Tutoriel Le tuto ultime pour les serveurs MMORPG !


10 Mars 2013
Bonjour/Bonsoir cher minecraftien.

Vous souhaitez avoir un serveur MMORPG comme world of warcraft ? C'est ici !

Un serveur MMORPG c'est quoi ? C'est un serveur basé sur le RP (roleplay pour les anglophobes), ou les joueurs ont donc un role une fonction, cela peut se jouer sur les classes et un concept. Mon serveur est un serveur Ange vs Demon qui possèdes des classes bien distinctes par leurs kits, leurs sorts etc...Je vais me baser sur celui-ci.Je vais regrouper beaucoup de plugins et montrer leurs fonctions.

Avant tout, il faut le créér.
- Créer un dossier sur votre bureau (ou autre, en tout cas souvenez-vous en)
- Téléchargez la version de craftbukkit correspondant à la version voulue du serveur et placez la dans ce dossier
- Créez un nouveau document texte, et copiez collez ce texte:
IF /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="64" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar "%~dp0craftbukkit.jar"
IF /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="86" java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar "%~dp0craftbukkit.jar"
Enregistrez cela avec la fonction tout les fichiers et appelez le run.bat, si cela ne marche pas remplacez jre7 par jre6, sinon renseignez vous ou demandez moi.
Ouvrez le, une fenètre de la console de commande va s'ouvrir et générer les fichiers du serveur
- Une fois l'étape précédente finie, cherchez server.properties et ouvrez le avec le bloc note. Copiez collez votre adresse ip ( de votre ordinateur) après server-ip.
- Pour ouvrir le serveur, ouvrez run.bat.
- A présent, pour que d'autres joueurs puissent rejoindre votre serveur, vous pouvez sois télécharger hamachi, créer un réseau, et inviter les autres joueurs à le télécharger et rejoindre votre réseau, ou sois ouvrir les ports de votre box après server-port.
C'est bon, votre serveur est créé, donnez l'ip aux joueurs pour qu'ils puissent se connecter.

Aller, le plus important dans un serveur reste les plugins utilisés !
Pour mettre un plugin sur un serveur, téléchargez le sur bukkit.org et mettez le dans le dossier...plugin !Les plugins les meilleurs pour un serveur RP (d'après moi xD): Citizens 2, Cititrader/chestshop, quester, sentry, le pack essentials (sauf essentials antibuild), factions, permissionsex, magicspells, creativegates, mobarena, ptweaks, pvplevels, worldedit et worldguard.

Essentials: Le plus important, rajoute des commandes essentielles: /setspawn (pour placer un point de spawn), /spawn (pour y retourner), /sethome (spawn personnel), /home, /tpa ( se tp au joueur cible) ainsi que plein d'autres. Il rajoute aussi la possibilité de faire des kits et des choses comme ca, exemple de kit:
delay: 1200 (délaie en seconde entre chaque utilisation)
- 17 5
- 272 1
delay: 600
- 17 64
- 5 256
- 324 3
- 20 20

Citizens 2: Permet de créér des pnjs, compatible avec quester, cititrader, sentry.Pour en créér un et le personnaliser: /npc create [nom]
/npc rename [newnom]
/npc equip (active le mode édition, clique droit avec objet ou armure pour qu'il le/la prenne)
/npc text (lui met un texte)
/npc type [type] (permet de faire un pnj creeper par exemple)
/npc path (active le mode édition des repères pour faire bouger votre npc)

ChestShop: Permet de vendre des objets, posez un panneau [et un coffre en dessous pour les joueurs normaux] et ecrivez cela:
Admin shop (ou laissez vide pour les joueurs normaux)
[par nombre de combien ils sont vendus]
Voila un exemple:

Permissionsex: Permet de créer des groupes de joueurs, chaque groupes ont des commandes différentes, tout est configurable ig ou dans le fichier permissions.yml.Les commandes principales:
/pex group [nom] create [nom du parent, vous verrez cela dans le fichier de configuration]
/pex group [nom] prefix [préfixe], il existe des codes de couleurs pour changer, ben...les couleurs: http://minecraft.fr/forum/index.php...-couleur-dans-le-motd-de-votre-serveur.63792/ ]
/pex group [nom] suffix [suffixe] (met un suffixe, marche comme la commande avant)
/pex group [nom] add [permission]
Voila un exemple de configuration:

default: true
- quester.use.npc
- citizens.use.npc
- citizens.use.*
- citizens.quester.*
- essentials.kits.Guerrier
- essentials.kitz.Guerrier
- essentials.kit.Guerrier
- essentials.kit
- essentials.help
- essentials.kit.guerrier
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.home
- essentials.spawn
- modifyworld.*
- magicspells.grant
prefix: '&a[Guerrier]'
- .* (cela veut dire qu'il a tout les droits)
prefix: '&3[Tensess]'
- default
prefix: '&f[Ange]'
- default
prefix: '&4[Demon]'

Modifyworld et chatmanager sont deux plugins qui sont avec lui, mettez modifyworld.* pour qu'il puisse tout utiliser, casser des blocs et en poser etc... Ne vous inquitez pas vous pourrez protéger vos constructions avec deux autres plugins.

Quester: Permet de créér des quètes compatibles citizens 2. Nombreuses fonctions, voir autre sujet:http://minecraft.fr/forum/index.php?threads/soucis-avec-quests.72715/

Sentry: Permet de faire des gardes avec citizens 2, commandes principales:
/trait sentry pour définir un pnj en garde
/sentry strength [attaque] définit l'attaque du garde
/sentry health [vie] définit la vie du garde
/sentry target add entity/npc/group/player:[nom du truc]
/sentry guard [pseudo] pour qu'il garde un joueur
Equiper un garde avec des torches, torches de redstones et blaze rod lui fait tirer des boules de feu.
L'équiper avec arc, boules de neiges, oeufs, potions, le fait tirer l'objet
L'équiper avec livre, papier, livre avec plume lui fait tirer des éclaires ( bien pour faire un hérobrine)

Bon je vais reprendre après je crains que mon ordi plante de surchauffe excusez moi :s
[EDIT] A 5 minutes près j'avais tout perdu fiou :D

CréativeGates: Permet de créer des portails de téléportation, le principe est très simple:
Faites la forme que vous voulez avec les blocs que vous voulez; prenez une boussole, posez au moins un bloc en diamant au sol, faites un clique droit sur le diamant avec la boussole. Le portail va se remplir, pour le relier a un autre refaites en un ou vous voulez avec les mèmes sortes de blocs.

Magicspells: Beau plugin de sort, permet de lancer des boules de feu, empoisonner, se tp, sauter haut, repousser les ennemis, se régénérer, être invincible etc... Je vous passe ma config avec les sorts:
spell-class: ".instant.ThrowBlockSpell"
name: anvil
spell-icon: anvil
description: Throws an anvil.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 10
block-type: anvil
velocity: 5.0
vertical-adjustment: 0.3
rotation-offset: 3
fall-damage: 3.0
fall-damage-max: 20
drop-item: false
remove-blocks: true
call-target-event: false
check-plugins: false
- mana 25
str-cost: 25 mana
spell-class: ".buff.ArmorSpell"
name: armor
spell-icon: iron_chestplate
cast-item: book
duration: 30
num-uses: 15
helmet: gold_helmet protection_explosions:1 oxygen:1
chestplate: gold_chestplate protection_projectile:1
leggings: gold_leggings protection_fire:1
boots: gold_boots protection_fall:1
- mana 25
- gold_nugget 1
str-cost: 25 mana and 1 golden nugget
str-cast-self: You have conjured some magic armor!
str-has-armor: You cannot cast this spell if you are already wearing armor.
spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
name: blind
spell-icon: ink_sack:0
description: Blind your target.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
type: 15
strength: 0
duration: 200
targeted: true
target-players: true
target-non-players: false
obey-los: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: You have blinded %t!
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.BlinkSpell"
name: blink
spell-icon: ender_pearl
description: Teleport a short distance.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 8
range: 25
pass-through-ceiling: false
smoke-trail: true
- pos1 ender
- pos2 ender
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-cast-self: You blink away!
str-cast-others: "%a blinks away!"
str-cant-blink: You cannot blink there.
spell-class: ".targeted.BuildSpell"
name: build
spell-icon: stone
description: Build blocks from far away.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 2
range: 25
slot: 0
consume-block: true
- target blockbreak
check-plugins: true
allowed-types: 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,17,20,22,24,35,41,42,43,44,45,47,48,49,50,53,57,65,67,80,85,87,88,89,91,92
- mana 5
str-cost: 5 mana
str-invalid-block: You can't build that block.
str-cant-build: You can't build there.
spell-class: ".buff.CarpetSpell"
name: carpet
spell-icon: thin_glass
description: Lets you walk on a platform of glass.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 30
cancel-on-logout: true
cancel-on-teleport: true
size: 2
- mana 50
- mana 20
use-cost-interval: 50
str-cost: 50 mana, 5 feathers, plus 20 mana and 1 feather every 50 blocks
str-cast-self: You are now walking on a platform of glass!
str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on a platform of glass!"
str-fade: Your magical glass platform disappears.
spell-class: ".buff.ManaRegenSpell"
name: clarity
spell-icon: potion
description: Increase mana regeneration for a time.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 300
duration: 60
regen-mod-amt: 3
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: Your thoughts race and flow with ease!
str-fade: Your mind returns to normal.
spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
name: combust
spell-icon: fire
description: Set a target on fire.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 10
range: 20
obey-los: true
fire-ticks: 100
fire-tick-damage: 1
prevent-immunity: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 20
str-cost: 20 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".instant.ConfusionSpell"
name: confusion
spell-icon: eye_of_ender
description: Cause nearby monsters to attack each other.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 30
range: 20
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You cause nearby monsters to become confused and attack each other.
str-cast-others: "%a causes nearby monsters to attack each other."
spell-class: ".instant.ConjureSpell"
name: conjure
spell-icon: redstone
description: Conjure some potion reagents.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 600
power-affects-quantity: false
power-affects-chance: true
calculate-drops-individually: true
auto-equip: false
- redstone 1-2 25%
- speckled_melon 1 25%
- magma_cream 1-2 25%
- spider_eye 1-2 25%
add-to-inventory: false
str-cost: free
str-cast-self: You have conjured some potion reagents!
spell-class: ".targeted.CrippleSpell"
name: cripple
spell-icon: web
description: Slow down a targeted enemy.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
effect-strength: 5
effect-duration: 100
target-players: true
obey-los: true
- mana 35
str-cost: 35 mana
str-cast-self: You have crippled %t.
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.DisarmSpell"
name: disarm
spell-icon: stone_sword:130
description: Disarm your opponent.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
- blaze_rod
- stick
- book
- bone
- wood_sword
- stone_sword
- iron_sword
- diamond_sword
- bow
disarm-duration: 100
dont-drop: true
prevent-theft: true
obey-los: true
- mana 40
str-cost: 40 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
str-invalid-item: Your target could not be disarmed.
str-cast-self: You have disarmed %t.
str-cast-target: "%a has disarmed you."
spell-class: ".instant.DowseSpell"
name: dowse
spell-icon: compass
description: Dowse for iron ore.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 60
block-type: iron_ore
entity-type: ""
radius: 4
rotate-player: true
set-compass: true
- mana 35
- stone 2
str-cost: 35 mana and 2 stone blocks
str-cast-self: There is iron ore nearby.
str-not-found: No iron ore found nearby.
spell-class: ".targeted.DrainlifeSpell"
name: drainlife
spell-icon: ghast_tear
description: Drain life from your enemy and give it to you.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 5
range: 15
take-type: health
take-amt: 4
give-type: health
give-amt: 2
animation-speed: 6
ignore-armor: false
obey-los: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 25
str-cost: 25 mana
str-cast-self: You drain life from your enemy.
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".buff.EmpowerSpell"
name: empower
spell-icon: glowstone_dust
description: Makes your spells more powerful.
cast-item: book
power-multiplier: 1.5
cooldown: 120
duration: 30
num-uses: 10
- mana 15
- mana 5
use-cost-interval: 1
str-cost: 15 mana, plus 5 mana for each spell cast
str-cast-self: You begin to glow with magical energy.
str-cast-others: "%a begins to glow with magical energy."
str-fade: You are no longer glowing with magical energy.
spell-class: ".instant.EnderchestSpell"
name: enderchest
spell-icon: ender_chest
description: Opens your ender chest inventory.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 300
- mana 50
str-cost: 50 mana and 1 ender pearl
spell-class: ".targeted.EntombSpell"
name: Tombeau_de_Glace
spell-icon: glass
description: Encase an enemy in ice.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 5
range: 15
obey-los: true
target-players: true
tomb-block-type: 79
tomb-duration: 20
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.ExplodeSpell"
name: explode
spell-icon: tnt
description: Create an explosion.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 30
range: 25
explosion-size: 7
backfire-chance: 3
prevent-block-damage: true
prevent-player-damage: false
damage-multiplier: 3
add-fire: false
simulate-tnt: true
ignore-canceled: false
- mana 90
str-cost: 90 mana
str-no-target: You cannot create an explosion there.
str-cast-self: Boom!
str-cast-others: Boom!
spell-class: ".instant.ProjectileSpell"
name: explosivearrow
spell-icon: arrow
description: Cause an explosion where an arrow lands
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 30
projectile: arrow
velocity: 30
require-hit-entity: true
cancel-damage: true
remove-projectile: false
max-distance: 125
spells: [explode]
- mana 25
- redstone 3
- arrow 3
str-cost: 25 mana, 3 redstone, and 3 arrow
str-cast-self: You fire an explosive arrow.
spell-class: ".targeted.FarmSpell"
name: farm
spell-icon: seeds
cast-item: book
description: Make crops grow nearby.
cooldown: 10
radius: 3
growth: 1
targeted: false
- mana 75
- seeds 2
str-cost: 75 mana and 2 seeds
str-cast-self: The crops around you grow quickly.
str-no-target: There are no crops nearby.
spell-class: ".targeted.FireballSpell"
name: fireball
spell-icon: fireball
description: Throw a fiery ball of destruction.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 5
range: 30
require-entity-target: false
obey-los: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
damage-multiplier: 3
small-fireball: false
no-fire: true
no-explosion: false
no-explosion-effect: true
no-explosion-damage: 5
no-explosion-damage-range: 3
- mana 20
str-cost: 20 mana
str-no-target: You cannot throw a fireball there.
str-cast-self: You throw a fiery ball of destruction!
str-cast-others: "%a throws a fiery ball of destruction!"
spell-class: ".instant.FirenovaSpell"
name: firenova
spell-icon: blaze_powder
description: Summon an expanding ring of fire.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 10
range: 8
tick-speed: 1
burn-tall-grass: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 40
str-cost: 40 mana
str-cast-self: You summon an expanding ring of fire.
str-cast-others: "%a summons an expanding ring of fire."
spell-class: ".buff.FlamewalkSpell"
name: flamewalk
spell-icon: fire
description: Burn your enemies around you as you walk.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 30
range: 3
fire-ticks: 100
tick-interval: 100
target-players: true
duration: 15
- mana 25
- 263 2
- mana 10
use-cost-interval: 5
str-cost: 25 mana, plus 10 mana occasionally
str-cast-self: You begin to burn your enemies around you.
str-fade: You are no longer burning your enemies.
spell-class: ".instant.FoodSpell"
name: food
spell-icon: cooked_beef
description: Makes you less hungry.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 30
food: 4
saturation: 2.5
- mana 25
str-cost: 25 mana
str-cast-self: You feel less hungry.
spell-class: ".targeted.ForcebombSpell"
name: forcebomb
spell-icon: record_4
description: Push back your enemies.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 8
range: 15
radius: 3
pushback-force: 30
additional-vertical-force: 15
max-vertical-force: 20
target-players: true
dont-target-caster: true
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: An explosion of energy pushes your enemies around.
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".instant.ForcepushSpell"
name: forcepush
spell-icon: record_3
description: Push back your enemies.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 8
range: 10
pushback-force: 30
additional-vertical-force: 15
max-vertical-force: 20
target-players: true
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You push back your enemies!
str-cast-others: "%a pushes back his enemies."
spell-class: ".targeted.ForcetossSpell"
name: forcetoss
spell-icon: piston_base
description: Magically throw an enemy into the air.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 5
range: 15
damage: 0
horizontal-force: 30
vertical-force: 15
obey-los: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
str-cast-self: You push back your enemy!
str-cast-others: "%a pushes back his enemy."
spell-class: ".instant.FreezeSpell"
name: freeze
spell-icon: snow_ball
description: Spray your enemies with cold snowballs.
cast-item: blaze_rod
snowballs: 100
horizontal-spread: 15
vertical-spread: 5
damage: 1
slow-amount: 20
slow-duration: 80
target-players: true
cooldown: 5
- mana 15
- snow_ball 1
str-cost: 15 mana and 1 snowball
spell-class: ".buff.FrostwalkSpell"
name: frostwalk
spell-icon: ice
description: Lets you walk on water.
cast-item: book
size: 2
leave-frozen: false
cooldown: 30
- mana 50
- snow_ball 1
use-cost-interval: 25
str-cost: 50 mana, plus 1 snowball every 25 blocks
str-cast-self: You can now walk on water!
str-cast-others: "%a can now walk on water!"
str-fade: You can no longer walk on water.
spell-class: ".instant.GateSpell"
name: gate
spell-icon: portal
description: Teleport to spawn.
can-cast-with-item: false
world: CURRENT
coordinates: SPAWN
- pos1 ender
- pos2 ender
- mana 50
- iron_ingot 1
str-cost: 1 redstone dust and 1 iron bar
str-cast-self: You have teleported to spawn.
str-cast-others: "%a teleports!"
str-gate-failed: Unable to teleport.
spell-class: ".targeted.GeyserSpell"
name: geyser
spell-icon: obsidian
description: Create a geyser of water at your enemy's feet.
cast-item: blaze_rod
range: 20
damage: 4
velocity: 15
animation-speed: 3
geyser-height: 8
geyser-type: obsidian
ignore-armor: true
obey-los: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 45
str-cost: 45 mana
str-cast-self: You create a geyser at your enemy's feet.
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".buff.GillsSpell"
name: gills
spell-icon: gold_helmet
description: Allows you to breath underwater.
cast-item: book
glass-head-effect: true
cooldown: 60
duration: 300
num-uses: 5
- mana 50
- sugar_cane 1
- sugar_cane 1
use-cost-interval: 1
str-cost: 50 mana and 1 sugar cane, plus 1 sugar cane few seconds
str-cast-self: You form gills on your neck!
str-fade: Your gills disappear.
spell-class: ".buff.HasteSpell"
name: haste
spell-icon: gold_boots
description: Sprint faster for a time.
cast-item: book
effect-strength: 3
boost-duration: 300
duration: 60
- mana 25
str-cost: 25 mana
str-cast-self: You gain unnatural speed!
str-cast-others: "%a gains unnatural speed!"
str-fade: You lose your unnatural speed.
spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
name: haze
spell-icon: slime_ball
description: Makes your target's vision hazey.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
type: 9
strength: 0
duration: 200
targeted: true
target-players: true
target-non-players: false
obey-los: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: You have confuzzled your target!
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.HealSpell"
name: heal
spell-icon: red_rose
description: Heals a target player.
cast-item: stick
heal-amount: 7
cancel-if-full: true
- target potion FF0000 40
obey-los: true
cooldown: 0
range: 12
- mana 20
str-cost: 20 mana
str-cast-self: You have healed %t.
str-cast-target: "%a has healed you."
str-no-target: No target to heal.
str-max-health: "%t is already at max health."
spell-class: ".buff.InvisibilitySpell"
name: invisibility
spell-icon: record_11
description: Makes you invisible to players and monsters.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 60
- caster spawn
- disabled spawn
toggle: true
prevent-pickups: true
cancel-on-give-damage: true
cancel-on-logout: true
duration: 15
- mana 25
- mana 15
use-cost-interval: 3
str-cost: 25 mana, plus 15 mana every 3 seconds
str-cast-self: You vanish!
str-cast-others: "%a vanishes!"
str-fade: You are visible again.
spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"
name: invulnerability
spell-icon: gold_chestplate
description: Makes you invulnerable to damage.
cast-item: book
- block explosion
- contact
- custom
- drowning
- entity attack
- entity explosion
- fall
- fire
- fire tick
- lava
- lightning
- magic
- poison
- projectile
- starvation
- suffocation
- void
- wither
duration: 60
cooldown: 300
- mana 30
- mana 20
use-cost-interval: 1
str-cost: 30 mana, plus 20 mana when taking damage
str-cast-self: You feel your skin harden.
str-cast-others: "%a's skin hardens."
str-fade: You feel your skin return to normal.
spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell"
name: leap
spell-icon: diamond_boots
description: Leap forward.
cast-item: stick
forward-velocity: 40
upward-velocity: 15
cancel-damage: true
cooldown: 10
- mana 15
str-cost: mana 15
str-cast-self: You leap forward.
str-cast-others: "%a leaps forward."
spell-class: ".targeted.LevitateSpell"
name: levitate
spell-icon: feather
description: Cause your target to fly through the air.
cast-item: bone
tick-rate: 5
duration: 15
cooldown: 30
range: 12
cancel-on-item-switch: true
cancel-on-spell-cast: true
target-players: true
obey-los: true
- mana 80
str-cost: 80 mana
str-cast-self: You are levitating %t!
str-cast-target: "%a is levitating you!"
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".buff.LifewalkSpell"
name: lifewalk
spell-icon: sapling:2
description: Flowers grow in your footsteps!
cast-item: book
tick-interval: 15
red-flower-chance: 15
yellow-flower-chance: 15
sapling-chance: 5
tallgrass-chance: 25
fern-chance: 15
- mana 25
- red_rose 1
- yellow_flower 1
- yellow_flower 1
use-cost-interval: 25
str-cost: 25 mana, 1 rose, 1 yellow flower, plus 1 flower every so often
str-cast-self: Flowers grow in your footsteps!
str-cast-others: Flowers grow in %a's footsteps!
str-fade: Flowers no longer grow in your footsteps.
spell-class: ".targeted.LightningSpell"
name: lightning
spell-icon: gold_sword
description: Call down lightning.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
additional-damage: 0
no-damage: false
require-entity-target: true
obey-los: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 78
str-cost: 78 mana
str-cast-self: You call down lightning.
str-cast-others: "%a calls down lightning."
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".buff.LightwalkSpell"
name: lightwalk
spell-icon: glowstone
description: Light your path.
cast-item: 317
- mana 25
- torch 3
- torch 1
use-cost-interval: 60
str-cost: 25 mana and 3 torches, plus 1 torch occasionally
str-cast-self: Light appears at your feet.
str-fade: The light at your feet goes out.
spell-class: ".buff.LilywalkSpell"
name: lilywalk
spell-icon: water_lily
description: Lets you walk on water on lily pads.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 30
- mana 40
- mana 15
use-cost-interval: 60
str-cost: 40 mana plus 15 mana every 60 blocks
str-cast-self: You can now walk on water!
str-cast-others: "%a can now walk on water!"
str-fade: You can no longer walk on water.
spell-class: ".instant.ManaSpell"
name: lifetap
spell-icon: potion:8193
description: Restores mana at the cost of life.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 3
mana: 65
- health 7
str-cost: 2 hearts
str-cast-self: You restore 65 mana.
spell-class: ".instant.MarkSpell"
name: mark
spell-icon: bed
description: Marks your location for later recall.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 43200
permanent-marks: true
- mana 75
str-cost: 75 mana
str-cast-self: You have marked your location.
spell-class: ".buff.MinionSpell"
name: minion
spell-icon: monster_egg:54
description: Summons an undead minion to aid you.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 60
duration: 0
- Zombie 30
- Skeleton 25
- blaze 10
- pigzombie 15
- spider 20
prevent-sun-burn: true
target-players: true
- mana 90
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You summon an undead minion.
str-cast-others: "%a has summoned an undead minion."
str-fade: Your undead minion dies.
spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
name: Creeper
spell-icon: bone
description: You explose.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 5
damage: 20
range: 15
ignore-armor: true
obey-los: true
target-players: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 100
- health 20
str-cost: 10 mana and a half heart
str-no-target: No target found.
- lightning
- blink
- explode
- firenova
- storm
- stormblock
- purge
spell-class: ".instant.PhaseSpell"
name: phase
spell-icon: diamond
description: Phase through solid matter.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 10
range: 5
max-distance: 15
allowed-pass-thru-blocks: []
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-cant-phase: Unable to find place to phase to.
spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
name: poison
spell-icon: spider_eye
description: Poison your target.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
type: 19
strength: 0
duration: 100
targeted: true
target-players: true
target-non-players: true
obey-los: true
- mana 12
str-cost: 12 mana
str-cast-self: You have poisoned your target!
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".instant.PrayerSpell"
name: prayer
spell-icon: yellow_flower
description: Heals yourself for five hearts.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 15
amount-healed: 10
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: You have healed yourself.
str-at-full-health: You are already at full health.
spell-class: ".instant.PurgeSpell"
name: purge
spell-icon: potion:16396
description: Kill all monsters and animals around you.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 60
range: 8
- mana 50
str-cost: 50 mana
str-cast-self: You purge all life around you.
str-cast-others: "%a purges all nearby life."
spell-class: ".buff.ReachSpell"
name: reach
spell-icon: dispenser
description: Place and destroy blocks from far away.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 120
duration: 60
range: 15
consume-blocks: true
drop-blocks: true
disallowed-break-blocks: [0,7]
disallowed-place-blocks: [0,7]
- mana 50
str-cost: 50 mana
str-cast-self: You gain the ability to manipulate the world around you.
str-fade: You can no longer manipulate the world around you.
spell-class: ".instant.RecallSpell"
name: recall
spell-icon: compass
description: Teleports you to your marked location.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 300
mark-spell: mark
max-range: -1
allow-cross-world: true
use-bed-location: false
- mana 75
- iron_ingot 1
str-cost: 75 mana and 1 iron bar
str-cast-self: You teleport to your marked location.
str-no-mark: You have not marked a location to recall to.
str-other-world: You cannot recall to another world.
str-too-far: Your marked location is too far away.
str-cast-others: "%a disappears!"
spell-class: ".buff.ReflectSpell"
name: reflect
spell-icon: thin_glass
description: Reflect spells cast at you.
cast-item: glass
cooldown: 30
num-uses: 3
- mana 30
- mana 20
use-cost-interval: 1
str-cost: 30 mana, plus 20 mana per spell reflected
str-cast-self: You feel a magical barrier surround you.
str-cast-others: A magical barrier surrounds %a.
str-fade: Your magical barrier fades.
spell-class: ".instant.RepairSpell"
name: repair
spell-icon: workbench
description: Repairs your gear.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 120
repair-amount: 300
- held
- hotbar
- inventory
- helmet
- chestplate
- leggings
- boots
- 259
- 346
- mana 50
- iron_ingot 2
str-cost: 50 mana and 2 iron bars
str-cast-self: You've repaired your gear!
str-nothing-to-repair: You have nothing to repair.
spell-class: ".instant.RoarSpell"
name: roar
spell-icon: mob_spawner
description: Forces nearby enemies to attack you.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 15
range: 8
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: "You roar, causing nearby enemies to attack you."
str-cast-others: "%a roars loudly!"
spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"
name: safefall
spell-icon: feather
description: Allows you to fall without taking damage.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 60
- fall
duration: 300
num-uses: 5
- mana 20
- 288 1
use-cost-interval: 1
str-cost: 20 mana, plus 1 feather each time you fall
str-cast-self: You feel lighter.
str-fade: Your normal weight returns.
spell-class: ".targeted.ShadowstepSpell"
name: shadowstep
spell-icon: leather_boots
cast-item: stick
- caster spawner
- target spawner
target-players: true
obey-los: true
range: 15
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
str-no-landing-spot: Cannot shadowstep there.
spell-class: ".targeted.SilenceSpell"
name: silence
spell-icon: raw_fish
description: Prevent a player from casting spells for a time.
cast-item: blaze_rod
range: 10
prevent-cast: false
prevent-chat: false
prevent-commands: false
duration: 15
- list
- help
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-cast-self: You have silenced %t.
str-cast-target: "%a has silenced you."
str-silenced: You are silenced.
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".buff.SpellHasteSpell"
name: spellhaste
spell-icon: ink_sack:4
description: Reduces the cast time and cooldown of your spells.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 60
duration: 15
cast-time-mod-amt: -50
cooldown-mod-amt: -50
- mana 25
str-cost: 25 mana
str-cast-self: Your mind quickens, allowing you to cast faster!
str-fade: Your mind slows again.
spell-class: ".buff.StealthSpell"
name: stealth
spell-icon: leather_boots
description: Become invisible to monsters.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 60
duration: 20
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-cast-self: You become invisble to monsters.
str-fade: You are no longer invisible to monsters.
spell-class: ".buff.StonevisionSpell"
name: stonevision
spell-icon: stone
description: See through stone.
cast-item: book
range: 4
transparent-type: 1
unobfuscate: false
cooldown: 60
duration: 30
- mana 50
- stone 2
- glass 2
str-cost: 50 mana, 2 stone, and 2 glass
str-cast-self: You can see through stone!
str-fade: You can no longer see through stone.
spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
name: storm
spell-icon: gold_sword
description: Strike lightning upon all nearby enemies.
cast-item: bone
horizontal-radius: 10
vertical-radius: 5
point-blank: true
fail-if-no-targets: true
target-players: true
target-non-players: true
target-caster: false
target-invisible-players: false
- lightning
cooldown: 15
- mana 35
str-cost: 35 mana
str-cast-self: You call down a lightning storm!
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.PulserSpell"
name: stormblock
spell-icon: diamond_block
description: Summons a diamond block that calls lightning down upon nearby enemies.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 180
total-pulses: 5
interval: 30
max-distance: 15
cap-per-player: 2
block-type: diamond_block
unbreakable: false
only-count-on-success: false
- storm
str-cast-self: You have summoned a storm block!
str-cast-others: "%a has summoned a storm block!"
str-at-cap: You have too many effects at once.
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.SummonSpell"
can-cast-with-item: false
can-cast-by-command: false
require-exact-name: false
require-acceptance: true
max-accept-delay: 90
accept-command: accept
str-usage: |
Usage: /cast summon <playername>, or /cast summon
while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line.
str-no-target: Target player not found.
str-summon-pending: You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport.
str-summon-accepted: You have been summoned.
str-summon-expired: The summon has expired.
spell-class: ".instant.RitualSpell"
name: summon
spell-icon: portal
description: Summon another player to your position. This ritual requires 2 participants.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 300
ritual-duration: 200
req-participants: 2
charge-reagents-immediately: true
set-cooldown-immediately: true
set-cooldown-for-all: true
spell: summon_helper
tick-interval: 5
effect-interval: 20
- mana 75
- redstone 3
- iron_ingot 3
str-cost: 75 mana, 3 redstone, and 3 iron bars
str-cast-self: You begin a summoning ritual.
str-cast-others: "%a has begun a summoning ritual. Right-click to participate."
str-ritual-joined: You have joined the summoning ritual.
str-ritual-success: The summoning ritual is a success!
str-ritual-interrupted: The summoning ritual has been interrupted.
str-ritual-failed: The summoning ritual has failed.
spell-class: ".instant.TimeSpell"
name: sun
spell-icon: watch
description: Changes the time to morning.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 1800
- mana 75
- redstone 8
- watch 1
str-cost: 75 mana, 5 redstone dust and a clock
time-to-set: 0
str-announce: The sun has suddenly appeared in the sky!
spell-class: ".targeted.SwitchSpell"
name: switch
spell-icon: eye_of_ender
description: Switch places with your target.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 6
switch-back: 0
target-players: true
obey-los: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: You have switched places with %t.
str-cast-target: "%a has switched places with you."
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.TelekinesisSpell"
name: telekinesis
spell-icon: lever
description: Manipulate switches and buttons remotely.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 15
range: 20
- mana 5
str-cost: 5 mana
str-no-target: You must target a switch or button.
spell-class: ".targeted.TreeSpell"
name: tree
spell-icon: sapling
range: 15
cooldown: 5
tree-type: tree
animation-speed: 20
- mana 10
- sapling 1
str-cost: 10 mana and 1 sapling
str-no-target: You cannot grow a tree there.
spell-class: ".targeted.VolleySpell"
name: volley
spell-icon: bow
description: Send a volley of arrows at your targeted location.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 45
range: 20
arrows: 30
speed: 60
spread: 150
shoot-interval: 0
- mana 100
str-cost: 20 mana
str-cast-self: You fire a volley of magic arrows.
str-cast-others: "%a fires a volley of arrows."
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".buff.WalkwaySpell"
name: walkway
spell-icon: wood_stairs
description: Summon a moving magical walkway to take you places.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 60
platform-type: 5
size: 6
cancel-on-logout: true
cancel-on-teleport: true
- mana 50
- wood 1
- mana 15
- wood 1
use-cost-interval: 15
str-cost: 50 mana, plus 15 mana and 1 wood every 15 blocks
str-cast-self: You summon a magical walkway.
str-fade: Your magical walkway disappears.
spell-class: ".instant.WallSpell"
name: wall
spell-icon: brick
description: Creates a temporary wall to block your enemies.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 15
range: 3
wall-width: 5
wall-height: 3
wall-type: brick
wall-duration: 15
- mana 12
- stone 2
str-cost: 12 mana and 2 stone
str-no-target: Unable to create a wall.
spell-class: ".targeted.MaterializeSpell"
name: water
spell-icon: water_bucket
description: Summons a water spring into existence.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 120
range: 8
block-type: water
reset-delay: 200
apply-physics: true
check-plugins: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
str-failed: ""
spell-class: ".buff.WaterwalkSpell"
name: waterwalk
spell-icon: boat
description: Walk across the water.
cast-item: book
speed: 0.05
duration: 60
cancel-on-logout: true
cancel-on-teleport: true
- mana 25
- boat 1
- water_lily 1
use-cost-interval: 50
str-cost: 25 mana and 1 boat, plus 1 water lily every 50 blocks moved
str-cast-self: You can now walk on water!
str-fade: You can no longer walk on water.
spell-class: ".buff.WindwalkSpell"
name: windwalk
spell-icon: feather
enabled: true
description: Fly through the air.
cast-item: book
fly-speed: 0.1
launch-speed: 5
cancel-on-land: false
cancel-on-logout: true
cancel-on-teleport: true
cancel-on-damage: false
duration: 120
- mana 25
- feather 2
- feather 1
use-cost-interval: 15
str-cost: 25 mana, 2 feathers, plus 1 feather every 15 seconds
str-cast-self: You can now walk on the wind!
str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on the wind!"
str-fade: You are no longer walking on the wind.
spell-class: ".targeted.ZapSpell"
name: zap
spell-icon: gold_pickaxe
description: Instantly destroys a block.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 1
allowed-block-types: ""
disallowed-block-types: 0,7
drop-block: false
drop-normal: true
- target blockbreak
check-plugins: true
range: 15
- mana 5
str-cost: 5 mana
str-cast-self: You zapped a block.
str-cant-zap: You can't zap that.
str-no-target: No target found.

spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
name: gianttree
spell-icon: sapling:3
enabled: false
description: Create a giant tree!
cooldown: 300
can-cast-by-command: true
can-cast-with-item: false
- "gt 25 4"
command-to-execute-later: []
command-delay: 0
- "gt"
temporary-permissions: []
require-player-target: false
obey-los: true
range: 20
- mana 50
- sapling 5
str-cost: 50 mana and 5 saplings
str-cast-self: You grow a tree!
str-cant-use-command: "&4You don't have permission to do that."

spell-class: ".PermissionSpell"
name: torcharrow
spell-icon: torch
enabled: false
description: Shoot torch arrows.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 10
can-cast-by-command: true
can-cast-with-item: true
- "torcharrow.tArrow"
duration: 600
- mana 25
- torch 3
str-cost: 25 mana and 3 torches
str-cast-self: You can now fire torch arrows.

spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
name: zeus
spell-icon: gold_axe
cooldown: 30
cast-item: blaze_rod
check-individual-cooldowns: false
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
Les commandes sont: /cast [sort] lance le sort
/cast teach [joueur][sort] apprend un sort a un joueur
/cast bind [sort] lie le sort à l'objet que vous tenez
/cast list donne tout les sorts que vous avez appris

Worldedit: Permet de modifier le monde autour de vous avec une multitude de commandes, pour m'alléger la tache, je donne le lien du tuto:http://minecraft.fr/world-edit/
Worldguard: Permet de donner des régions, permet donc de mettre en sécurité en construction ou faire des achats et des ventes de maisons.
Vous pouvez aussi désactiver le pvp dans la map avec: /region define __global__ pvp deny
Voici le lien du tuto: http://minecraft.fr/world-edit/

Multiverse: Permet d'avoir plusieurs monde sur votre serveur.
/mvcreate [nom] [type]
/mvtp [nom]
/mvimport [nom]
/mvm set [règle] true/false

Voila c'est tout pour les plugins !

Votre serveur est prêt ? Vous avez tout les plugins ? Les principales constructions sont la ? Il est temps de recruter ! Vous avez plusieurs solutions qui s'offrent à vous: Un forum, mais il prendra quelques jours de préparation pour être complet; Des annonces sur des sites de minecraft; des spam dans des vidéos youtubes.

Voila le tuto est fini mais je compte faire une partie bannière et permissions dés ce soir !Merci de donner votre avis c'est mon premier tutoriel :).


Ex-modérateur, et oui...
10 Février 2013
1 587
SOF ( sans ordinateur fixe )
En clair, c'est juste un tuto sur CraftBukkit... qui est bourré de fautes et de gros problèmes.

  • Tu n'utilises à aucun moment les balises [CODE][/CODE] alors que c'est quasi indispensable pour un tutoriel sur des configurations Bukkit.
  • Il y a plein d'étapes qui ne sont pas détaillées :
    - Une fois l'étape précédente finie, cherchez server.properties et ouvrez le avec le bloc note. Copiez collez votre adresse ip après server-ip.
    Je choisis quoi comme ip : celle de l'ordinateur ou celle de la box ?
  • Pour ce qui est des plugins, il n'y a aucun détail. On ne sait pas à quel ligne de configuration il faut aller. On ne sait pas quel fichier on doit ouvrir...
Bref, il y a vraiment tout à refaire.
  • J'aime
Reactions: Detobel36


10 Mars 2013
Merci, excuse moi c'est mon premier tutoriel, je vais corriger. World edit a peut être deux ans mais il n'a presque pas changé entre temps. Et ou sont les fautes s'il te plait ? J'ai écris ce que je savais alors je peux pas les deviner :s.
Les plugins, si il fallait une explication détaillée sur chacun, ce serais un vrai roman, j'ai raccourci pour montrer juste le principal de chacun. Sinon, il y a t-il quelque choses de positif ? Pense tu que ça pourrais aider certain ?


Créateur de plugins (PhoenixRebirth)
17 Août 2012
10 536
2 247
Bruxelles - Belgique

Je vois pas trop l’intérêt de ce tuto...
Tu impose des plugins à tes "élèves"... ce qu'y est très dommage vu le stock de plugin que propose bukkit.org
Tu commence à écrire en blanc, et puis tu retourne au bleu ?
Essaye de mettre des tirets, de souligner des titres, ...

Laisse moi t'apprendre une balise.
Il s'agit de la balise spoiler
[spoiler]Tu met ce que tu veux ici[/spoiler]
Et ça te donne qqch comme ceci:
Pratique pour mettre des config très longues ;)



10 Mars 2013
Merci, en fait, j'ai écris en bleu juste pour les plugins ^^
Et je n'impose pas des plugins je dis qu'ils sont très adaptés pour les serveur comme ca.
Et c'est bon c'est spoiler :)


10 Mars 2013
Et aussi, deux questions:
Pensez-vous que ce guide pourrait aider des débutants ?
Je compte faire une partie bannière et constructions, ainsi qu'un partie configuration, est-ce que je pourrais le faire sans commentaire critique ?


10 Mars 2013
Je ne sais pas ? Tu pense qu'il vaut mieux quoi ? Je veux juste expliquer pour faire des bannières de base, bannière sur fond avec images du serveur, bannière pour les serveur RP avec deux personnages qui s'affrontent, et après je dis juste qu'on peut aussi demander a des graphistes bénévoles ('--), effets, je suis un débutant, c'est juste pour prendre 30 minutes ou moins a en faire une, sur les petits serveurs par exemple.
Constructions, je vais surtout parler des constructions essentielles, des différents sortes de spawn, et les complémentaires. Config, ben, je vais montrer comment configurer certains plugin x)


Créateur de plugins (PhoenixRebirth)
17 Août 2012
10 536
2 247
Bruxelles - Belgique

Je te conseil de faire les 3 séparer... Ce serra plus ordonné je pense.
Pour la config de certains plugin, je crois qu'il vaut mieux faire plugin par plugin. Et pas mettre 3 plugins ensembles (sauf si il ont un liens directe entre eux. Exemple: modyworld et PermissionsEx).
Mais si tu explique comment config un plugin, fait le a fond... Pas uniquement présenter ce que toi tu utilise, mais aussi expliquer cqu'il est possible de faire avec le plugin...

Je trouve ça vachement spécial de faire un tuto sur comment faire une bannière... :/
Pour moi, ce tu n'a rien avoir avec le multi... C'est du graphisme. Enfin, c'est mon avis personnel... T'en fait ce que tu veux ;)
