[22:15:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.8.8
[22:15:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[22:15:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[22:15:28] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8) (Implementing API version 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Debug logging is disabled
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
[22:15:29] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin `iConomy_Recreation v8.0' uses the space-character (0x20) in its name `iConomy Recreation' - this is discouraged
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleAutoMessage] Loading SimpleAutoMessage v1.2.3
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.8-SNAPSHOT;cd4729f
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] Loading TabPrefix v5.6.3
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Loading Skript v2.1.2
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperMenu] Loading SuperMenu v1.6
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation] Loading iConomy_Recreation v8.0
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Loading GroupManager v2.0 (Phoenix)
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleHub] Loading SimpleHub v1.5
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkQuery] Loading SkQuery v3.21.4
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Loading LuckyBlock v2.4.3
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [NametagEdit] Loading NametagEdit v4.2.0
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomJoin] Loading CustomJoin v1.0
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.0.0-beta-03.1514-
[22:15:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v4.3.0
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiBotUltra] Loading AntiBotUltra v7.1
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Loading Multiverse-Inventories v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b418
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] Loading WildSkript v1.8
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [RankSigns] Loading RankSigns v0.7.2
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Totem] Loading Totem v1.0
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Loading RandomTeleport v2.1.2
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skins] Loading Skins v1.8.3
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Loading Multiverse-Portals v2.5.0-b751
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tablist] Loading Tablist v1.3.2.9
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ColoredTexts] Loading ColoredTexts v1.4
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [StaffPlus] Loading StaffPlus v3.2.2
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Loading Coupons v3.0.2
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyCommand] Loading MyCommand v5.3.4
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore] Loading MassiveCore v2.13.6
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [BottledExp] Loading BottledExp v2.2.3.2
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChangeSkin] Loading ChangeSkin v2.4.2
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Loading ShowCaseStandalone v761
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Loading 1vs1 v1.7.1 #221
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [KitAdder] Loading KitAdder v3
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsXMPP] Loading EssentialsXMPP v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Loading ChestCommands v3.1.4
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Loading EssentialsProtect v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [CrazyAuctions] Loading CrazyAuctions v1.2.4
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] Loading EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [CookieMonster] Loading CookieMonster v1.8
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [CratesPlus] Loading CratesPlus v4.4.4
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Loading AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions] Loading Factions v2.13.6
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v4.3.0
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
[22:15:30] [Server thread/WARN]: iConomy - If you are using Flatfile storage be aware that versions 6, 7 and 8 have a CRITICAL bug which can wipe ALL iconomy data.
[22:15:30] [Server thread/WARN]: if you're using Votifier, or any other plugin which handles economy data in a threaded manner your server is at risk!
[22:15:30] [Server thread/WARN]: it is highly suggested to use SQL with iCo6 or to use an alternative economy plugin!
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] iConomy 6 found: Waiting
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] GroupManager found: Waiting
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] GroupManager found: Waiting
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.13.6
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] === ENABLE START ===
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Loading Cachefile datas...
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Loading Registry datas...
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Saving Cachefile...
[22:15:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Setup of IdUtil took 22ms.
[22:15:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1610ms) ===
[22:15:32] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
[22:15:32] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
[22:15:32] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world] --------
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_nether] --------
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_the_end] --------
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 1975998926695799411)
[22:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 1975998926695799411)
[22:15:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 1975998926695799411)
[22:15:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleAutoMessage] Enabling SimpleAutoMessage v1.2.3
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleAutoMessage] SimpleAutoMessage 1.2.3 est activé!
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.8-SNAPSHOT;cd4729f
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_8_R3 as the Bukkit adapter
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] Enabling TabPrefix v5.6.3
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: TabPrefixVersion 5.6.3 Has Been Enabled
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] Config Loaded
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] -----------------------
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix]
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] TabPrefixes Loaded!
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix]
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] -----------------------
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] v5.6.3 'by UnthinkableRedstone' Enabled
[22:15:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Enabling Skript v2.1.2
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Loaded a total of 11504 english aliases
[22:15:36] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] There are no aliases defined for the following ids: 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] ~ created by & © Peter Güttinger aka Njol ~
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperMenu] Enabling SuperMenu v1.6
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Metrics has been activated.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation] Enabling iConomy_Recreation v8.0
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation - April Fools] Enabled (10 ms)
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation] Hello, I'm Nijikokun. Yes, this is an April Fools joke, but '/money top' was fixed! Enjoy :) - Rare Version!
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] iConomy 8 hooked.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Enabling GroupManager v2.0 (Phoenix)
[22:15:36] [Thread-21/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation - April Fools] Purged accounts with default balance.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - World Found: world
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Superperms support enabled.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 10 minutes!
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Backups will be retained for 24 hours!
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager version 2.0 (Phoenix) is enabled!
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Permission] GroupManager hooked.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Chat] GroupManager - Chat hooked.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleHub] Enabling SimpleHub v1.5
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleHub] Plugin Has Been Enabled!
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkQuery] Enabling SkQuery v3.21.4
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [skQuery] Snooping enabled from com.w00tmast3r.skquery.SkQuery
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [skQuery] Locating classes from SkQuery...
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [skQuery] Finished snooping of SkQuery with 163 classes.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [skQuery] Beginning to process a total of 163 from SkQuery
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [skQuery] Out of 163 classes, 160 classes were loaded from SkQuery
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Enabling LuckyBlock v2.4.3
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: -----------[LuckyBlock]-----------
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Enable LuckyBlock!
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Version: 2.4.3
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Checking blocks.yml ...
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] All mistakes: 0
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] The file 'blocks.yml' has been loaded! 233 IDs have been loaded!
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Update function is activated!
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] No update found!
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: -----------[LuckyBlock]-----------
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [NametagEdit] Enabling NametagEdit v4.2.0
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [NametagEdit] Found GroupManager! Hooking in.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomJoin] Enabling CustomJoin v1.0
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v6.0.0-beta-03.1514-
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether'
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end'
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [spawn] --------
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: -143253209640233879)
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'spawn'
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [shop] --------
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 4 (Seed: 2002006694754446090)
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (shop) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (shop) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (shop) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (shop) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'shop'
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [Hub] --------
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 5 (Seed: -1123035353645545463)
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Hub) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Hub) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Hub) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Hub) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Hub'
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [spawn_the_end] --------
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 6 (Seed: 4713335559384182106)
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'spawn_the_end'
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [spawn_nether] --------
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 7 (Seed: -4423904408233207010)
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawn_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'spawn_nether'
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [1vs1] --------
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 8 (Seed: 4891719845340557051)
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (1vs1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (1vs1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (1vs1) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (1vs1) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world '1vs1'
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [spawnv1] --------
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 9 (Seed: -7449223922486144136)
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawnv1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawnv1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawnv1) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (spawnv1) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'spawnv1'
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [Minage] --------
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
[22:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 10 (Seed: 5475890822960534371)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Minage) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Minage) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Minage) Lava fire is blocked.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Minage) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Minage'
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 11 - World(s) loaded.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 2.5.0-b727 (API v20) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141, main-- and dumptruckman
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiBotUltra] Enabling AntiBotUltra v7.1
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiBotUltra] This server is protected!
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Enabling Multiverse-Inventories v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b418
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b418] enabled.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] Enabling WildSkript v1.8
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] skQuery hooked!
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] Classes, Events, Conditions, Effects, Expressions and EventValues have been registered!
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] Objects and Complex have been registered!
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] ~ Created by & © Dzikoysk ~
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [RankSigns] Enabling RankSigns v0.7.2
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: RankSigns Version 0.7.2 Has Been Enabled! Hello! :D
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Totem] Enabling Totem v1.0
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Totem est en ligne
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Enabling RandomTeleport v2.1.2
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Plugin Enabled !
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skins] Enabling Skins v1.8.3
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Enabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5.0-b751
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] - Version 2.5.0-b751 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MVPLogging] 12 - Portals(s) loaded
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Found WorldEdit. Using it for selections.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tablist] Enabling Tablist v1.3.2.9
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Tablist> You have to install PlaceholderAPI to use some placeholders !
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Tablist> Tablist v1.3.2.9 enabled!!
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [ColoredTexts] Enabling ColoredTexts v1.4
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: ColoredTexts Version 1.4 Has been Enabled!
[22:15:40] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling ColoredTexts v1.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Premature end of file.
at me.gameguykiler.coloredtexts.Updater.readFeed(Updater.java:610) ~[?:?]
at me.gameguykiler.coloredtexts.Updater.<init>(Updater.java:204) ~[?:?]
at me.gameguykiler.coloredtexts.ColoredTexts.onEnable(ColoredTexts.java:54) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:321) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:340) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:405) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:357) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:317) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.s(MinecraftServer.java:414) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.k(MinecraftServer.java:378) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:333) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:263) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:525) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_151]
Caused by: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Premature end of file.
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLStreamReaderImpl.next(XMLStreamReaderImpl.java:604) ~[?:1.8.0_151]
at com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLEventReaderImpl.nextEvent(XMLEventReaderImpl.java:83) ~[?:1.8.0_151]
at me.gameguykiler.coloredtexts.Updater.readFeed(Updater.java:579) ~[?:?]
... 13 more
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [StaffPlus] Enabling StaffPlus v3.2.2
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: API class 'org.inventivetalent.packetlistener.PacketListenerAPI' is not yet initialized. Creating new instance.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [ReflectionHelper] Version is v1_8_R3 (10803)
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [PacketListenerAPI] Using INChannel
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected custom channel handlers.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding channels for online players...
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Staff+] Version protocol set to 'v1_8_R3'.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Staff+] Staff+ has been enabled! Initialization took 46ms.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Staff+] Plugin created by Shortninja.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Enabling Coupons v3.0.2
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Enabling the plugin...
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Loaded 13 Coupons into memory!
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Enabled Coupons v3.0.2!
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyCommand] Enabling MyCommand v5.3.4
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* MyCommand *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | You are using an not fully supported server version. (v1_8_R3)
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | Vault : Ok. Hooked on Vault 1.5.6-b49
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | Command file(s) found : 1
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | Config : Ready.
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | PlaceholderAPI: Not Found
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | Custom commands loaded : 38
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | Version: 5.3.4
[22:15:41] [Server thread/INFO]: | Author : emmerrei a.k.a Ivanpro
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: | You are running the latest version of MyCommand.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Done! *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [BottledExp] Enabling BottledExp v2.2.3.2
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [BottledExp] Version has been enabled
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [BottledExp] Using GroupManager via Vault.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Creating config from template: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/Essentials/config.yml
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Creating config from template: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/Essentials/kits.yml
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: No kits found to migrate.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Essentials ban format conversion
[22:15:42] [pool-47-thread-1/INFO]: Creating empty config: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/Essentials/upgrades-done.yml
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting usermap repair
[22:15:42] [Server thread/WARN]: [Essentials] Missing userdata folder, aborting
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Creating config from template: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/Essentials/worth.yml
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy potion meta provider as potion meta provider.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale en_US
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Spigot 1.7.10+ ServerListPingEvent iterator
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (GroupManager)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Payment method found (Vault - Economy: iConomy 8 version: 1.5.6-b49)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChangeSkin] Enabling ChangeSkin v2.4.2
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: HikariPool-1 - Driver does not support get/set network timeout for connections. (org.sqlite.Conn.getNetworkTimeout()I)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Enabling ShowCaseStandalone v761
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Starting b761, created by kellerkindt with great contribution by sorklin, Ceddini, Ryzko
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Loading configuration.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Loaded localization: locale_EN.yml
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Initialising ShopHandler
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Initialising PlayerSessionHandler
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Initialising PriceRangeHandler
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Starting StorageHandlers
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Preparing StorageHandlers
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Loaded Shops: 75, PlayerSessions: 14, PriceRanges: 0
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Searching for other Plugins...
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Hooked into WorldGuard
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Hooked into Vault
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Hooked into Vault Permissions
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Register event listeners
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Initilazing Metrics
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Metrics is deactivated, ShowCaseStandalone respects your decision and won't use Metrics
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [1;31mWARNING: This is a development version, there COULD be issues. Please be aware of this![0m
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Enabled
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, using new version.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabled player relative placeholders with ProtocolLib.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Enabling 1vs1 v1.7.1 #221
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Connecting to sqlite database...
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Connected!
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Connecting to database
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Connecting to sqlite database...
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Connected!
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] 1vs1 enabled!
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [KitAdder] Enabling KitAdder v3
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [KitAdder] KitAdder plugin has been enabled!
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsXMPP] Enabling EssentialsXMPP v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Creating config from template: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/EssentialsXMPP/config.yml
[22:15:43] [Server thread/WARN]: config broken for xmpp
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Enabling ChestCommands v3.1.4
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CrazyAuctions] Enabling CrazyAuctions v1.2.4
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] Enabling EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Creating config from template: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/EssentialsGeoIP/config.yml
[22:15:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Downloading GeoIP database... this might take a while (country: 1.7 MB, city: 30MB)
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [CookieMonster] Enabling CookieMonster v1.8
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [CookieMonster] Using Vault v1.5.6-b49 for economy
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [CookieMonster] v1.8 loaded successfully.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [CookieMonster] Developed by: [jascotty2, Coelho]
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b592
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [CratesPlus] Enabling CratesPlus v4.4.4
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: CratesPlus Version 4.4.4
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: HolographicDisplays was found, hooking in!
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Enabling AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] SQLite Setup finished
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Hooked into Vault!
[22:15:46] [Server thread/ERROR]: Cannot load plugins/AuthMe/messages/messages_en.yml
org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException: while parsing a block mapping
in 'string', line 2, column 1:
reg_msg: '&3Fait: /register <pas ...
expected <block end>, but found Scalar
in 'string', line 13, column 52:
... fe: '&cLe mot de passe choisi n'est pas sûr, veuillez en choisir ...
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadFromString(YamlConfiguration.java:57) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration.load(FileConfiguration.java:226) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration.load(FileConfiguration.java:169) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(YamlConfiguration.java:180) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at fr.xephi.authme.message.MessageFileHandler.<init>(MessageFileHandler.java:34) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.message.MessageFileHandlerProvider.initializeHandler(MessageFileHandlerProvider.java:54) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.message.Messages.reload(Messages.java:144) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.message.Messages.<init>(Messages.java:45) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) [?:1.8.0_151]
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) [?:1.8.0_151]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) [?:1.8.0_151]
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423) [?:1.8.0_151]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.utils.ReflectionUtils.newInstance(ReflectionUtils.java:91) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.handlers.instantiation.StandardInjection.instantiateWith(StandardInjection.java:62) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.InjectorImpl.instantiate(InjectorImpl.java:181) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.InjectorImpl.get(InjectorImpl.java:155) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.InjectorImpl.resolveDependencies(InjectorImpl.java:208) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.InjectorImpl.instantiate(InjectorImpl.java:177) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.InjectorImpl.get(InjectorImpl.java:155) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.libs.jalu.injector.InjectorImpl.getSingleton(InjectorImpl.java:56) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.AuthMe.instantiateServices(AuthMe.java:248) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.AuthMe.initialize(AuthMe.java:221) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at fr.xephi.authme.AuthMe.onEnable(AuthMe.java:136) [AuthMe-5.4.0.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:321) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:340) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:405) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:357) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:317) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.s(MinecraftServer.java:414) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.k(MinecraftServer.java:378) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:333) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:263) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:525) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_151]
Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserException: while parsing a block mapping
in 'string', line 2, column 1:
reg_msg: '&3Fait: /register <pas ...
expected <block end>, but found Scalar
in 'string', line 13, column 52:
... fe: '&cLe mot de passe choisi n'est pas sûr, veuillez en choisir ...
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingKey.produce(ParserImpl.java:570) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(ParserImpl.java:158) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(ParserImpl.java:143) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:224) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:155) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeDocument(Composer.java:122) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(Composer.java:105) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:120) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(Yaml.java:450) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:369) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadFromString(YamlConfiguration.java:55) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
... 33 more
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] [LICENSE] This product uses data from the GeoLite API created by MaxMind, available at http://www.maxmind.com
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Hooked successfully into Essentials
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Hooked successfully into Multiverse-Core
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Essentials spawn file not found: '/home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/Essentials/spawn.yml'
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Development builds are available on our jenkins, thanks to f14stelt.
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Do you want a good game server? Look at our sponsor GameHosting.it leader in Italy as Game Server Provider!
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] AuthMe 5.4.0 build n.1877 correctly enabled!
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions] Enabling Factions v2.13.6
[22:15:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] === ENABLE START ===
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Integration Activated IntegrationV18
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 651ms) ===
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (28) items.
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> Loaded (7) locations.
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You server version is : git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: SuperMenu> You are using English language.
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (15.417s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[22:15:47] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces (PancarteGrade.sk, line 7: if player's balance is less than 250000:')
[22:15:47] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 20 spaces (PancarteGrade.sk, line 8: message "&c>> &bPole&7-&bEmplois &c<< Tu n'a pas assez d'argent pour achete le grade caporal."')
[22:15:47] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'greather than 150000' is not an entity type (PancarteGrade.sk, line 3: if player's balance is greather than 150000:')
[22:15:47] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] 'chat.sk' is empty
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Loaded 2 scripts with a total of 1 trigger and 0 commands in 0.06 seconds
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Finished loading.
[22:15:47] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Bukkit Permissions Updated!
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [1vs1] ***** 1vs1 Version Checker *****
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [1vs1] Stable Build: #221
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [1vs1] Current Build: #221
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [1vs1] No new version available
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [1vs1] *********************************
[22:15:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: Checking for updates via Spigot...
[22:15:48] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
[22:15:48] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [CratesPlus] No update was found, you are running the latest version. Will check again later.
[22:15:55] [Thread-40/INFO]: UUID of player Wenuts is 77aabb2c-2bdd-3362-8bb5-2b112a48efbc
[22:15:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Wenuts[/] logged in with entity id 947 at ([Hub]-3.4996902553539257, 44.0, -2.5000117234296364)
[22:15:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [Essentials] Task #90 for Essentials v2.0.1-b592 generated an exception
at com.earth2me.essentials.xmpp.XMPPManager.updatePresence(XMPPManager.java:148) ~[?:?]
at com.earth2me.essentials.xmpp.EssentialsXMPP.updatePresence(EssentialsXMPP.java:109) ~[?:?]
at com.earth2me.essentials.xmpp.EssentialsXMPPPlayerListener$1.run(EssentialsXMPPPlayerListener.java:31) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:71) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:350) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:723) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:374) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:654) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:557) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_151]
[22:15:55] [Server thread/WARN]: File motd.txt does not exist. Creating one for you.
[22:15:55] [pool-47-thread-1/INFO]: Creating empty config: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server44/plugins/Essentials/userdata/77aabb2c-2bdd-3362-8bb5-2b112a48efbc.yml
[22:15:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [AuthMe] Error getting message with key 'login_msg'. Please update your config file 'messages_en.yml' (or run /authme messages)
[22:15:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [AuthMe] Error getting message with key 'timeout'. Please update your config file 'messages_en.yml' (or run /authme messages)
[22:15:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/WARN]: [AuthMe] Error getting message with key 'login'. Please update your config file 'messages_en.yml' (or run /authme messages)
[22:15:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [AuthMe] The user Wenuts has 3 accounts:
[22:15:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [AuthMe] §7§aWenuts§7, curssy, osuroxe.
[22:15:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/WARN]: [AuthMe] Error getting message with key 'accounts_owned_self'. Please update your config file 'messages_en.yml' (or run /authme messages)
[22:15:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [AuthMe] Wenuts logged in!
[22:16:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Wenuts issued server command: /manuad
[22:16:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Wenuts issued server command: /manuadd
[22:16:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Wenuts lost connection: Disconnected
[22:16:14] [Server thread/WARN]: [Essentials] Task #124 for Essentials v2.0.1-b592 generated an exception
at com.earth2me.essentials.xmpp.XMPPManager.updatePresence(XMPPManager.java:144) ~[?:?]
at com.earth2me.essentials.xmpp.EssentialsXMPP.updatePresence(EssentialsXMPP.java:109) ~[?:?]
at com.earth2me.essentials.xmpp.EssentialsXMPPPlayerListener$2.run(EssentialsXMPPPlayerListener.java:51) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:71) ~[spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:350) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:723) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:374) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:654) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:557) [spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_151]
[22:16:18] [Server thread/INFO]: CONSOLE issued server command: /list
[22:16:18] [Server thread/INFO]: There are 0 out of maximum 100 players online.
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving...
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saved the world
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping the server
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions] Disabling Factions v2.13.6
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Integration Deactivated IntegrationV18
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Integration Deactivated IntegrationSpigot
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Integration Deactivated IntegrationWorldGuard
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions 2.13.6] Disabled
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Disabling AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Waiting for 0 tasks to finish
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] AuthMe 5.4.0-b1877 disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [CratesPlus] Disabling CratesPlus v4.4.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b592
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [CookieMonster] Disabling CookieMonster v1.8
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] Disabling EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b592
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Disabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b592
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [CrazyAuctions] Disabling CrazyAuctions v1.2.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.0.1-b592
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Disabling ChestCommands v3.1.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsXMPP] Disabling EssentialsXMPP v2.0.1-b592
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [KitAdder] Disabling KitAdder v3
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [KitAdder] KitAdder plugin has been disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Disabling 1vs1 v1.7.1 #221
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Disconnecting from database
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] 1vs1 disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Disabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Disabling ShowCaseStandalone v761
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Stopping StorageHandlers
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Removing displayed items
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShowCaseStandalone] Disable request complete!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChangeSkin] Disabling ChangeSkin v2.4.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.0.1-b592
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked.
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [BottledExp] Disabling BottledExp v2.2.3.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [BottledExp] You are no longer able to fill XP into Bottles
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v2.13.6
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 2.13.6] Disabled
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyCommand] Disabling MyCommand v5.3.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* MyCommand *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: | Tasks : Stopped all.
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: | Version : 5.3.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: | Author : emmerrei a.k.a Ivanpro
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Bye! *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Disabling Coupons v3.0.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Disabling the plugin...
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Coupons] Disabled Coupons v3.0.2!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [StaffPlus] Disabling StaffPlus v3.2.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Staff+] Staff+ is now disabling!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Removing channels for online players...
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Removing packet handlers (1)...
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ColoredTexts] Disabling ColoredTexts v1.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: ColoredTexts Has been Disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tablist] Disabling Tablist v1.3.2.9
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Tablist> Tablist v1.3.2.9 disabled!!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Disabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5.0-b751
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skins] Disabling Skins v1.8.3
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Disabling RandomTeleport v2.1.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Totem] Disabling Totem v1.0
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Totem est hors ligne
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [RankSigns] Disabling RankSigns v0.7.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: RankSigns Has Been Disabled! Bye! D:
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WildSkript] Disabling WildSkript v1.8
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Disabling Multiverse-Inventories v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b418
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiBotUltra] Disabling AntiBotUltra v7.1
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v4.3.0
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Disabling Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Disabling WorldGuard v6.0.0-beta-03.1514-
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Shutting down executor and waiting for any pending tasks...
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomJoin] Disabling CustomJoin v1.0
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [NametagEdit] Disabling NametagEdit v4.2.0
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Disabling LuckyBlock v2.4.3
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: -----------[LuckyBlock]-----------
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckyBlock] Disable LuckyBlock!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: -----------[LuckyBlock]-----------
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkQuery] Disabling SkQuery v3.21.4
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleHub] Disabling SimpleHub v1.5
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleHub] Plugin Has Been Disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Disabling GroupManager v2.0 (Phoenix)
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager version 2.0 (Phoenix) is disabled!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation] Disabling iConomy_Recreation v8.0
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation] Closing general data...
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy_Recreation] Disabled. (0 ms)
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperMenu] Disabling SuperMenu v1.6
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Disabling Skript v2.1.2
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [TabPrefix] Disabling TabPrefix v5.6.3
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: TabPrefix Has Been Disabled
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v6.1.8-SNAPSHOT;cd4729f
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleAutoMessage] Disabling SimpleAutoMessage v1.2.3
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleAutoMessage] SimpleAutoMessage 1.2.3 est désactivé!
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world_nether'/Nether
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world_the_end'/The End
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'spawn'/Overworld
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'shop'/Overworld
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Hub'/Overworld
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'spawn_the_end'/The End
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'spawn_nether'/Nether
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level '1vs1'/Overworld
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'spawnv1'/Overworld
[22:16:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Minage'/Overworld