Essentials - Argent


Petit moddeur
18 Février 2015
J'aimerai pouvoir régler l'argent d'essentials :
J'aimerai :
- Quand on tue un monstre, ont reçois de l'argent,
- Toutes les 5 minutes, on gagne 2$

Config :
# For more information, visit
# Defines the balance with which new players begin. Defaults to 0.
starting-balance: 0
# worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
# These are now defined in worth.yml
# Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
# Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
# /example costs $1000 PER USE
#example: 1000
# /kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
#kit-tools: 1500
# Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
currency-symbol: '$'
# Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
# The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
max-money: 1000000000
# Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
# Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely. Users need '' perm to go below 0.
min-money: 0
# Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
economy-log-enabled: false
