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# Bounty Config #
minimum-bounty-price: 5000
show-bounty-status-in-chat: true
drop-heads: true
send-message-on-leave: true
send-message-on-join: true
title: '&e**** &6&lBOUNTY HELP &e****'
list: ' &6/bounty list &7&o(List all active bounties)'
set: ' &6/bounty set (name) (price) &7&o(Set a bounty on another player)'
add: ' &6/bounty add (name) (price) &7&o(Add to an existing bounty)'
remove: ' &6/bounty remove (name) &7&o(ADMIN: Remove bounty)'
reload: ' &6/bounty reload &7&o(ADMIN: Reload config)'
title: '&e**** &6&lACTIVE BOUNTIES &e****'
no-active-bounties: '&cThere are no active bounties.'
set-bounty: '&cUsage: &6/bounty set (name) (price)'
add-to-bounty: '&cUsage: &6/bounty add (name) (price)'
remove: '&cUsage: &6/bounty remove (name)'
reload: '&6&lBOUNTY: &a&lConfig Reloaded!'
error-adding-to-bounty: '&c&lError: &6Player does not have a bounty.'
error-player-not-found: '&c&lError: &6Player not found.'
error-money-set: '&c&lError: &6You do not have enough money to place this bounty.'
error-money-add: '&c&lError: &6You do not have enough money to add to this bounty.'
error-price-too-low: '&c&lError: &6The minimum bounty price is &a$[minimumPrice]&6!'
error-invalid-price: '&c&lError: &6Invalid bounty price.'
error-existing-bounty: '&c&lError: &6There is already a bounty on this player.
You can add to it using /bounty add.'
error-no-bounty: '&c&lError: &6There is no bounty on this player. You can place
one using /bounty set.'
error-bounty-set-self: '&c&lError: &6You can not set a bounty on yourself!'
error-bounty-add-self: '&c&lError: &6You can not add to your own bounty!'
error-player-exempt: '&c&lError: &6You can not set a bounty on this player.'
you-were-charged-set: '&6&lBOUNTY: &aYou were charged $[price] for placing a bounty.'
you-were-charged-add: '&6&lBOUNTY: &aYou were charged $[price] for adding to a
bounty-set: '&6&lBOUNTY: &eA bounty of &a$[price] &ehas been placed on &6&n[bountyPlayer]
&eby &6&n[bountySetter]&e!'
bounty-add: '&6&lBOUNTY: &a$[price] &ehas been added to the bounty on &6&n[bountyPlayer]
&eby &6&n[bountyAdder]&e!'
bounty-leave: '&6&lBOUNTY: &eThe bounty on &6[bountyPlayer] &ewill be claimable
when they login again.'
bounty-join: '&6&lBOUNTY: &6[bountyPlayer] &elogged in and has a claimable bounty.'
bounty-claim-broadcast: '&6&lBOUNTY: &eThe bounty on &6[bountyPlayer] &ehas been
claimed by &6[bountyClaimer]&e!'
bounty-claim-player: '&6&lBOUNTY: &eYou claimed the bounty on &6&n[bountyPlayer]
&eand got &a$[price]&e!'
bounty-removed: '&6&lBOUNTY: &eThe bounty on &6[bountyPlayer] &ewas removed by