  - harm
  - slow
#options which determine whether blocks are spawned around the impact area. Works with spawn eggs and blocks
explosionPower : La force de l'explosion : 3 = explosion d'un creeper | 50 = cause des lags sur le serveur
doesExplosionDamage : Si oui (true), l'explosion fera des dégâts. Si non (false), l'explosion n'en fera pas.
potionRange : Le rayon de 'splash' des potions | Si le nombre est de 0 ou moins, l'option de potion sera désactivée.
potionDuration : La durée de la potion qui va être 'splash' (sauf celle-ci est une potion de dégâts)
potionAmplifier : La force de la potion (par exemple : Potion de dégâts I ou II )
potionEffects : Les potion qui vont êtres jetés (par exemple : Potion de poison )
J’espère t'avoir aidé !


7 Juin 2013
J'avais déjà troué ceci mais lorsque je le modifie rien ne se passe, j'ai changé la puissance des potions, leur rayon...
même les effets des potions, mais lorsque l'on se prend le projectile, on prend toujours vraiment très peu de dégats (1/2 coeur). A croire que le plugin se moque de se que l'on configure dans ses fichiers :p

En tout cas merci quand même. :)


7 Juin 2013
Voilà comment est mon cobblestone.yml

#the name of the projectile displayed in game
projectileName: cannonball
#the name of the item to load this cannons.projectile
itemName: cobblestone
#the item which is associated with the projectile.
#items can be assigned to many different projectiles which are used with different cannons
#example: on cannon can be loaded with stone but will fire an armor piercing round, while a different cannon
#can be loaded with stone and it will fire an explosive projectile
loadingItem: '4:0'
#some item create a block when placed e.g. redstone dust makes a wire if placed on ground.
#if you load the dust, type in the wire id and data, else there is a wire on the cannon.
- '1:0'
#the velocity of the projectile.
velocity: 3
#how many blocks the projectile will penetrate before it explodes. If it hits something impenetrable (e.g. obsidian) it will explode instantly.
penetration: 0
#whether the .projectile destroys blocks it penetrates. If false it will simple pass through them
doesPenetrationDamage: true
#how many seconds after firing the cannons.projectile will detonate if it does not hit anything
timefuse: 0
#how many pojectiles are fired
numberOfBullets: 1
#the higher this is, the more inaccurate the projectile. This multiplies the "spreadOfCannon" property of the cannon it is fired from
spreadMultiplier: 1.0
#different properties of the projectile. if you don't want any of these properties then just leave this all blank.
#possible properties are: superbreaker, incendiary, teleport
#this means the cannonball will break through obsidian, water, and lava
- superbreaker
#this property sets the impact area on fire. range is determined by the explosion power propery
- incendiary
#the explosion power of the cannonball when it hits; this number determines the explosions range in blocks.
#for comparison, the explosion power of a creeper is 3. anything above 50 will cause lag on smaller servers
explosionPower: 2
#whether the explosion will destroy blocks
doesExplosionDamage: true
#the range of the potion effects specified below
potionRange: 7
#how long the effects will last. If the potion duration is <= 0 it will be disabled
potionDuration: 7
#how powerful the effect is, the higher this is the more powerful the effect. If set to 1 it has potion effect type II, if 0 potion effect type II
potionAmplifier: 1
#which potion effects are used. a list of effects supported by bukkit can be found here-
- harm
- slow
#options which determine whether blocks are spawned around the impact area. Works with spawn eggs and blocks
#the radius where blocks will be placed. If the radius is too small there might be no air gap to spawn a block.
radius: 3
#the maximum amount of blocks placed. To disable this feature set the amount to 0.
amount: 0
#the velocity of blocks/entities are slinged away from the impact
velocity: 2.0
#the blocks which will be placed. does not seem to support more tha one block type at a time.
#you can either spawn a block of material, or an entity by using the spawn egg id (383) and its entity id (
#this one is a spawn-egg with its parameters set to spawn primed tnt on impact
- '383:20'
#this is a cobweb to slow the enemy, will be spawned a block
- '30:0'
#the permissions required for a player to use this projectile. There can be several permissions to load a projectile
- cannons.projectile.default