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Yhz poi

Massacreur de Mouton
25 Août 2014
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me traduire ce fichier.
  enabledPlugin: '%TAG%N%name%&a&k + %N%version% is now Enabled. Made by %A%autors%%N.'
  disabledPlugin: '%TAG%N%name%&c&k - %N%version% is now Disabled. Made by %A%autors%%N.'
  info: '%NDisplays the plugin''s info.'
  help: '%NShows a list of commands.'
  reload: '%NReloads all configs.'
  join: '%NJoins a BlockHunt game.'
  leave: '%NLeave a BlockHunt game.'
  list: '%NShows a list of available arenas.'
  shop: '%NOpens the BlockHunt shop.'
  start: '%NForces an arena to start.'
  wand: '%NGives you the wand selection tool.'
  create: '%NCreates an arena from your selection.'
  set: '%NOpens a panel to set settings.'
  setwarp: '%NSets warps for your arena.'
  remove: '%NDeletes an Arena.'
  tokens: '%NChange someones tokens.'
  add: '%NAdd %A%1%%N to %A%2%%N'
  add2: Add
  setting: '%NSetting %A%1%%N is now: %A%2%%N.'
  remove: '%NRemove %A%1%%N from %A%2%%N'
  remove2: Remove
  reloadedConfigs: '%TAG&aReloaded all configs!'
  joinJoinedArena: '%TAG%A%playername%%N joined your arena. (%A%1%%N/%A%2%%N)'
  leaveYouLeft: '%TAG%NYou left the arena! Thanks for playing ;)!'
  leaveLeftArena: '%TAG%A%playername%%N left your arena. (%A%1%%N/%A%2%%N)'
  startForced: '%TAG%NYou forced to start arena ''%A%arenaname%%N''!'
  wandGaveWand: '%TAG%NHere you go ;)! &o(Use the %A&o%type%%N&o!)'
  wandSetPosition: '%TAG%NSet position %A#%number%%N to location: (%A%x%%N, %A%y%%N,
  createCreatedArena: '%TAG%NCreated an arena with the name ''%A%name%%N''.'
  lobbyArenaIsStarting: '%TAG%NThe arena will start in %A%1%%N second(s)!'
  lobbyArenaStarted: '%TAG%NThe arena has been started! The seeker is coming to find
    you in %A%secs%%N seconds!'
  ingameSeekerChoosen: '%TAG%NPlayer %A%seeker%%N has been choosen as seeker!'
  ingameBlock: '%TAG%NYou''re disguised as a(n) ''%A%block%%N'' block.'
  ingameArenaEnd: '%TAG%NThe arena will end in %A%1%%N second(s)!'
  ingameSeekerSpawned: '%TAG%A%playername%%N has spawned as a seeker!'
  ingameGivenSword: '%TAG%NYou were given a sword!'
  ingameHiderDied: '%TAG%NHider %A%playername%%N died! %A%left%%N hider(s) remain...'
  ingameSeekerDied: '%TAG%NSeeker %A%playername%%N died! He will respawn in %A%secs%%N
  winSeekers: '%TAG%NThe %ASEEKERS%N have won!'
  winHiders: '%TAG%NThe %AHIDERS%N have won!'
  setwarpWarpSet: '%TAG%NSet warp ''%A%warp%%N'' to your location!'
  addedToken: '%TAG%A%amount%%N tokens were added to your account!'
  addedVaultBalance: '%TAG%A%amount%%N was added to your bank!'
  addedVaultBalanceKill: '%TAG%A%amount%%N has been added for killing a hider'
  removeRemovedArena: '%TAG%NRemoved arena ''%A%name%%N''!'
  tokensChanged: '%TAG%N%option% %A%amount%%N tokens %option2% %A%playername%%N.'
  tokensChangedPerson: '%TAG%NPlayer %A%playername%%N %N%option% %A%amount%%N %option2%
    your tokens.'
  ingameNowSolid: '%TAG%NYou''re now a solid ''%A%block%%N'' block!'
  ingameNoMoreSolid: '%TAG%NYou''re no longer a solid block!'
  shopBoughtItem: '%TAG%NYou''ve bought the ''%A%itemname%%N'' item!'
  shopChoosenBlock: '%TAG%NYou''ve choosen to be a(n) ''%A%block%%N'' block!'
  shopChoosenSeeker: '%TAG%NYou''ve choosen to be a %Aseeker%N!'
  shopChoosenHiders: '%TAG%NYou''ve choosen to be a %Ahider%N!'
  lobbyNeedAtleast: '%TAG%WYou need atleast %A%1%%W player(s) to start the game!'
  ingameNEWSeekerChoosen: '%TAG%WThe last seeker left and a new seeker has been choosen!'
  unableToCommand: '%TAG%WSorry but that command is disabled in the arena.'
  ingameNoSolidPlace: '%TAG%WThat''s not a valid place to become solid!'
  arenaStopped: '%TAG%WThe arena has been forced to stop!'
  noVault: '%TAG%WUsing BlockHunts token system!'
  usingVault: '%TAG%WUsing Vault support'
  noPermission: '%TAG%EYou don''t have the permissions to do that!'
  notANumber: '%TAG%E''%A%1%%E'' is not a number!'
  commandNotEnabled: '%TAG%EThis command has been disabled!'
  commandNotFound: '%TAG%ECouldn''t find the command. Try %A/BlockHunt help %Efor
    more info.'
  notEnoughArguments: '%TAG%EYou''re missing arguments, correct syntax: %A%syntax%'
  libsDisguisesNotInstalled: '%TAG%EThe plugin ''%ALib''s Disguises%E'' is required
    to run this plugin! Intall it or it won''t work!'
  protocolLibNotInstalled: '%TAG%EThe plugin ''%AProtocolLib%E'' is required to run
    this plugin! Intall it or it won''t work!'
  noArena: '%TAG%ENo arena found with the name ''%A%name%%E''.'
  onlyIngame: '%TAG%EThis is an only in-game command!'
  joinAlreadyJoined: '%TAG%EYou''ve already joined an arena!'
  joinNoBlocksSet: '%TAG%EThere are none blocks set for this arena. Notify the administrator.'
  joinWarpsNotSet: '%TAG%EThere are no warps set for this arena. Notify the administrator.'
  joinArenaIngame: '%TAG%EThis game has already started.'
  joinFull: '%TAG%EUnable to join this arena. It''s full!'
  joinInventoryNotEmpty: '%TAG%EYour inventory should be empty before joining!'
  leaveNotInArena: '%TAG%EYou''re not in an arena!'
  createSelectionFirst: '%TAG%EMake a selection first. Use the wand command: %A/BlockHunt
  createNotSameWorld: '%TAG%EMake your selection points in the same world!'
  setTooHighNumber: '%TAG%EThat amount is too high! Max amount is: %A%max%%E.'
  setTooLowNumber: '%TAG%EThat amount is too low! Minimal amount is: %A%min%%E.'
  setNotABlock: '%TAG%EThat is not a block!'
  setwarpWarpNotFound: '%TAG%EWarp ''%A%warp%%E'' is not valid!'
  tokensPlayerNotOnline: '%TAG%ENo player found with the name ''%A%playername%%E''!'
  tokensUnknownsetting: '%TAG%E''%A%option%%E'' is not a known option!'
  shopNeedMoreTokens: '%TAG%EYou need more tokens before you can buy this item.'
  shopMaxSeekersReached: '%TAG%ESorry, the maximum amount of seekers has been reached!'
  shopMaxHidersReached: '%TAG%ESorry, the maximum amount of hiders has been reached!'
  trueVaultNull: '%TAG%EVault has been enabled in the config.yml but cannot find the
    ''Vault'' plugin! The plugin will not run'

Merci d'avance