Plugin Bug citizens

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Voila Mon probléme quand j'essaie de créer un npc ca m'envoie un message d'erreur
02:03:19 [INFO] //removeabove: [size] [height] - Remove blocks above your head.
02:03:19 [INFO] //removebelow: [size] [height] - Remove blocks below you.
02:03:19 [INFO] //removenear: <block> [size] - Remove blocks near you.
02:03:19 [INFO] //replace: [from-block] <to-block> - Replace all blocks in the s
election with another
02:03:19 [INFO] //replacenear: <size> <from-id> <to-id> - Replace nearby blocks
02:03:19 [INFO] //rotate: <angle-in-degrees> - Rotate the contents of the clipbo
02:03:19 [INFO] //save: <filename> - Save a schematic into your clipboard
02:03:19 [INFO] //schematic: Schematic-related commands
02:03:19 [INFO] //searchitem: <query> - Search for an item
02:03:19 [INFO] //sel: [cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl] - Choose a regi
on selector
02:03:19 [INFO] //set: <block> - Set all the blocks inside the selection to a bl
02:03:19 [INFO] //setbiome: <biome> - Sets the biome of the player's current blo
ck or region.
02:03:19 [INFO] //shift: <amount> [direction] - Shift the selection area
02:03:19 [INFO] //size: Get information about the selection
02:03:19 [INFO] //smooth: [iterations] - Smooth the elevation in the selection
02:03:19 [INFO] //snow: [radius] - Simulates snow
02:03:19 [INFO] //sphere: <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Gener
ates a filled sphere.
02:03:19 [INFO] //stack: [count] [direction] - Repeat the contents of the select
02:03:19 [INFO] //thaw: [radius] - Thaws the area
02:03:19 [INFO] //toggleplace: Switch between your position and pos1 for placeme
02:03:19 [INFO] //undo: [times] [player] - Undoes the last action
02:03:19 [INFO] //walls: <block> - Build the four sides of the selection
02:03:19 [INFO] //wand: Get the wand object
02:03:19 [INFO] /afk: Set yourself as away
02:03:19 [INFO] /ascend: [# of levels] - Go up a floor
02:03:19 [INFO] /ban: [-t end ] <target> [reason...] - Ban a user
02:03:19 [INFO] /ban-ip: Prevents the specified IP address from using this serve
02:03:19 [INFO] /baninfo: <target> - Check if a user is banned
02:03:19 [INFO] /banlist: View all players banned from this server
02:03:19 [INFO] /bans: Ban management
02:03:19 [INFO] /barrage: [target] - Send a barrage of arrows
02:03:19 [INFO] /biome: [player] - Get your current biome
02:03:19 [INFO] /biomeinfo: Get the biome of the targeted block.
02:03:19 [INFO] /biomelist: [page] - Gets all biomes available.
02:03:19 [INFO] /blacksmith: Performs various Blacksmith NPC-related commands.
02:03:19 [INFO] /bring: <target> - Bring a player to you
02:03:19 [INFO] /broadcast: <message...> - Broadcast a message
02:03:19 [INFO] /brush: Brush tool
02:03:19 [INFO] /butcher: [radius] - Kill all or nearby mobs
02:03:19 [INFO] /call: <target> - Request a teleport
02:03:19 [INFO] /cannon: [target] - Send a ball of fire to a face
02:03:19 [INFO] /ceil: [clearance] - Go to the celing
02:03:19 [INFO] /chunkinfo: Get information about the chunk that you are inside
02:03:19 [INFO] /citizens: Performs Citizens-related commands.
02:03:19 [INFO] /clear: [target] - Clear your inventory
02:03:19 [INFO] /clearclipboard: Clear your clipboard
02:03:19 [INFO] /cmdbook: CommandBook commands
02:03:19 [INFO] /compass: [player] - Show your current compass direction
02:03:19 [INFO] /confirm: Confirm an action
02:03:19 [INFO] /cs: <filename> [args...] - Execute a CraftScript
02:03:19 [INFO] /cycler: Block data cycler tool
02:03:19 [INFO] /debug: Debugging commands
02:03:19 [INFO] /defaultgamemode: Set the default gamemode
02:03:19 [INFO] /delchunks: Delete chunks that your selection includes
02:03:19 [INFO] /deltree: Floating tree remover tool
02:03:19 [INFO] /deop: Takes the specified player's operator status
02:03:19 [INFO] /descend: [# of floors] - Go down a floor
02:03:19 [INFO] /farwand: Wand at a distance tool
02:03:19 [INFO] /firebarrage: [target] - Send a attack of fireballs
02:03:19 [INFO] /floodfill: <pattern> <range> - Flood fill tool
02:03:19 [INFO] /forestgen: [size] [type] [density] - Generate a forest
02:03:19 [INFO] /gamemode: [player] [gamemode] - Change a player's gamemode
02:03:20 [INFO] /give: [-d] <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Give an item
02:03:20 [INFO] /god: [player] - Enable godmode on a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /guard: Performs various Guard NPC-related commands.
02:03:20 [INFO] /heal: [player] - Heal a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /healer: Performs various Healer NPC-related commands.
02:03:20 [INFO] /help: Shows the help menu
02:03:20 [INFO] /home: [world] [target] [owner] - Teleport to a home
02:03:20 [INFO] /homes: Home management
02:03:20 [INFO] /info: Block information tool
02:03:20 [INFO] /intro: Play the introduction song
02:03:20 [INFO] /isbanned: <target> - Check if a user is banned
02:03:20 [INFO] /item: [target] <item[:data][|enchantment:level]> [amount] - Giv
e an item
02:03:20 [INFO] /jumpto: Teleport to a location
02:03:20 [INFO] /kick: <target> [reason...] - Kick a user
02:03:20 [INFO] /kill: Commits suicide, only usable as a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /kit: <id> [target] - Get a kit
02:03:20 [INFO] /listchunks: List chunks that your selection includes
02:03:20 [INFO] /locate: [player] - Locate a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /lrbuild: <leftclick block> <rightclick block> - Long-range buil
ding tool
02:03:20 [INFO] /mask: [mask] - Set the brush mask
02:03:20 [INFO] /mat: [pattern] - Set the brush material
02:03:20 [INFO] /md: Allows player to disguise as mob
02:03:20 [INFO] /me: <message...> - Send an action message
02:03:20 [INFO] /midi: [-p player] [midi] - Play a MIDI file
02:03:20 [INFO] /money: Check / Distrobute currency.
02:03:20 [INFO] /more: [player] - Gets more of an item
02:03:20 [INFO] /motd: Show the message of the day
02:03:20 [INFO] /msg: <target> <message...> - Private message a user
02:03:20 [INFO] /mute: <target> - Mute a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /none: Unbind a bound tool from your current item
02:03:20 [INFO] /npc: Performs various NPC-related commands.
02:03:20 [INFO] /op: Gives the specified player operator status
02:03:20 [INFO] /pardon: Allows the specified player to use this server
02:03:20 [INFO] /pardon-ip: Allows the specified IP address to use this server
02:03:20 [INFO] /ping: A dummy command
02:03:20 [INFO] /playertime: [filter] <time|"current"> - Get/change a player's t
02:03:20 [INFO] /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server
02:03:20 [INFO] /pong: A dummy command
02:03:20 [INFO] /pumpkins: [size] - Generate pumpkin patches
02:03:20 [INFO] /put: <target> - Put a player at where you are looking
02:03:20 [INFO] /quest: Performs player-quest related commands.
02:03:20 [INFO] /quester: Performs various Quester NPC-related commands.
02:03:20 [INFO] /range: [pattern] - Set the brush range
02:03:20 [INFO] /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins
02:03:20 [INFO] /remove: <type> <radius> - Remove all entities of a type
02:03:20 [INFO] /repl: <block> - Block replacer tool
02:03:20 [INFO] /reply: <message...> - Reply to last user
02:03:20 [INFO] /restore: [snapshot] - Restore the selection from a snapshot
02:03:20 [INFO] /return: [player] - Teleport back to your last location
02:03:20 [INFO] /rocket: [target] - Rocket a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /rules: Show the rules
02:03:20 [INFO] /save-all: Saves the server to disk
02:03:20 [INFO] /save-off: Disables server autosaving
02:03:20 [INFO] /save-on: Enables server autosaving
02:03:20 [INFO] /say: <message...> - Send a message
02:03:20 [INFO] /seed: Shows the world seed
02:03:20 [INFO] /sethome: [owner] [location] - Set a home
02:03:20 [INFO] /setspawn: [location] - Change spawn location
02:03:20 [INFO] /setwarp: <warp> [location] - Set a warp
02:03:20 [INFO] /shock: [target] - Shock a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /size: [pattern] - Set the brush size
02:03:20 [INFO] /slap: [target] - Slap a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /slay: [player] - Slay a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /snapshot: Snapshot commands
02:03:20 [INFO] /spawn: [player] - Teleport to spawn
02:03:20 [INFO] /spawnmob: <mob>[|rider] [count] [location] - Spawn a mob
02:03:20 [INFO] /stack: Stack items
02:03:20 [INFO] /stop: Stops the server
02:03:20 [INFO] /superpickaxe: Select super pickaxe mode
02:03:20 [INFO] /take: <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Take an item
02:03:20 [INFO] /teleport: [target] <destination> - Teleport to a location
02:03:20 [INFO] /thor: [target] - Give a player Thor power
02:03:20 [INFO] /thru: Passthrough walls
02:03:20 [INFO] /thunder: <'on'|'off'> [duration] [world] - Change the thunder s
02:03:20 [INFO] /time: [world] <time|"current"> - Get/change the world time
02:03:20 [INFO] /timings: Records timings for all plugin events
02:03:20 [INFO] /toggle: Toggles between various NPC states.
02:03:20 [INFO] /toggledownfall: Toggles rain on/off on a given world
02:03:20 [INFO] /toggleeditwand: Toggle functionality of the edit wand
02:03:20 [INFO] /tool: Select a tool to bind
02:03:20 [INFO] /trader: Performs various Trader NPC-related commands.
02:03:20 [INFO] /tree: [type] - Tree generator tool
02:03:20 [INFO] /unban: <target> - Unban a user
02:03:20 [INFO] /unbanip: <target> [reason...] - Unban an IP address
02:03:20 [INFO] /ungod: [player] - Disable godmode on a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /unmute: <target> - Unmute a player
02:03:20 [INFO] /unstuck: Escape from being stuck inside a block
02:03:20 [INFO] /unthor: [target] - Revoke a player's Thor power
02:03:20 [INFO] /up: <block> - Go upwards some distance
02:03:20 [INFO] /vault-convert: Converts all data in economy1 and dumps it into
02:03:20 [INFO] /vault-info: Displays information about Vault
02:03:20 [INFO] /version: Gets the version of this server including any plugins
in use
02:03:20 [INFO] /warp: [world] [target] <warp> - Teleport to a warp
02:03:20 [INFO] /warps: Warp management
02:03:20 [INFO] /waypoint: Modifies waypoints.
02:03:20 [INFO] /we: WorldEdit commands
02:03:20 [INFO] /weather: <'stormy'|'sunny'> [duration] [world] - Change the wor
ld weather
02:03:21 [INFO] /whereami: [player] - Show your current location
02:03:21 [INFO] /whitelist: Prevents the specified player from using this server

02:03:21 [INFO] /who: [filter] - Get the list of online users
02:03:21 [INFO] /whois: [-p page] [player] - Tell information about a player
02:03:21 [INFO] /wizard: Performs various Wizard NPC-related commands.
02:03:21 [INFO] /xp: Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience
02:03:21 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server o
02:03:30 [INFO] <MagieAnthony> citizens.admin
02:08:06 [SEVERE] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldM
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.CraftNPC.<init>(Cra
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.NPCSpawner.spawnNPC
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.NPCManager.register
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.NPCManager.register
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.commands.BasicCommands.create(BasicC
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native M
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown S
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unkno
wn Source)
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.sk89q.CommandsManager.exec
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.sk89q.CommandsManager.exec
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.Citizens.onCommand(
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginComman
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCo
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(Cr
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(N
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHand
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.j
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.
02:08:06 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.d(NetServerHand
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:35
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServerConnection.b(Sour
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServe
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.q(DedicatedServe
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(MinecraftServe
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at
02:08:07 [SEVERE] at
02:11:54 [SEVERE] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldM
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.CraftNPC.<init>(Cra
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.NPCSpawner.spawnNPC
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.NPCManager.register
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.npclib.NPCManager.register
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.commands.BasicCommands.create(BasicC
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native M
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown S
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unkno
wn Source)
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.sk89q.CommandsManager.exec
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.resources.sk89q.CommandsManager.exec
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.citizensnpcs.Citizens.onCommand(
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginComman
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCo
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(Cr
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(N
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHand
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.j
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.d(NetServerHand
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:35
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServerConnection.b(Sour
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServe
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.q(DedicatedServe
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(MinecraftServe
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at
02:11:54 [SEVERE] at