Bonjour/bonsoir j'ai un probléme avec mon Multiverse, dans ma config :
Je relance mon serv et pouf le multiverse se réinitialise et mais prefix en true
Voila ma config donc j'ai bien mi le prefix en FalseCode:# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is the MV2 Config. If you mess it up, copy the values out # # delete it, and it will be regenerated. Then use the ingame interface # # to add your values back via the "/mv conf" command. # # When in-game, simply type: "/mv conf ?" for help. # # A config with explanations can be found here: # # # # # # # # IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !!IMPORTANT # # # # Do NOT delete this line from your config!!!! # # ==: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCoreConfiguration # # # # IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !!IMPORTANT # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # multiverse-configuration: ==: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCoreConfiguration enforceaccess: 'false' prefixchat: 'false' prefixchatformat: '[%world%]%chat%' useasyncchat: 'true' teleportintercept: 'true' firstspawnoverride: 'true' displaypermerrors: 'true' globaldebug: '0' silentstart: 'false' messagecooldown: '5000' version: '2.9' firstspawnworld: Spawn teleportcooldown: '1000' defaultportalsearch: 'false' portalsearchradius: '128'
Je relance mon serv et pouf le multiverse se réinitialise et mais prefix en true