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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Skallex
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No,but they still exist.Also,misogyny and transphobia are not "systemic" either,because we live in a modern and (kinda) accepting society (there are still social issues,but it's not Middle-Age anymore).People who sincerely hate men/cissies/straights/whites are much less common that people who sincerely hate women/trans people/gays/non-whites but it doesn't mean that their hatred isn't real.
I've actually seen people who openly call themselves "misandrists" and/or "cisphobes",that's why I made this.The point of the stamp is not "misandry/cisphobia is real" but "you shouldn't be proud to be a misandrist/cisphobe".
PS:if you really think this kind of people don't exist,go on tumblr,search "cisphobia" or "male tears" and then come back to me.