Probleme AuthMe


15 Mai 2012
J'ai téléchargé Authme mais maintenant je voudrai le configuré de telle sorte que si le joueur se déconnecte dans sa base par exemple, et bien quand il se reconnecte sans se login il soit au spawn puis quand il tappe le bon login il soit remis à l'endroit où il s'est déconnecté la dernière fois ( dans cet exemple : la base )


15 Mai 2012
Ma config :
# Column for storing or checking players nickname
mySQLColumnName: username
# Table of the database
mySQLTablename: authme
# Username about Database Connection Infos
mySQLUsername: authme
# Can be set to : file, sqlite, mysql
backend: file
# Column for storing players lastlogins
mySQLColumnLastLogin: lastlogin
# Database Name, use with converters or as SQLITE database name
mySQLDatabase: authme
# Database Port
mySQLPort: '3306'
# Column for storing players IPs
mySQLColumnIp: ip
# Database location
# Column for storing players passwords
mySQLColumnPassword: password
# Password about Database Connection Infos
mySQLPassword: '12345'
# Do we need to cache all things ? Not Recommanded with multiThreading enable
caching: true
# Column for SaveQuitLocation - X
mySQLlastlocX: x
# Column for SaveQuitLocation - Y
mySQLlastlocY: y
# Column for SaveQuitLocation - Z
mySQLlastlocZ: z
# Column for SaveQuitLocation - World name
mySQLlastlocWorld: world
# Column for storing players emails
mySQLColumnEmail: email
# Column of IDs to sort data
mySQLColumnId: id
# if you want to set up a particulary Permission Group for
# users that arent registered yet. Pay attention this option
# is casesensitive!
# Example: UnregisteredPlayerGroup: GuestUser
UnregisteredPlayerGroup: ''
# Same as UnregisteredGroup if u want to set a switch
# between unregistered and registered player group
# set the group name below
RegisteredPlayerGroup: ''
# with this option you can add specified permission onJoin
# like for example LoginBonus from another plugins, AuthMe
# will check onJoin if player has that permissions in his Group
# if true it add a temporany permissions to that user. This Field
# is needed beacuse AuthMe switch all unlogged players on a
# specified restricted Permission Group, so plugins that will use
# some particolary permissions on join doesnt work, without
# compiling option below!
PermissionsOnJoin: []
# Do you want to enable session? When enabled
# the ip of a player will be bound to the nickname
# of the player on login. As long as neither of those
# two change players don't have to login on a reconnect
enabled: false
# After how many minutes a session should timeout?
# 0 for unlimitted sessions, use 0 at your own risk!
# consider that session will end only after timeout, and
# if player's ip is changed but the timeout treshould isent
# ended, player will kick out of sever for unvalidSession!
timeout: 10
# Do we need to timeout the session if the player is offline
# And try to login with an another IP Address?
sessionExpireOnIpChange: false
# Can unregistered players chat, care , that block all commands except followers
allowChat: false
# Commands allowed when a player is unlogged
- /login
- /register
- /l
- /reg
- /passpartu
- /email
- /captcha
# Maximum Registraion per IP default: 1
maxRegPerIp: 2
# max allowed nick length (Warning when you use
# mysql and choose a value >20 you have to
# increase the size of the nickname column in your
# mysql table)
maxNicknameLength: 20
# Player that is online arent
# kick out for "logged in from another
# Location", this options will prevent players that would exploit
# your account when you are playing
ForceSingleSession: true
# Teleport every time player join at World Spawn location,
# even if they loggedin successfully,
# all quit and previus location will
# overwrite with World Spawn. Different From
# "teleportUnAuthedToSpawn"
# that teleport player back to his quit or kick position,
# when he loggedin
ForceSpawnLocOnJoinEnabled: false
# This will prevent all lost of quit position, when player
# isent loggedin
SaveQuitLocation: false
# For activate Restricted user by ip u need
# to set True this option and configure the field
# AllowedRestrctedUser as show below
AllowRestrictedUser: false
# Restricted user will kick players that
# is listed below and they dont
# meet the match of username;ip
# Example playername; , if playername
# hasent as ip address
# he will not be allowed to join the server
- playername;
# Should unregistered players be kicked immediatly?
kickNonRegistered: false
# Should fail password players be kicked immediatly?
kickOnWrongPassword: false
# should not loged in players be teleported to spawn?
# On login they will be teleported back to their normal
# position
teleportUnAuthedToSpawn: true
# min allowed nick length
minNicknameLength: 3
# Can unregistered players walk around?
allowMovement: false
# After what time players who fail to login or register
# should be kicked. Set to 0 to disable.
timeout: 30
# Regex sintax for allowed Char in player name.
allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*'
# How far can unregistered players walk? Set to 0
# for unlimited radius
allowedMovementRadius: 100
# Enable double check of password when you register
# when it's true, registration require that kind of command:
# /register <password> <confirmPassword>
enablePasswordVerifier: true
# Should we protect the player inventory before logging in?
ProtectInventoryBeforeLogIn: true
# Should we display all other accounts from a player when he joins?
# permission: /authme.admin.accounts
displayOtherAccounts: true
# WorldNames where we need to force the spawn location for ForceSpawnLocOnJoinEnabled
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# Ban ip when the ip is not the ip registered in database
banUnsafedIP: false
# ForceSurvivalMode to player when join ?
ForceSurvivalMode: false
# if player join with CreativeMode and ForceSurvivalMode: true
# inventory will be wipped
ResetInventoryIfCreative: false
# Do we need to force the survival mode ONLY after /login process ?
ForceOnlyAfterLogin: false
# minimum Length of password
minPasswordLength: 4
# this is very important options,
# every time player join the server,
# if they are registered, AuthMe will switch him
# to unLoggedInGroup, this
# should prevent all major exploit.
# So you can set up on your Permission Plugin
# this special group with 0 permissions, or permissions to chat,
# or permission to
# send private message or all other perms that you want,
# the better way is to set up
# this group with few permissions,
# so if player try to exploit some account,
# they can
# do anything except what you set in perm Group.
# After a correct logged-in player will be
# moved to his correct permissions group!
# Pay attention group name is case sensitive,
# so Admin is different from admin,
# otherwise your group will be wiped,
# and player join in default group []!
# Example unLoggedinGroup: NotLogged
unLoggedinGroup: unLoggedinGroup
# possible values: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, WHIRLPOOL, XAUTH, MD5VB, PHPBB,
# PLAINTEXT ( unhashed password),
# DOUBLEMD5, PBKDF2, WORDPRESS, CUSTOM(for developpers only)
passwordHash: SHA256
# salt length for the SALTED2MD5 MD5(MD5(password)+salt)
doubleMD5SaltLength: 8
# If password checking return false , do we need to check with all
# other password algorithm to check an old password ?
# AuthMe will update the password to the new passwordHash !
supportOldPasswordHash: false
# enable registration on the server?
enabled: true
# Send every X seconds a message to a player to
# remind him that he has to login/register
messageInterval: 5
# Only registered and logged in players can play.
# See restrictions for exceptions
force: true
# Does we replace password registration by an Email registration method ?
enableEmailRegistrationSystem: false
# Enable double check of email when you register
# when it's true, registration require that kind of command:
# /register <email> <confirmEmail>
doubleEmailCheck: false
# below you can list all your account name, that
# AuthMe will ignore for registration or login, configure it
# at your own risk!! Remember that if you are going to add
# nickname with [], you have to delimit name with ' '.
# this option add compatibility with BuildCraft and some
# other mods.
# It is CaseSensitive!
UnrestrictedName: []
# Message language, available : en, de, br, cz, pl, fr, ru, hu, sk, es, zhtw, fi, zhcn, lt, it, ko, pt
messagesLanguage: en
#Force these commands after /login, without any '/', use %p for replace with player name
forceCommands: []
# MySQL column for the salt , needed for some forum/cms support
mySQLColumnSalt: ''
# MySQL column for the group, needed for some forum/cms support
mySQLColumnGroup: ''
# -1 mean disabled. If u want that only
# activated player can login in your server
# u can put in this options the group number
# of unactivated user, needed for some forum/cms support
nonActivedUserGroup: -1
# Other MySQL columns where we need to put the Username
mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: []
# How much Log to Round needed in BCrypt(do not change it if you do not know what's your doing)
bCryptLog2Round: 10
# phpBB prefix defined during phpbb installation process
phpbbTablePrefix: 'phpbb_'
# phpBB activated group id , 2 is default registered group defined by phpbb
phpbbActivatedGroupId: 2
# WordPress prefix defined during WordPress installation process
wordpressTablePrefix: 'wp_'
# take care with this options, if u dont want
# to use Vault and Group Switching of
# AuthMe for unloggedIn players put False
# below, default is true.
EnablePermissionCheck: false
# Enable or Disable Automatic Backup
ActivateBackup: false
# set Backup at every start of Server
OnServerStart: false
# set Backup at every stop of Server
OnServerStop: true
# Windows only mysql installation Path
MysqlWindowsPath: 'C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.1\\'
# Enable or Disable Passpartu Feature,
# this feature let Admin Login with all registered
# Account they need, for example inspecting Player that
# is doing shit, they can login without know any
# Player password! More info on How TO
enablePasspartu: false
# Stop the server if we can't contact the sql database
# Take care with this, if you set that to false,
# AuthMe automatically disable and the server is not protected!
stopServer: true
# /reload support
useReloadCommandSupport: true
# Remove spam console
noConsoleSpam: false
# Replace passwords in the console when player type a command like /login
removePassword: true
# Player need to put a captcha when he fails too lot the password
useCaptcha: false
# Max allowed tries before request a captcha
maxLoginTry: 5
# Captcha length
captchaLength: 5
# Rakamak file name
fileName: users.rak
# Rakamak use ip ?
useIP: false
# IP file name for rakamak
ipFileName: UsersIp.rak
# possible values: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, WHIRLPOOL, XAUTH, MD5VB, PHPBB,
# PLAINTEXT ( unhashed password),
# DOUBLEMD5, PBKDF2, WORDPRESS, CUSTOM(for developpers only)
newPasswordHash: SHA256
# Email SMTP server host
# Email SMTP server port
mailPort: 465
# Email account that send the mail
mailAccount: ''
# Email account password
mailPassword: ''
# Custom SenderName, that replace the mailAccount name in the email
mailSenderName: ''
# Random password length
RecoveryPasswordLength: 8
# Email subject of password get
mailSubject: 'Your new AuthMe Password'
# Email text here
mailText: 'Dear <playername>, <br /><br /> This is your new AuthMe password for the server <br /><br /> <servername> : <br /><br /> <generatedpass><br /><br />Do not forget to change password after login! <br /> /changepassword <generatedpass> newPassword'
# Like maxRegPerIp but with email
maxRegPerEmail: 1
# Recall players to add an email ?
recallPlayers: false
# Delay in minute for the recall scheduler
delayRecall: 5
# Do we need to hook with multiverse for spawn checking?
multiverse: true
# Do we need to hook with ChestShop for prevent buy or selling ?
chestshop: true
# Do we need to hook with BungeeCord for get the real Player ip ?
bungeecord: false
# Do we need to hook with Notifications for Notifs sending ?
notifications: true
# Do we need to disable Essentials SocialSpy on join ?
disableSocialSpy: true
# Do we need to force /motd Essentials command on join ?
useEssentialsMotd: false
# HIGHLY recommended to use this! This will increase database performance
# Default is false due to little servers
useMultiThreading: false
# On Enable , does AuthMe need to purge automatically old accounts unused ?
useAutoPurge: false
# Number of Days an account become Unused
daysBeforeRemovePlayer: 60
# Do we need to remove the player.dat file during purge process ?
removePlayerDat: false
# Do we need to remove the Essentials/users/player.yml file during purge process ?
removeEssentialsFile: false
# World where are players.dat stores
defaultWorld: 'world'
# Do we need to remove LimitedCreative/inventories/player.yml , player_creative.yml files during purge process ?
removeLimitedCreativesInventories: false
# Do we need to remove the AntiXRayData/PlayerData/player file during purge process ?
removeAntiXRayFile: false
# Enable some servers protection ( country based login, antibot )
enableProtection: false
# Countries allowed to join the server and register, see for countries' codes
- US
- GB
# Do we need to enable automatic antibot system?
enableAntiBot: false
# Max number of player allowed to login in 5 secs before enable AntiBot system automatically
antiBotSensibility: 5
# Duration in minutes of the antibot automatic system
antiBotDuration: 10