[80 SLOTS]CivilCraft - 24/7 - Over 40 UNIQUE ITEMS / WEAPONS / BLOCKS / FOODS ~ CivilCraft.ca


24 Décembre 2011

38 pièces uniques, des blocs, des armes, et les aliments! Pas de Mods!
Seuls trouvé sur CivilCraft! Apprenez leurs recettes: http://civilcraft.ca
L'ip du serveur actuel est
24 / 7 de survie
Un domaine alternative créative est également disponible pour les joueurs à tout moment.
CivilCraft utilisent de la ville et le système économique, combinée à son contenu exclusif de fournir une forme unique de gameplay.
Vous ne pouvez pas construire dans le désert. Vous devez appartenir à une ville. Ils sont bon marché à fonder, et il ya beaucoup de villes prexisting disponibles.
In CivilCraft, almost everything is unique. When was the last time you pulled a muscle while playing minecraft?
Or when the last time you failed to place a torch on the wall? Gotten a splinter? Messed up while shooting an arrow?
Things such as the biome temperature, the amount of light in your workspace, the current weather
and many other factors can effect the task your doing while playing CivilCraft.

Chacun de ces aspects est entièrement documenté sur http://CivilCraft.ca et va changer la façon dont vous interagissez avec Minecraft.

CivilCraft.ca offre profils de joueur uniques pour tout le monde, et la carte interactive en temps réel, et un forumcommunautaire active.

Contact: [email protected]

Online 24/7 - Over 99% Uptime
InGame Hotkeys:
  • Press S to sort your inventory or chests.
  • Press C to view your amount of coins.
  • Press P to easily view town information.
  • Press ~ to configure in game music and textures
  • Set your own in game key shortcuts for any command!
A few CivilCraft recipes:
This is a really cool server. Some of you should check it out.

The CivilCraft.ca is back online after a temporary outage!
We just released a few new items, and a new weapon!

CivilCraft.ca for more details.

ps. This forum has a fantastic font scheme.
Still looking for more french users for CivilCraft.

Have reached 44 unique Blocks/Items/Weapons/Foods as of today.
Hello, English friends.
As you can see, Minecraft.fr is a french forum. Could you please translate the post. If it's not done for tomorrow, I'd delete this topic.
Thanks in advance.
Ptibiscuit yesterday = hier, c'est pas plûtot tomorrow qui veut dire demain ?
Edit Ptibiscuit: Merci pour la correction ! xD

Well welcome people, as Ptibiscuit say, this is a french server so that would be cool if you can translate this.

For help, type "Google translation" for translate .

Thanks everyone; I have begun to crudely translate this automatically.
I will seek assistance in rewriting it correctly, and comfortably for all of you.

Thanks everyone, and to Ptibiscuit for the heads up! Thanks!
Well, It's a bit big to be translate in one day, forget about it. :P
But don't Up the topic 'til the translate is done. :)