Résolu Cherche plugin pour s'authentifier sur le Lobby


15 Juillet 2016
Le nom du serveur lobby est : Lobby
Le nom du serveur authlobby est : Login

# BungeeAuth Config File

# Please enter the Host of your MySQL Database here.

Port: 3306
# Please enter the port where your MySQL Database is hosted.

Username: root
# The Username which should be used to auth against the Database.

Password: (CACHE)
# The Password which should be used to auth against the Database. If you don't have a password, please leave two single quotation marks (') in this field.

DBName: login
#The name of the database where BungeeAuth's Tables shall be created.

Lobby: Lobby
# The name of the lobby server.

Fallback Lobby: Lobby2
# The name of the fallback lobby server in case the main lobby is down.

AuthLobby: Login
# The name of the lobby where players are pushed before they authenticate. leave it same as normal lobby if you don't have an auth lobby.

Fallback AuthLobby: AuthLobby2
# The name of the fallback AuthLobby server in case the main AuthLobby is down.

Ask Email: false
# Set this to True if you want the plugin to prompt users to register their email when they login to the server for the first time.

Session Length: 5
# How long (in minutes) does the user's session remains running after a player quits. This allows the user to log back in within the time frame without
# having to type their password again. If user logs in from a different IP, they will be asked to type their password again for security reasons.

Guest Session Length: 60
# How long (in seconds) the user has before they have to register or login.

Legal Usernames Characters: "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
# Allowed Characters in Usernames (). Enclose in quotation marks.

Users per IP: 5
# Number of users that can register (not login) from the same IP.

#---------------------------- PHP API AREA ----------------------------#

Enable PHP API: false
# Enabling this will make the plugin listen to API requests from a port.

PHP API Port: 1395
# The port that the plugin will be listening for API requests on.

API Password: 'pZe8qNCC6s5NKvYj'
# The password required in the API requests for a response. If you don't have a password, please leave two single quotation marks (') in this field.

API Error Limit: 5
# Set the maximum number of wrong api password attempts used by a php script before it's ip gets blocked. IP will be blocked until removed from apithreats.yml


Architecte en herbe
25 Décembre 2014
Désolé de répondre si tard, mais pourrais tu changer le nom de ton serveur login ? par ex l'appeller mylogin ? dans la config et ses propriétés bien sur.


15 Juillet 2016
D'accord désolé aussi de répondre si tard j'étais en vacances. Je fais ça lorsque je serai revenu