Résolu Some best tips for better result


13 Novembre 2014
but apparently field shared and it's going to be on trade a monarch who was I suggested a few Nutra Pump months ago I would go to 178 and this because we're taking my headwall desire of the three groups but it is still only put into second place behind his own on Russian teen Megan David Ragan just following you up there blocking a few last instructions I'm to monitor just got just over half minute he's all I Z seems a bit frantic but he's alright 30 seconds now yeah fort in the world last year that's the best world finishes had he's had quite a few metal successes but winning the European title in Kazan this year that was a major step forward so this to go Silva at the moment he's in fifth place cots is rather trying I'll don’t know Andre D’Amato got for me was the best to the jury
