Probleme, juste des probleme...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Alixmary
  • Date de début Date de début


Mangeuse de mitaine
13 Mai 2015

J'en ai juste mare -_-
Je cummule les probleme avec mon serveur que j'ai acheter il y a un mois environ chez mineocityhosting.

J'ai reussi a regler mon premier probleme en changeant mon nom minecraft (ce qui a eu pour effet de ''deleter'' mon perso dans le jeu et que j'ai recommencer a neuf.

Mais cette fois-ci, je ne peut pas le deleter parce que ca fait moin de 30 jour que jai changer mon nom '_'

Je me demandait dans quel parametre je pourrait jouer pour ''debuger'' mon perso.
J'ai passer dans une dimensionnal door et depuis j'ai ce message: Disconnected by server Internal server error.

P.S. je suis la host de mon serveur.
et quand j'essaie de me log, ca me dit ca sur le console:
[/FONT]02.06 13:05:59 [Server] INFO      
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup ... 15 more
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_70020_e(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.ServerListenThread.func_71766_a(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_70020_e(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Failed to handle packet for CaKrotte [/]: net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Loading entity NBT
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup ... 15 more
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_70020_e(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.server.ServerListenThread.func_71766_a(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_70020_e(
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Loading entity NBT
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Error handling login related packet - connection from CaKrotte [/] refused
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Disconnecting CaKrotte [/]: Internal server error
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Cannot Hotload Dim: Could not get provider type for dimension 53, does not exist
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Registering remote planet dimension: -29
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Registering remote planet dimension: -28
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Registering remote planet dimension: -29
02.06 13:05:42 [Server] Startup Registering remote planet dimension: -28
[FONT=Consolas][/ code][/FONT]
Merci d'avance cher amis(es) minecraftien et minecraftienne
Je ne sais pas réglé ton problème, mais je te conseil de mettre ton code sois sur sois de le mettre dans une balise code :
[code]ton code[/ code]
Sans l'espace
  • J'aime
Reactions: Alixmary
merci de ton aide ^^
Je pense envoyer un message a la compagnie qui tien le serveur.
Car je peut me conecter a partir du compte de mon copain, et quand il prend mon copmte, il peut pas ce conecter dessus :/
Re bonjour.

Bon, je me suis fait repondre par la compagnie.
Thanks for contacting Mineocity Hosting.

From the sounds of your issue, it appears your player is being logged into an unstable area of the world causing either your client or server to crash (and sometimes both).
What we can do to solve this temporarily, is delete the player.dat file of your player which resides in the world > players folder and have you try logging in again.
Deleting this file however will result in your character to lose all in game progress (e.g. spawn location, equipped items, inventory items, etc).

Is this something you'd like assistance in? If so, please let us know your in game name so we can reset the player.

Bref, je doit aller deleter mon player.dat file.
Mais je ne sais pas comment!
est-ce sur mon ordi, sur le serveur ouvert, ou sur le site internet du serveur que je doit faire ca? ( ._.)