[Création de mod] Compilation errors


Fondateur de CrazyCraft
29 Avril 2011
je cherche à ajouter des blocs de verre colorés pour mon serveur.

En compilant, j'obtiens cette erreur :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: 
    The import paulscode cannot be resolved
    The import paulscode cannot be resolved
    The import paulscode cannot be resolved
    The import paulscode cannot be resolved
    The import paulscode cannot be resolved
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystemConfig cannot be resolved
    paulscode cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystemConfig cannot be resolved
    paulscode cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystemConfig cannot be resolved
    SoundSystemConfig cannot be resolved
    paulscode cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type
    SoundSystem cannot be resolved to a type

    at net.minecraft.src.SoundManager.<init>(SoundManager.java:6)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.<init>(Minecraft.java:291)
    at net.minecraft.src.MinecraftImpl.<init>(MinecraftImpl.java:14)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startMainThread(Minecraft.java:2446)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startMainThread1(Minecraft.java:2432)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.main(Minecraft.java:2504)
    at Start.main(Start.java:22)

Quelqu'un a déjà eut ces erreurs, et a su les débug ?


17 Juin 2011
Donne ton code mais il me semble que c'est car tu as mis un mauvais nom de son pour un ou plusieurs blocs de tes verres colorés.


Fondateur de CrazyCraft
29 Avril 2011
Non, le problème est que j'ai voulu remplacer le texture pack par défaut par un autre dans le minecraft.jar.