Plugin Wolrd Edit ne fonctionne pas


Architecte en herbe
23 Mai 2019
je me décide enfin de vous demande de l'aide.
Depuis le début de cet après-midi, j'essaie tant bien que mal à installer des plugins sur mon serveur minecraft VQS.
J'ai installé Essentials, qui fonctionne très bien. J'ai aussi installé WorldEdit, qui me pose problème...
J'ai toutes les commandes WE, etc... En fait, le plug-in fonctionne. Sauf que le plug-in n'intéragit pas avec les blocs du serveur.
Ca fait comme si le serveur n'autorisait pas la casse/la modification ou autre des blocs, et j'espère que vous pourrez me venir en aide parce que je commence légèrement à en avoir ras-le-bol...

N'hésitez pas à me demander si vous souhaitez plus d'infos sur mon problème !
Bonne soirée, et merci d'avoir lu !


Créateur de plugins (PhoenixRebirth)
17 Août 2012
10 531
2 247
Bruxelles - Belgique

Peux-tu nous donner la liste de tes plugins ?
Peux-tu également vérifier que tu n'ai pas d'erreurs dans tes logs. Si tu ne sais pas repérer les erreurs, envoie nous toutes les logs (dans des balises code stp !), on se chargera de te dire s'il y en a et, si tel est le cas, d'où elles viennent. Pour poster des logs, je t'invite à suivre ce tuto:ésoudre-un-problème.77248/



Architecte en herbe
23 Mai 2019

alors pour les plug-ins, j'ai WorldEdit (s'allume en vert mais ne fonctionne pas), Essentials (s'allume en vert et fonctionne) et Citizens (s'allume en rouge mais mon problème date d'avant l'ajout de citizens, et osef de citizens haha)

Pour les logs : (j'ai pris le fichier latest.log, les autres fichiers sont en .rar)

[05:51:10] [main/INFO]: Loaded 0 recipes
[05:51:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2
[05:51:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[05:51:10] [Server thread/WARN]: resource-pack-hash is deprecated and found along side resource-pack-sha1. resource-pack-hash will be ignored.
[05:51:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[05:51:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[05:51:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[05:51:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
[05:51:11] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-e693496 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[05:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v7.0.0-rc-2;7be00cc
[05:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@15c1f589]
[05:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_13_R2 as the Bukkit adapter
[05:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487)
[05:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.15.0.45
[05:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "Superflat"
[05:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[05:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded 524 recipes
[05:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:overworld (Seed: -1547945120)
[05:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[05:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[05:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12%
[05:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[05:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[05:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[05:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:the_end (Seed: -1547945120)
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:the_nether (Seed: -1547945120)
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[05:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100%
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 3935 ms
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v7.0.0-rc-2;7be00cc
[05:51:21] [Server thread/WARN]: [WorldEdit] The version of Spigot/Paper you are using doesn't support Tags. The usage of tags with WorldEdit will not work until you update.
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487)
[05:51:21] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Citizens] v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487) is not compatible with Minecraft v1_13_R2 - try upgrading or downgrading Citizens. Disabling.
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487)
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.15.0.45
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: No kits found to migrate.
[05:51:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider.
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.9+ BasePotionData provider as potion meta provider.
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale en_US
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Spigot 1.7.10+ ServerListPingEvent iterator
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using superperms-based permissions.
[05:51:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[05:51:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (6.664s)! For help, type "help"
[05:51:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting remote control listener
[05:51:23] [Server thread/WARN]: No rcon password set in '/data/service7865/data/service_item_967140/', rcon disabled!
[05:51:25] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2107ms or 42 ticks behind
[17:16:11] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player IZaMazZiO is 83f42184-3ce1-409c-8d69-696a69002996
[17:16:13] [Server thread/INFO]: IZaMazZiO[/] logged in with entity id 302 at ([Superflat]-296.81485134940897, 62.9375, 166.01900401262105)
[17:16:40] [Server thread/INFO]: CommandBlock at -277,63,187 issued server command: /time set 0
[17:16:41] [Server thread/INFO]: CommandBlock at -275,63,187 issued server command: /broadcast /motd pour plus d'informations
[17:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: CommandBlock at -277,63,187 issued server command: /time set 0
[17:29:21] [Server thread/INFO]: CommandBlock at -275,63,187 issued server command: /broadcast /motd pour plus d'informations
[17:42:24] [Server thread/INFO]: CommandBlock at -277,63,187 issued server command: /time set 0
[17:42:25] [Server thread/INFO]: CommandBlock at -275,63,187 issued server command: /broadcast /motd pour plus d'informations
[17:48:30] [Server thread/INFO]: IZaMazZiO lost connection: Disconnected
[17:48:30] [Server thread/INFO]: IZaMazZiO left the game


Créateur de plugins (PhoenixRebirth)
17 Août 2012
10 531
2 247
Bruxelles - Belgique

[05:51:21] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Citizens] v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487) is not compatible with Minecraft v1_13_R2 - try upgrading or downgrading Citizens. Disabling.
Sache que citizen ne fonctionne pas car il n'et pas à jour.

Bon donc, WorldEdit nous met ceci:
[05:51:21] [Server thread/WARN]: [WorldEdit] The version of Spigot/Paper you are using doesn't support Tags. The usage of tags with WorldEdit will not work until you update.
Je vais t'avouer ne pas avoir testé de serveur en 1.13.2... Je ne peux donc pas te donner une réponse toute faite. Ta version semble la bonne.
Mais dans le doute, essaye d'installer la dernière version présente ici:

Peux tu vérifier qu'il n'y ai pas d'erreur lorsque tu exécutes une commande WorldEdit ? stp



Architecte en herbe
23 Mai 2019
Je viens d'installer ce que tu viens d'envoyer, mais c'est pire lol...
Dès que je fais un /plugin, WorldEdit apparait en vert, sauf que les commandes WorldEdit ne fonctionnent pas, elles ne s'affichent même plus dans les suggestions de commandes



Architecte en herbe
23 Mai 2019
Beaucoup d'erreurs apparemment haha.... @Detobel36

[05:44:12] [main/INFO]: Loaded 0 recipes
[05:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2
[05:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[05:44:12] [Server thread/WARN]: resource-pack-hash is deprecated and found along side resource-pack-sha1. resource-pack-hash will be ignored.
[05:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[05:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[05:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[05:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
[05:44:13] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-e693496 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[05:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.9;caf0ad9
[05:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487)
[05:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.15.0.45
[05:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "Superflat"
[05:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[05:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded 524 recipes
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:overworld (Seed: -1547945120)
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[05:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:the_end (Seed: -1547945120)
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level minecraft:the_nether (Seed: -1547945120)
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[05:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 12%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 24%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 28%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 40%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 56%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 60%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 64%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 76%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 96%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 100%
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 2626 ms
[05:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.9;caf0ad9
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling WorldEdit v6.1.9;caf0ad9 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Channel must contain : separator (attempted to use WECUI)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger.validateAndCorrectChannel( ~[gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel( ~[gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin.onEnable( ~[?:?]
    at ~[gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.l( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.init( [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at [gbinvl_craftbukkit-1.13.2.jar:git-Bukkit-e693496]
    at [?:1.8.0_212]
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487)
[05:44:20] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Citizens] v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487) is not compatible with Minecraft v1_13_R2 - try upgrading or downgrading Citizens. Disabling.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1487)
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.15.0.45
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: No kits found to migrate.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.9+ BasePotionData provider as potion meta provider.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale en_US
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Spigot 1.7.10+ ServerListPingEvent iterator
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using superperms-based permissions.
[05:44:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[05:44:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (4.971s)! For help, type "help"
[05:44:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener
[05:44:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting remote control listener
[05:44:21] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on
[05:44:21] [Server thread/WARN]: No rcon password set in '/data/service7865/data/service_item_967140/', rcon disabled!
[19:25:26] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player lordsyd is 11f7e881-761c-4f88-91e2-7377eb9334f0
[19:25:27] [Server thread/INFO]: lordsyd[/] logged in with entity id 287 at ([Superflat]-292.61757524525353, 66.32250134119604, 80.34242024072549)
[19:25:37] [Server thread/INFO]: lordsyd lost connection: Disconnected
[19:25:37] [Server thread/INFO]: lordsyd left the game