# Survival Games #
# #
# Developed by #
# Double0negative #
# #
# #
# mc-sg.org #
# #
config-version: 1
#set how many players are needed for the game
#to auto-start. Once the player limit is reached
#it will wait for x amount of seconds for
#additional players. Auto start vote means that
#x percent of players need to vote with /sg vote
#for the game to begin
auto-start-players: 12
auto-start-time: 20
auto-start-vote: 2
#If the player queue is enabled the if a player
#tries to join a game that is not joinable
#(ie ingame) the player will be added to a
#queue line to join the next time the game
#is open
enable-player-queue: true
#if set to true, commands not associated with
#the survival games will not be allowed to
#players in-game
disallow-commands: true
#set how long each player should
#be invincible for after the start of
#the game in seconds
grace-period: 5
#Sets if chest should be restocked on the first
#night. If set to true this will also have the side
#effect of setting the world time to Day at the start
#of the game. This is only temporary until per-arena time
#has been implemented
restock-chest: true
- 18
- 59
- 296
- 295
- 105
- 31
- 37
- 38
- 50
- 103
- 43
- 46
- 39
- 40
- 296
- 59
- 295
- 18
- 105
- 31
- 37
- 38
- 50
- 103
- 43
#if mob-progression is enabled, then the
#difficulty of mobs and amount of mobs
#spawning will increase with a decrease
#of players. The ratio defines how much
#harder it should get for every person
#out. a ratio of 2 whould mean 2x harder
#The mob blacklist definesmobs that should
#not spawn.
##________NOT IMPLEMETED____________
enabled: true
ratio: 2
- slime
#if set to true, the logging manager
#will use sql to save block data. Otherwise
#it will be stored into memory.
usesql: false
#settings for the endgame. This enables
#when there are only x amount of players
#remaining. If place chest is enabled then
#when the player limit is reached, a chest
#will be placed inside the radius of every
#remain player contianing random items for
#that player. If fire-lighting is enabled
#the a lighting strike will be fired at the
#location of each player every x seconds to
#notify the other players of their location
players: 3
enabled: true
interval: 15
#settings for connecting to the
#sql server. These settings will
#be used for both the online webstats
#and for logging block changes for the
#automated rollback. Prefix is what all
#tables used for surivalgames will be
#prefixed with. This should stay the same
# for most cases. Server prefix allows you
#To prefix arenaID's with a server prefix.
#This is useful if you have multiple servers
#and you want to have them on the same database
#and they have the same arenaID's but you want to
#keep them seperate. If you only have 1 server,
#leave this blank.
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
user: 'root'
pass: ''
database: 'survivalgames'
prefix: 'sg_'
server-prefix : ''
#Settings for the webstats. If enabled, stats
#such as k/d record, wins, win streaks, kill
#streaks etc will be saved. If webserver is
#enabled then a webserver will be started on the
#<yourserverip>:<port> and allow people to view
#the stats online.
##_______Online webserver not implemented. Use the
#PHP backend instead. ______________
enabled: false
kill: 10
win: 300
position: 7
base: 10
multiplier: 2
level1: '&e{player}&7 Double Kill!'
level2: '&e{player}&9 Multi Kill!'
level3: '&e{player}&5 Ultra Kill!'
level4: '&e{player}&4 Unbelievable Kill!'
level5: '&e{player}&a&kii&4&l Unbelievable+!&a&kii'