Ais je raison?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Tyuro
  • Date de début Date de début
Je me permet de remonter ce topic, l'erreur n'est pas corrigée, je pensai avoir corrigé l'erreur, mais en fait, elle persiste, voici mon fichier de configuration:

prefix: "ȡ[Shop] Ȳ"
iteminfo: "ȡItem Information: Ȳ"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"
prefix: "§a[Shop] §r"
iteminfo: "§aItem Information: §r"
ACCESS_DENIED: "You don't have permission to do that!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "You don't have enough money!"
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP: "Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"
CLIENT_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to your account failed!"
SHOP_DEPOSIT_FAILED: "Money deposit to shop owner failed!"
NO_BUYING_HERE: "You can't buy here!"
NO_SELLING_HERE: "You can't sell here!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY: "You haven't got enough space in inventory!"
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST: "There isn't enough space in chest!"
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL: "You don't have enough items to sell!"
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: "This shop is out of stock."
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP: "Your %material shop is out of stock!"
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP: "You bought %item from %owner for %price."
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP: "%buyer bought %item for %price from you."
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP: "You sold %item to %buyer for %price."
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP: "%seller sold %item for %price to you."
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP: "You can't create this type of shop!"
NO_CHEST_DETECTED: "Couldn't find a chest!"
INVALID_SHOP_DETECTED: "The shop cannot be used!"
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST: "You don't have permissions to access this chest!"
PROTECTED_SHOP: "Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"
SHOP_CREATED: "Shop successfully created!"
SHOP_FEE_PAID: "You have been charged %amount"
SHOP_REFUNDED: "You have been refunded %amount."
RESTRICTED_SIGN_CREATED: "Sign succesfully created!"
NO_PERMISSION: "You don't have permissions to do that!"
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID: "You have specified invalid item id!"
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS: "Could not create a protection!"
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE: "You can't create shop here!"

Voila, si vous pouviez me signaler l’erreur ça serait cool


PS: je suis en craftbukkit 1.4.7

Tu te ficherais pas un peu de nous ?
Regarde ton fichier... Tu crois vraiment que le plugin va pouvoir lancer cela ?
Regarde, un exemple pris au hasard:

Je pense qu'il s'agit plutôt d'un souci d'encodage de ton navigateur. Sous Firefox, je vois le symbole "paragraphe" utilisé pour les codes couleur.

@Tyuro, 1 avertissement pour multipost.

Je suis sous googleChorme... Mais techniquement, les forum xenforo sont encodée en UTF-8...
Enfin, pour le code couleur ce n'est pas le symbole paragraphe qu'il faut utiliser, mais bien le symbole "et" ("and") &...
Ce qu'y est sur, c'est que le problème de notre ami vient juste d'une erreur d'ecoddage.

Excusez moi mais je ne suis pas très doué pour ce genre de truc. Il fait donc que je change tous les "paragraphe" par "&" ?
(Désole du double post)