Résolu Problème avec PerWorldInventory


Architecte en herbe
8 Juillet 2015
Bonjour à tous,
J'utilise le plugin PerWorldInventory sur mon serveur et j'ai quelques problèmes.
Tout d'abord mes config.yml et worlds.yml :
#  PerWorldInventory configuration file  #
#                                        #
#  If new values are added to the        #
#  config, they will not automatically   #
#  be added here. They will default to   #
#  false if not present.                 #

# Version of the config.
# When updating config, copy the new verison number here.
# Only ever change when adding new config options!
# Used to notify administrators on config updates.
config-version: 3

# If true, the plugin will change player's gamemodes when entering a world
# The gamemode set is configured in the worlds.yml file
manage-gamemodes: true

# If true, players will have different inventories for each gamemode
separate-gamemode-inventories: true

# If true, any worlds that are not in the worlds.yml configuration file will share the same inventory
share-if-unconfigured: false

# All settings for players are here:
  # Save and Load players' economy balances. Requires Vault!
  economy: false
  # Load players' ender chests
  ender-chest: false
  # Load players' inventory
  inventory: true
  # All options for player stats are here:
    # Load if a player is able to fly
    can-fly: true
    # Load the player's display name
    display-name: false
    # Load a player's exhaustion level
    exhaustion: true
    # Load how much exp a player has
    exp: true
    # Load a player's hunger level
    food: true
    # Load if a player is flying
    flying: true
    # Load what gamemode a player is in. This is shadow-set to false if
    # 'manage-gamemodes' is true, to stop infinite loop
    gamemode: false
    # Load how much health a player has
    health: true
    # Load what level the player is
    level: true
    # Load all the potion effects of the player
    potion-effects: true
    # Load the saturation level of the player
    saturation: true
    # Load a player's fall distance
    fall-distance: true
    # Load the fire ticks a player has
    fire-ticks: true
    # Load the maximum amount of air a player can have
    max-air: true
    # Load the current remaining air a player has
    remaining-air: true

# Config Version 2 below this line #

# Configure the amount of time between saves, in seconds
# Default is 5 minutes (300 seconds)
save-interval: 300

# Config Version 3 Additions below this line #

# Attempt to figure out which world a player last logged off in
# and save/load the correct data if that world is different.
load-data-on-join: false

# Print out debug messages to the console for every event that happens in PWI
debug-mode: false

# In this file you define your groups and the worlds in them.
# Follow this format:
# groups:
#   default:
#     worlds:
#     - world
#     - world_nether
#     - world_the_end
#     default-gamemode: SURVIVAL
#   creative:
#     worlds:
#     - creative
#     default-gamemode: CREATIVE
# 'default' and 'creative' are the names of the groups
# worlds: is a list of all worlds in the group
# If you have 'manage-gamemodes' set to true in the main config, the plugin
# will use the 'default-gamemode' here to know what gamemode to put users in.
    - MG1
    default-gamemode: ADVENTURE
    - creatif
    default-gamemode: CREATIVE
    - world
    - world_nether
    - world_the_end
    default-gamemode: SURVIVAL

J'utilise la version 1.9 de CraftBukkit dans un serveur que j'héberge moi même et jai la dernière version de PerWorldInventory !

Donc pour résumer j'ai trois mondes : world : Survie (en survie), creatif : Créatif (en créatif) et MG1 : Spawn (en adventure).
Je veux qu'ils est tous un inventaire séparer mais ça ne marche que avec creatif, les 2 autres ont le même inventaire ce qui est gênant ...
Si vous avez besoin de plus d'infos pas de problème !


ok :) alors prends plûtot multiverse inventory (il marche mieux) et il est plus complet
ok :) alors prends plûtot multiverse inventory (il marche mieux) et il est plus complet
Le truc c'est que j'ai déjà essayer avec multiverse inventory mais les devs ne s'en occupe plus donc il n'est pas à jour pour bukkit 1.9, ils conseillent de prendre PerWorldInventory
Multiverse-Inventories is no longer supported. We highly recommend switching to Per World Inventory which supports importing your inventories from Multiverse-Inventories.
Donc je sais pas ...
Connais tu la différence entre Multiverse Inventories et Multiinv ?
aucun mais Multiinv est SUPER!! il marche en 1.9 et il faut juste que tu instal TuxTowLib 1.9 en plus
c'est justement ce que tu veut
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