Le problème est dans le titre.
Le script :
L'erreur dans la console au démarrage :
A la fin des [ERROR] j'ai sa :
Merci pour votre aide !
Le script :
command /rls:
permission: reload.admin
broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e10 &cSECONDES !
wait 5 seconds
broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e5 &cSECONDES !
wait 2 seconds
broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e3 &cSECONDES !
wait 1 second
broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e2 &cSECONDES !
wait 1 second
broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e1 &cSECONDE !
wait 1 second
broadcast &cRELOAD &eIMMINENT &c!
make console execute command ["/reload"]
L'erreur dans la console au démarrage :
[13:07:16] [WARN] [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (Reload.sk, line 1: command /rls:')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 1 tab (Reload.sk, line 3: trigger:')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 4: broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e10 &cSECONDES !')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 5: wait 5 seconds')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 6: broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e5 &cSECONDES !')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 7: wait 2 seconds')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 8: broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e3 &cSECONDES !')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 9: wait 1 second')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 10: broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e2 &cSECONDES !')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 11: wait 1 second')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 12: broadcast &cRELOAD DANS &e1 &cSECONDE !')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 13: wait 1 second')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 14: broadcast &cRELOAD &eIMMINENT &c!')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] indentation error: expected 0 tabs, but found 2 tabs (Reload.sk, line 15: make console execute command ["/reload"]')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] Required entry 'trigger' is missing in 'command /rls' (Reload.sk, starting at line 1) (Reload.sk, line 1: command /rls:')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (Reload.sk, line 2: permission: reload.admin')
[13:07:16] [WARN] [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (bvn.sk, line 1: command /bvn:')
[13:07:16] [WARN] [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (bvn.sk, line 3: trigger:')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] Required entry 'trigger' is missing in 'command /bvn' (bvn.sk, starting at line 1) (bvn.sk, line 1: command /bvn:')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (bvn.sk, line 2: aliases: bienvenue')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] can't understand this event: 'trigger' (bvn.sk, line 3: trigger:')
[13:07:16] [ERROR] [Skript] invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (bvn.sk, line 4: broadcast "&c[&6&nBienvenue&r&c] &aLe Joueur &6%player% &3souhaite la bienvenue au nouveau membre !"')
A la fin des [ERROR] j'ai sa :
[13:07:16] [INFO] [Skript] Loaded 2 scripts with a total of 0 triggers and 0 commands in 0.02 seconds
Merci pour votre aide !