Bonjour, voila j'ai mis le plugin dynma sur un serveur privé et j'ai quelques petits problème que je n'arrive pas a résoudre mème en ayant vu 10.000 tutos:
Je voudrai l'aisser l'affichage de la map "world" (que en 3d et flat) désactiver les maps: world nether world the end et survie
Je voudrai que su la dynmap la map world soit affiché en Ville la map Bateau soit afficher en Circuit bateau que la map testtexture soit affiché en Test Pack Texture et la map créatif en Freebuild
Je voudrai que les map actifs soit que en 3d + flat
Pouvez vous maider svp?? merci
Mon fichier world.txt
Je voudrai l'aisser l'affichage de la map "world" (que en 3d et flat) désactiver les maps: world nether world the end et survie
Je voudrai que su la dynmap la map world soit affiché en Ville la map Bateau soit afficher en Circuit bateau que la map testtexture soit affiché en Test Pack Texture et la map créatif en Freebuild
Je voudrai que les map actifs soit que en 3d + flat
Pouvez vous maider svp?? merci
Mon fichier world.txt
# These are examples of world-specific settings - customize your content as you see fit
# All lines here are commented with the # symbol - delete the # symbol on copied lines you wish to enable
# Definitions of a world made here will superecede any world definition with the same name in configuration.txt
# Deleting this file will result in a fresh copy being produced by dynmap.jar on the next startup.
# Worlds can be handled by templates, based on world type
# You can override the properties of the template by specifying them in this section
# for example 'Title: "My Awesome World"'
#- name: world
# title: "World"
# Use 'enabled: false' to disable a certain world.
# enabled: false
# Use sendposition: false to prevent player positions from showing when on this world (if sendposition is globally enabled)
# sendposition: false
# Use sendhealth: false ot prevent player health from showing when on this world (if sendhealth is globally enabled)
# sendhealth: false
# # If world isn't contiguous chunks (due to teleporting, for example), fullrender needs to be given other locations to scan for tiles on each patch of chunks
# fullrenderlocations:
# - x: 10000
# y: 64
# z: 20000
# - x: -15000
# y: 64
# z: -5000
# # Use visibilitylimits to restrict which areas of maps on your world to render (zero or more rectangles can be defined)
# visibilitylimits:
# - x0: -1000
# z0: -1000
# x1: 1000
# z1: 1000
# - x0: -2000
# z0: -1000
# x1: -1000
# z1: -500
# # Use hiddenlimits to specifically hide portions of your world (the opposite of visibilitylimits)
# hiddenlimits:
# - x0: 100
# z0: 0
# x1: 200
# z1: 0
# # Use hidestyle to control how hidden-but-existing chunks are to be rendered (air=empty air (same as ungenerated), stone=a flat stone plain, ocean=a flat ocean)
# hidestyle: stone
# # Use 'autogenerate-to-visibilitylimits: true' to choose to force the generation of ungenerated chunks while rendering maps on this world, for any chunks within the defined
# # visibilitylimits (limits must be set). The three options here are: none (default - no autogenerate), map-only (temporarily generate chunks for map, but don't save them (no world change),
# # permanent (generate and save chunks - this permanently adds the chunks to the world, as if a player had visited them - BE SURE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT)
# autogenerate-to-visibilitylimits: map-only
# Use 'template: mycustomtemplate' to use the properties specified in the template 'mycustomtemplate' to this world. Default it is set to the environment-name (normal or nether).
# template: mycustomtemplate
# Rest of comes from template - uncomment to tailor for world specifically
# # World center - default is spawn point
# center:
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
# # If bigworld set to true, use alternate directory layout better suited to large worlds
# bigworld: true
# # Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
# extrazoomout: 3
# # Default delay on processing of updated tiles, in seconds. This can reduce potentially expensive re-rendering
# # of frequently updated tiles (such as due to machines, pistons, quarries or other automation). Value can also be set on
# # individual maps.
# tileupdatedelay: 30
# maps:
# - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
# name: flat
# title: "Flat"
# prefix: flat
# perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
# shader: stdtexture
# lighting: shadows
# mapzoomin: 1
# - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
# name: surface
# title: "Surface"
# prefix: t
# perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
# shader: stdtexture
# lighting: shadows
# mapzoomin: 1
# - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
# name: cave
# title: "Cave"
# prefix: ct
# perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
# shader: cave
# lighting: default
# mapzoomin: 3
# To just label world, and inherit rest from template, just provide name and title
#- name: world2
# title: "Second World"
#- name: nether
# title: "Nether"
# center:
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
# # Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
# extrazoomout: 3
# maps:
# - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
# name: flat
# title: "Flat"
# prefix: flat
# perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
# shader: stdtexture
# lighting: nethershadows
# # Map background color (day or night)
# background: "#300806"
# mapzoomin: 1
# - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
# name: nether
# title: "Surface"
# prefix: nt
# perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
# shader: stdtexture
# lighting: nethershadows
# # Map background color (day or night)
# background: "#300806"
# mapzoomin: 1