Oui, la configuration du plugin.
Ok la voila EPIC ces le monde au les joueurs spawn quand il ce co HUB.
Mon problème c'est que même si j'ai cité les worlds de factions il fonctionne encore dans tous les worlds. Solution ?
# This config controls what plugins work on certain worlds.
# Example
# limit:
# WorldEdit:
# - world
# - world_nether
# Essentials: []
# This will make it so worldedit will only work in world & world_nether, meaning in the end it is not usable.
# When there is no worlds in the list it will allow it for any worlds, in this example allowing all worlds.
# Whenever a plugin is added, this config will automatically add it!
# exempt-login-events is for excluding login events when true, this means if a plugin uses PlayerLogin it will allow it for any world. We advise this to be enabled!
# blocked-msg is the string displayed to a client when a command is blocked
# check-for-updates is the controller for if updates should be alerted to the users with the permissions/op.
exempt-login-events: true
check-for-updates: true
blocked-msg: Unknown command. Type /help for help.
WorldEdit: []
- SurvivalEasy
- world
- SurvivalEasy_nether
- SurvivalEasy_the_end
VoidWorld: []
- SurvivalEasy
- world
- SurvivalEasy_nether
- SurvivalEasy_the_end
1vs1: []
- SurvivalEasy
- world
- SurvivalEasy_nether
Votifier: []
CustomJoin: []
ProtocolLib: []
WorldGuard: []
EssentialsChat: []
PermissionsEx: []
EssentialsAntiBuild: []
SetHub: []
AutoSave: []
CustomJoinItems: []
Tablist: []
GAListener: []
EssentialsSpawn: []
CratesPlus: []
ClickWarp: []
MinigamesLib: []
AuthMe: []
HolographicDisplays: []
- plots
Multiverse-Core: []
Multiverse-Inventories: []
- epic
- TntRunMap
- SurvivalEasy
- world
- SurvivalEasy_nether
Vault: []
MassiveCore: []
- SurvivalEasy
- world
- SurvivalEasy_nether
- SurvivalEasy_the_end
ServerSigns: []
Message: []
FreeTeleport: []
Spawntp: []
PlaceholderAPI: []
ViaVersion: []
ChangeSkin: []
BedwarsRel: []
PerWorldTabList: []
WorldChat: []
uSkyBlock: []
Scoreboard: []
AutoBroadcast: []
KillPoint: []
ReitzRPG: []
QuickBoard: []
AnimatedScoreboard: []
- epic
NoRain: []
SpigotBoard: []
GadgetsMenu: []
Citizens: []
CitizensCMD: []