Chaine de tuto et de presentation de plugin

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Smixi
  • Date de début Date de début
Alors, si tu veut, sa represente, aller une bonne heure de vidéo ;).
Le mieu serais de plutôt utiliser google traduction, pasque la, rien que la config, on a un pour un bon quart d'heure :/.
Pour une base MySQL je regarde facile 1H ! Il me faut vraiment cette vidéo ^^
PS: dit toi qu'avec cette vidéo ta chiane va avoir des visiteurs !
Ma chianne :].
Ben, tu regarde le tuto que j'ai fait sur logblock, mais j'en ferais une :].
Sa marche pareil, c'est eux qui l'on construit :/.
Euh y'a juste que dans config ya pas les même choses... voila se qu'il y a:
IgnorePrisonersSleepingState: true
CanPrisonerOpenHisChest: true
    MySQLConn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
    UseMySQL: false
    MySQLPassword: password
    MySQLUSername: root
JailStickParameters: 280,5,10,,police;50,5,20,,admin
ExecutedCommandsOnRelease: []
LogJailingIntoConsole: false
CountdownTimeWhenOffline: false
EnableJailStick: false
SignText: <Player>[NEWLINE]<TimeS>[NEWLINE]for[NEWLINE]<Reason>
    EnableJailPay: false
    PriceForInfiniteJail: 9999
    PricePerMinute: 10
    Currency: 0
SpoutChangeSkin: false
ExecutedCommandsOnJail: []
AutomaticMute: false
    JailPayCannotPayHim: Sorry, money won't help him this time.
    JailPayCannotPay: Sorry, money won't help you this time.
SelectionTool: 268
DeleteInventoryOnJail: false
ReleaseBackToPreviousPosition: false
    Forever: ever
ManualCells: []
NearestJailCode: nearest
    MessageJailReason: '§cYou have been jailed! Reason: <Reason>'
    JailPayPaidReleased: You have just payed <Amount> and saved yourself from the jail!
    BlockDestroyedNoPenalty: §cDo not destroy The Jail!
    PlayerNotJailed: That player is not jailed!
    ForbiddenTransfer: §9You have been transferred to another jail!
    ForbiddenCommandNoPenalty: §cDo not try to escape with commands!
    PreventedInteractionPenalty: Don't do that in Jail!  You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
    JailPayPaidReleasedHim: You have just payed <Amount> and saved <Prisoner> from the jail!
    JailPayLoweredTime: You have just payed <Amount> and lowered your sentence to <NewTime> minutes!
    PreventedInteractionNoPenalty: Don't do that in Jail!
    JailPayNotEnoughMoney: You don't have that much money!
    TimeMinutes: <Time> minutes
    ForbiddenCommandPenalty: §cDo not try to escape with commands! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
    MessageEscapeNoPenalty: §cDo not try to escape out of Jail!
    MessageBlockPlacedNoPenalty: §cDo not place blocks inside Jail!
    MessageJail: §cYou have been jailed!
    JailPayNotEnoughMoneySelected: That won't be enough for your sentence!
    JailPayCost: 1 minute of your sentence will cost you <MinutePrice>. That means that cost for releasing you out of the jail is <WholePrice>.
    MessageJailPayAmountForever: To get out of this mess, you will have to pay <Amount>.
    BlockDestroyedPenalty: §cDo not destroy The Jail! You have just earned additional 15 minutes in jail!
    MessageMuted: Stop chatting and quietly wait for the end of your sentence!
    MessageUnJail: §2You have been released! Please respect server rules.
    MessageBlockPlacedPenalty: §cDo not place blocks inside Jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
    JailPayLoweredTimeHim: You have just payed <Amount> and lowered <Prisoner>'s sentence to <NewTime> minutes!
    JailStatusReason: You are jailed for <TimeS> by <Jailer> because of <Reason>
    MessageAFKKick: Do not be AFK in jail!
    JailStatus: You are jailed for <TimeS> by <Jailer>
    MessageEscapePenalty: §cDo not try to escape out of Jail! You have just earned additional 30 minutes in jail!!
StoreInventory: true
    GuardAttackSpeedPercent: 100
    GuardHealth: 20
    GuardInvincibility: false
    GuardTeleportDistance: 10
    RespawnGuards: true
    NumberOfGuards: 3
    GuardDamage: 2
    - '69'
    - '72'
    - '70'
    - '46'
    - '64'
    - '96'
    - '77'
    - '59'
    EnableBlockPlaceProtection: true
    InteractionPenalty: 10
    FoodControlMinimumFood: 2
    EnableFoodControl: true
    EnableBlockDestroyProtection: true
    PlayerMoveProtectionAction: guards
    MaximumAFKTime: 5.0
    RestorePermissionsToEscapedPrisoners: true
    BlockDestroyPenalty: 15
    BlockPlacePenalty: 10
    - prisoners
    PlayerMoveProtectionPenalty: 30
    EnablePlayerMoveProtection: true
    EnablePVPProtection: true
    CommandProtectionPenalty: 10
    EnableChangingPermissions: false
    - '326'
    - '327'
    - '259'
    EnableExplosionProtection: true
    FoodControlMaximumFood: 5
    - /spawn
    - /kill
    - /warp
ManualJails: []

Dans quoi je dois mettre mon username ? Password ? nom de la database ? Site de la data base ?

Et au début j'ai vu il y a marqué:
UseMySQL: false
Sa veut dire que je suis pas obligé d'en avoir une ?