Configurer Afkbooter


Le Streameur !
10 Septembre 2011
1 441
Voila j'ai mit afkbooter sur mon serveur.
Mais je n'arrive pas a la configurer.
Les gens ne sont jamais kick.

Voici ce que j'ai mit comme configuration.

#Default auto-created config file. Version 1.0.3. Please change.
#kick-timeout is amount of time (sec) players can be idle, kick-message is the message the
#kicked player sees, kick-broadcast is the message all players see when a player is kicked (name + message),
#timeout-check-interval is the frequency (sec) to check for players to boot, and exempt-players is the list
#of players not to kick at all. player-count-threshold is the number of players that must be present before
#players start getting kicked for idling. Set to 0 for always. Set use-jump-ignoring to use the experimental
#code which ignores vertical movement for activity purposes. Set kick-idlers to determine whether or not idlers
#should actually be kicked or merely announced. ignore-vehicle-movement if set to true will not consider a player's
#movement if they are in a vehicle. use-faux-sleep will count AFK players as "sleeping" for the purposes of beds
#moving the clock forward; only works if kick-idlers is false. block-idle-items will prevent idlers from picking up
#items; only works if kick-idlers is false.
#Thu Oct 20 20:28:30 CEST 2011
kick-message=Kicked pour afk.
kick-broadcast=kicked pour afk.
Tu veux que les gens soit Kick si il reste trop longtemps en afk ?
Si c'est ça, alors, dans Essential, il y a une configuration qui sert à kick les joueurs automatiquemment.
Tu peux réglée le temps ou d'autres choses que je n'est pas encore vue.
Je peux te donner un exemple de configuration mais pour le reste, je n'en sais pas plus que toi :
Voici une configuration qui kick les joueurs au bout de 6 minutes :

#Default auto-created config file. Version 0.6. Please change.
#kick-timeout is amount of time (sec) players can be idle, kick-message is the message the
#kicked player sees, kick-broadcast is the message all players see when a player is kicked (name + message),
#timeout-check-interval is the frequency (sec) to check for players to boot, and exempt-players is the list
#of players not to kick at all. player-count-threshold is the number of players that must be present before
#players start getting kicked for idling. Set to 0 for always. Set use-jump-ignoring to use the experimental
#code which ignores vertical movement for activity purposes.
#Sat Mar 12 09:22:50 CET 2011
timeout-check-interval=600 < Cette partie doit configurer le temps avant le kick.
kick-message=Kick pour afk !
kick-broadcast=Kick pour afk !