
22 Septembre 2018
J'aurais besoin de la communautée de pour me traduire un plugins

voici ce qu'il faut traduire

# ################################################
#  __  __                     _______  _____     #
# |  \/  |                   |__   __||  __ \    #
# | \  / |  ___   _ __  ___     | |   | |__) |    #
# | |\/| | / _ \ | '__|/ _ \    | |   |  ___/      #
# | |  | || (_) || |  |  __/    | |   | |           #
# |_|  |_| \___/ |_|   \___|    |_|   |_|           #
#  By Onenrico [A.k.a ENVY]                         #
# ####################################################                                           
# Please note: This plugin may contains bug that i'm not realize if there was a bug
# that was your job to find one and report that to me on my spigot page
# Check out this link to see available Material for item
# Note: This Material list is For the latest release of Spigot version
# so some material maybe not work in older version [Example: BONE_BLOCK only work for 1.11]
#:====-----=====[ Premium Config ]=====-----=====#
plugin_prefix: "&3Teleport &8»"
#:====-----=====[ Plugin Config ]=====-----=====#
plugin_autocheckupdate: false
plugin_sendmetrics: false
# I recommend you to not touch this , since it was not affect your gameplay
moretp_menu_title: "&f&nTeleport"
moretp_menuplayer_title: "&f&nPlayers &8[&7{cpage}&8/&7{pages}&8]"
moretp_item_tpa_name: "&aView | Players"
- '&8&l- &7Right click to view'
moretp_nextpage: "&fNext Page"
moretp_prevpage: "&fPrevious Page"
moretp_head_tpa: "  &8&l- &7Left click to | &fTPA - &e{player}"
moretp_head_tpahere: "  &8&l- &7Right click to | &fTPAHERE - &e{player}"
#=====-----=====[ General Config ]=====-----=====#
teleport_cancel_interact: true
teleport_cancel_move: true
teleport_cancel_jump: true
teleport_cancel_damage: true
teleport_cancel_damaged: true
teleport_cancel_break: true
teleport_cancel_place: true
teleport_cancel_chat: true
teleport_cancel_command: true
particle_teleport_teleporting: true
#Should Enable particle at player location when teleporting
particle_teleport_pre-landing: true
#Should Enable particle at teleport location when teleporting
particle_teleport_landing: true
#Should Enable particle at teleport location when teleported
teleport_default_cooldown: 5
#delay in second player will actually teleport
#this is just default value for /tp command , any warp or telepad actually can have different teleport delay.
#player can bypass this with permission [moretp.cooldown.bypass]
teleport_default_delay: 5
#cooldown in second player allowed to use teleport after a teleport
#player can bypass this with permission [moretp.delay.bypass]
#teleport_invulnerable: 4 [WORK IN PROGRESS]
#how long does player be invulnerable from all damage after teleport
teleport_request_timeout: 120
#how long does timeout for teleport request /tpa and /tpahere
#=====-----=====[ Device Config ]=====-----=====#
device_empty_lore: "&8&l- &aShift + Right click to save location"
device_filled_lore: "&8&l- &aRight click to teleport"
device_lore: "&7You can share this device%n%&7with other people."
device_filled_name: "&bLocation | Device &f| &aFILLED"
device_empty_name: "&bLocation | Device &f| &fEMPTY"
device_recipe_enabled: true
#=====-----=====[ Warp Config ]=====-----=====#
warp_title: "&3&k||&r &7&lWarp Menu &3&k||"
warp_edit_option: "&8&l[ &bPlease Shift-Click To Edit &8&l]"
warp_teleport_option: "&8&l[ &fPlease Click To Teleport &8&l]"
warp_default_displayname: "&8&l[&b&m=---=&8&l> &f&l{warpname} &8&l<&7&b&m=---=&8&l]"
warp_default_permission: "moretp.warp.{warpname}"
  - "&8&m---------&r &bWarp Info &8&m--------"
  - ""
  - "&bPermission&f&l: &8[&f{permission}&8]"
  - ""
  - "&bCooldown&f&l: &b{cooldown} &fsecond"
  - ""
  - "&bCost&f&l: &b{cost}"
  - ""
  - "&8&m---------------------------"
warp_default_cost: 0
warp_default_cooldown: 5
warp_default_glowing: false
warp_default_item: COMPASS
#Check warps directory and set your warp setting individually
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
# {warpname} would return warp current name
# {cost} would return the cost of the warp
# {cooldown} would return the cooldown of the warp teleport
# {permission} would return the permission to use warp
# {x} would return the x - coordinate of the warp location
# {y} would return the y - coordinate of the warp location
# {z} would return the z - coordinate of the warp location
# {world} would return world name of the warp location
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
#=====-----=====[ RandomTP Config ]=====-----=====#
quicktp_default_biome: RANDOM
quicktp_default_radius: 1000
quicktp_default_cost: 100
quicktp_default_cooldown: 3
randomtp_title: "&f&nTeleportation - Filters"
randomtp_selected_option: "&8&l- &a&lSELECTED"
randomtp_notselected_option: "&8&l- &7Left click to &aselect"
randomtp_edit_option: "&8&l- &7Right click to &aedit"
  name: "&a&lClick to proceed teleport"
  permission: moretp.random.{world}
  - "&8Options:"
  - "&8&l- &7Biome: &3{biome}"
  - "&8&l- &7Radius: &3{radius}"
  - ""
  - "&8&l- &7Final price: &a{totalcost} "
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
# {biome} would return current selected biome
# {radius} would return current selected Radius
# {totalcost} would return current total cost of teleport
# {world} would return Player's current world
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
#Just prevent player spawning on MIDDLE OF THE SEA !
#Just preent player spawning on Dangerous BLOCK !
#=====-----=====[ ActionBar Message ]=====-----=====#
message_actionbar_cooldown: "{themecolor}{left} {flatcolor}seconds left to teleport"
message_actionbar_teleported: "{flatcolor}&"
message_actionbar_enabled: false
message_actionbar_reverse: false
#The style of bar Fill
#=====-----=====[ TitleBar Message ]=====-----=====#
message_titlebar_teleporting: "&bTeleporting..."
message_titlebar_teleporting_subtitle: "&bPlease, wait &f{left} seconds"
message_titlebar_teleporting_canceled: "&c&lCANCELED"
message_titlebar_teleporting_canceled_subtitle: "{flatcolor}Please, don't move"
message_titlebar_teleported: "&b&lTELEPORTED"
message_titlebar_teleported_subtitle: "&7You have been teleported"
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message (Only for ActionBar and TitleBar Message) ]=====-----=====#
# {themecolor} would replaced with Bright random color
# {flatcolor} would replaced with Darker random color
# {player} would replaced with Player displayname
# {left} would replaced by remaining second to teleport
# {x} would replaced by player current X coord location
# {y} would replaced by player current Y coord location
# {z} would replaced by player current Z coord location
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
#=====-----=====[ Other Message ]=====-----=====#
message_config_reload: "Config Successfully Reloaded !"
message_warp_notfound: "&cWarp name &b{warp} &cNot Found"
message_warp_deleted: "&7Warp name &b{warp} &7Successfully deleted"
message_warp_set: "&7Warp &b{warp}&7 Successfully Set !"
message_sign_timeout: "Sign Creation Cancelled Because Timeout"
message_sign_please: "Please &eLeft-Click &bon A &bSign"
message_sign_now: "Now &eLeft-Click &bon a &bSign &bto convert it to &bMoreTP Sign"
message_sign_created: "&bSign &bSuccessfully Created"
message_sign_already: "That sign already MoreTP Sign"
message_teleport_success: "&7Successfully teleported."
message_teleport_nomoney: "&7You don't have enough money"
message_teleport_norequest: "&7You don't have any teleportation request"
message_teleport_accepted: "&3{player} &aaccepted &7your teleport request"
message_teleport_acceptedfrom: "&7You accepted request from &3{player}"
message_teleport_dennied: "&3{player} &cdennied &7your teleport request"
message_teleport_denniedfrom: "&7You dennied request from &3{player}"
message_teleport_disabled: "&3{player} has disabled his teleport, you can't TP him"
message_teleporthere_notify: "&3{player} &7request to &ateleport &7to his/her location"
message_teleport_notify: "&3{player} &7request to &ateleport &7to your location"
message_teleport_notify_yes: "&a&l{accept} &3- To accept request"
message_teleport_notify_no: "&c&l{deny} &3- To deny request"
#{accept} will be replaced by accept button
#{deny} will be replaced by deny button
message_teleport_notify_expired: "&7Request will expire in &3{remain} &3seconds"
message_teleport_requestsent: "&7Teleport request has been sent to &3{player}"
message_teleport_targetnotonline: "&7Player &3{player} &7is not online"
message_teleport_self: "&cYou can't TP yourself"
message_forceteleport_sender: "Successfully teleport &a{victim} &bto &c{target}"
message_forceteleport_target: "You Are Teleported To &a{target} &bby &c{player}"
message_forceteleport_forcedto: "You Are Forced Teleport To &a{player}"
message_forceteleport_forced: "Successfully Forced &a{player} &bteleport to you"
message_device_already: "&cYou already have a location in this device"
message_device_saved: "&7Location saved successfully"
message_title_notfound: "&cLocation Not Found"
message_subtitle_notfound: "&cPlease choose another option"
message_subtitle_pleasewait: "&7Please, wait"
message_title_searching: "&bSearching..."
message_notselect_biome: "Please select biome to teleport"
message_notselect_radius: "Please select radius to teleport"
message_warp_edit_cost: "You Are Editing Cost Of {warp} Warp"
message_warp_edit_cooldown: "You Are Editing Cooldown Of {warp} Warp"
message_warp_edit_enternumber: "&bPlease Enter Number In The Chat !"
message_teleport_delay: "&cYou Must Wait &f{time} &bSeconds &cBefore Teleport Again"
message_teleport_button_yes_hover: "&a&lACCEPT%n%&7Teleport request from &3{player}"
message_teleport_button_no_hover: "&c&lDENY%n%&7Teleport request from &3{player}"
#use %n% for new line
message_teleport_button_yes_text: "&8&l[&a&lACCEPT&8]"
message_teleport_button_no_text: "&8[&c&lDENY&8]"
message_chat_comehere: "[comehere]"
#when someone type that in the chat then it'll be replaced by button to tp to that man
message_chat_takeme: "[takeme]"
#when someone type that in the chat then it'll be replaced by button to tp to you
message_chat_button_comehere_text: "&8[&bTPme&8]&r"
#button text by message_chat_comehere
message_chat_button_takeme_text: "&8[&aTakeme&8]&r"
#button text by message_chat_takeme
message_chat_button_comehere_hover: "&7Click this to teleport to &b{player}"
#button hover by message_chat_comehere
#use %n% for new line
message_chat_button_takeme_hover: "&7Click this to take the &b{player} &7to you"
#button hover by message_chat_takeme
#use %n% for new line
message_hide_on: "&cTeleport hidden &7| No one can see you via &3/tp or /tpa"
message_hide_off: "&aTeleport revealed &7| Everyone can see you via &3/tp or /tpa"
message_tptoggle_on: "&cTeleport disabled &7| No one can teleport to you via &3/tp or /tpa"
message_tptoggle_off: "&aTeleport enabled &7| Everyone can teleport to you via &3/tp or /tpa"
message_adminteleport_teleported: "&bSuccessfully force teleport To {player}"
message_adminteleport_teleporthere: "&bSuccessfully force teleport {player} to you"
message_silent_on: "&cParticles disabled &7| You can teleport now without any particles"
message_silent_off: "&aParticles enabled &7| You will use particles on teleports"
message_teleport_targetnopermiss: "Currently &b{target} &cDoesn't Have Permission To Accept Your Teleport"
message_no_permission: "You don't have the permission"

Dernière édition par un modérateur:


Un modérateur chat trop mignon
6 Octobre 2013
# ################################################
#  __  __                     _______  _____     #
# |  \/  |                   |__   __||  __ \    #
# | \  / |  ___   _ __  ___     | |   | |__) |    #
# | |\/| | / _ \ | '__|/ _ \    | |   |  ___/      #
# | |  | || (_) || |  |  __/    | |   | |           #
# |_|  |_| \___/ |_|   \___|    |_|   |_|           #
#  By Onenrico [A.k.a ENVY]                         #
# ####################################################                                           
# Please note: This plugin may contains bug that i'm not realize if there was a bug
# that was your job to find one and report that to me on my spigot page
# Check out this link to see available Material for item
# Note: This Material list is For the latest release of Spigot version
# so some material maybe not work in older version [Example: BONE_BLOCK only work for 1.11]
#:====-----=====[ Premium Config ]=====-----=====#
plugin_prefix: "&3Teleport &8»"
#:====-----=====[ Plugin Config ]=====-----=====#
plugin_autocheckupdate: false
plugin_sendmetrics: false
# I recommend you to not touch this , since it was not affect your gameplay
moretp_menu_title: "&f&nTeleport"
moretp_menuplayer_title: "&f&nPlayers &8[&7{cpage}&8/&7{pages}&8]"
moretp_item_tpa_name: "&aView | Players"
- '&8&l- &7Clic droit pour voir'
moretp_nextpage: "&fPage suivante"
moretp_prevpage: "&fPage précédente"
moretp_head_tpa: "  &8&l- &7Clic gauche pour | &fTPA - &e{player}"
moretp_head_tpahere: "  &8&l- &7Clic droit pour | &fTPAHERE - &e{player}"
#=====-----=====[ General Config ]=====-----=====#
teleport_cancel_interact: true
teleport_cancel_move: true
teleport_cancel_jump: true
teleport_cancel_damage: true
teleport_cancel_damaged: true
teleport_cancel_break: true
teleport_cancel_place: true
teleport_cancel_chat: true
teleport_cancel_command: true
particle_teleport_teleporting: true
#Should Enable particle at player location when teleporting
particle_teleport_pre-landing: true
#Should Enable particle at teleport location when teleporting
particle_teleport_landing: true
#Should Enable particle at teleport location when teleported
teleport_default_cooldown: 5
#delay in second player will actually teleport
#this is just default value for /tp command , any warp or telepad actually can have different teleport delay.
#player can bypass this with permission [moretp.cooldown.bypass]
teleport_default_delay: 5
#cooldown in second player allowed to use teleport after a teleport
#player can bypass this with permission [moretp.delay.bypass]
#teleport_invulnerable: 4 [WORK IN PROGRESS]
#how long does player be invulnerable from all damage after teleport
teleport_request_timeout: 120
#how long does timeout for teleport request /tpa and /tpahere
#=====-----=====[ Device Config ]=====-----=====#
device_empty_lore: "&8&l- &aShift + Clic droit pour sauvegarder la location"
device_filled_lore: "&8&l- &aClic droit pour téléporter"
device_lore: "&7Tu ne peux pas partager ce dispositif %n%&7avec d'autres personnes."
device_filled_name: "&bLocation | Dispositif &f| &aREMPLIE"
device_empty_name: "&bLocation | Dispositif &f| &fVIDE"
device_recipe_enabled: true
#=====-----=====[ Warp Config ]=====-----=====#
warp_title: "&3&k||&r &7&lWarp Menu &3&k||"
warp_edit_option: "&8&l[ &bS'il vous plaît Shift-Clic pour éditer &8&l]"
warp_teleport_option: "&8&l[ &fS'il vous plait cliquez pour téléporter &8&l]"
warp_default_displayname: "&8&l[&b&m=---=&8&l> &f&l{warpname} &8&l<&7&b&m=---=&8&l]"
warp_default_permission: "moretp.warp.{warpname}"
  - "&8&m---------&r &bWarp Info &8&m--------"
  - ""
  - "&bPermission&f&l: &8[&f{permission}&8]"
  - ""
  - "&bCooldown&f&l: &b{cooldown} &fsecond"
  - ""
  - "&bCoût&f&l: &b{cost}"
  - ""
  - "&8&m---------------------------"
warp_default_cost: 0
warp_default_cooldown: 5
warp_default_glowing: false
warp_default_item: COMPASS
#Check warps directory and set your warp setting individually
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
# {warpname} would return warp current name
# {cost} would return the cost of the warp
# {cooldown} would return the cooldown of the warp teleport
# {permission} would return the permission to use warp
# {x} would return the x - coordinate of the warp location
# {y} would return the y - coordinate of the warp location
# {z} would return the z - coordinate of the warp location
# {world} would return world name of the warp location
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
#=====-----=====[ RandomTP Config ]=====-----=====#
quicktp_default_biome: RANDOM
quicktp_default_radius: 1000
quicktp_default_cost: 100
quicktp_default_cooldown: 3
randomtp_title: "&f&nTeleportation - Filtres"
randomtp_selected_option: "&8&l- &a&lSELECTIONEE"
randomtp_notselected_option: "&8&l- &7Clic gauche pour &asélectionner"
randomtp_edit_option: "&8&l- &7Clic droit pour  &aéditer"
  name: "&a&lCliquer pour procéder à la téléportation"
  permission: moretp.random.{world}
  - "&8Options:"
  - "&8&l- &7Biome: &3{biome}"
  - "&8&l- &7Radius: &3{radius}"
  - ""
  - "&8&l- &7Prix final: &a{totalcost} "
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
# {biome} would return current selected biome
# {radius} would return current selected Radius
# {totalcost} would return current total cost of teleport
# {world} would return Player's current world
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
#Just prevent player spawning on MIDDLE OF THE SEA !
#Just preent player spawning on Dangerous BLOCK !
#=====-----=====[ ActionBar Message ]=====-----=====#
message_actionbar_cooldown: "{themecolor}{left} {flatcolor} secondes restantes avant téléportation"
message_actionbar_teleported: "{flatcolor}&"
message_actionbar_enabled: false
message_actionbar_reverse: false
#The style of bar Fill
#=====-----=====[ TitleBar Message ]=====-----=====#
message_titlebar_teleporting: "&bTeleporting..."
message_titlebar_teleporting_subtitle: "&bS'il vous plaît, attendez &f{left} secondes"
message_titlebar_teleporting_canceled: "&c&lANNULÉE"
message_titlebar_teleporting_canceled_subtitle: "{flatcolor}S'il vous plaît, ne bougez pas"
message_titlebar_teleported: "&b&lTELEPORTEE"
message_titlebar_teleported_subtitle: "&7Vous avez été téléporté"
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message (Only for ActionBar and TitleBar Message) ]=====-----=====#
# {themecolor} would replaced with Bright random color
# {flatcolor} would replaced with Darker random color
# {player} would replaced with Player displayname
# {left} would replaced by remaining second to teleport
# {x} would replaced by player current X coord location
# {y} would replaced by player current Y coord location
# {z} would replaced by player current Z coord location
#=====-----=====[ Placeholder Message ]=====-----=====#
#=====-----=====[ Other Message ]=====-----=====#

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Reactions: bunkerRPG