Saucisse Floodez, floodez !

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Call of duty Elite peut se rhabiller.
Stranger: hey you
You: Hello there.
Stranger: u a chick or ugly dude?
You: 18 y/o chick ;).
Stranger: awesome... Nothing but dudes last 3 sessions lol
You: They are quite common here :).
You: How about you ?
Stranger: yea it's annoying! anyways Describe yourself a little bit for me
Stranger: Im a dude
You: Do you play any video games ?
Stranger: Yes I do.. lol what's ur fav one?
You: Probably Half-Life.
Stranger: the one on PS2?
You: No, i'm a PC only gamer :).
Stranger: I loves that game. destroying shit with crowbar
Stranger: where u from?
You: 'Mericuh
Stranger: uh?? wheres that
Stranger: U.S
You: Yeah :P
Stranger: what state u dork lol
You: California
Stranger: cool me too.. u close to L.A?
You: I live there.
Stranger: awesome me too
Stranger: what are u hispanic?
You: Nah
Stranger: black?
You: I'm a white blond ;)
Stranger: u cute by any chance? LOL
You: Sure :).
You: But i don't have any cameras atm :/
Stranger: thats ok.. cause Im here to meet people.. not just to chat. Im intrested in meeting cute girls HAHA
You: Do you have a Facebook or something so we can chat a little bit more ? ;)
Stranger: Yea I do...add me
Stranger: [email protected]
You: Thank you :)
Stranger: whats ur name so I dont deny u
You: I'll send you an email asap
You: Wich means now !
Stranger: I dont check my email. so just add me on FB
You: Just go check it
You: I gave you some info about me ;)

Stranger: Fuck you dude stop fucking around
Your conversational partner has disconnected.