Résolu Cherche plugin pour s'authentifier sur le Lobby

Le nom du serveur lobby est : Lobby
Le nom du serveur authlobby est : Login

# BungeeAuth Config File

# Please enter the Host of your MySQL Database here.

Port: 3306
# Please enter the port where your MySQL Database is hosted.

Username: root
# The Username which should be used to auth against the Database.

Password: (CACHE)
# The Password which should be used to auth against the Database. If you don't have a password, please leave two single quotation marks (') in this field.

DBName: login
#The name of the database where BungeeAuth's Tables shall be created.

Lobby: Lobby
# The name of the lobby server.

Fallback Lobby: Lobby2
# The name of the fallback lobby server in case the main lobby is down.

AuthLobby: Login
# The name of the lobby where players are pushed before they authenticate. leave it same as normal lobby if you don't have an auth lobby.

Fallback AuthLobby: AuthLobby2
# The name of the fallback AuthLobby server in case the main AuthLobby is down.

Ask Email: false
# Set this to True if you want the plugin to prompt users to register their email when they login to the server for the first time.

Session Length: 5
# How long (in minutes) does the user's session remains running after a player quits. This allows the user to log back in within the time frame without
# having to type their password again. If user logs in from a different IP, they will be asked to type their password again for security reasons.

Guest Session Length: 60
# How long (in seconds) the user has before they have to register or login.

Legal Usernames Characters: "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
# Allowed Characters in Usernames (). Enclose in quotation marks.

Users per IP: 5
# Number of users that can register (not login) from the same IP.

#---------------------------- PHP API AREA ----------------------------#

Enable PHP API: false
# Enabling this will make the plugin listen to API requests from a port.

PHP API Port: 1395
# The port that the plugin will be listening for API requests on.

API Password: 'pZe8qNCC6s5NKvYj'
# The password required in the API requests for a response. If you don't have a password, please leave two single quotation marks (') in this field.

API Error Limit: 5
# Set the maximum number of wrong api password attempts used by a php script before it's ip gets blocked. IP will be blocked until removed from apithreats.yml
Désolé de répondre si tard, mais pourrais tu changer le nom de ton serveur login ? par ex l'appeller mylogin ? dans la config et ses propriétés bien sur.
D'accord désolé aussi de répondre si tard j'étais en vacances. Je fais ça lorsque je serai revenu