[plugins] Impossible la modification ...

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14 Février 2012
Salut a tous !
Voilà, cela fait quelque jours que j'essaye de modifier m'est plugins a fin de le personnaliser totalement, j'explique:

Voilà le code que tous le monde connais:
    UnregisterResponse: '&aYou are now unregistered!'
    LogoutResponse: '&aSuccessfully logged out!'
    RegisterResponse: '&aRegistered using the password: &e%1'
    LoginResponse: '&aPassword accepted. Welcome.'
    RegisterExtraInfoCheckFailed: '&cYour %1 does not match our rules!'
    ChangePasswordResponse: '&aPassword successfully changed!'
    Hint: '&aYou were automatically identified and logged in. Welcome.'
    NotRegistered: Please visit our site http://fg-tech.de/registration to register your playername!
    OtherUserLoggedIn: There is already a player logged in with the same name! Try another one!
    DisallowedCharacters: Your playername (%1) is not set, contains invalid characters or is too short/long!
    Login: '&cPlease identify yourself with /login <password>'
    Registration: '&cPlease register yourself with /register <password>'
    PluginReloaded: '&cThe server was reloaded! Please log in again...'
    Command: '&eTo register, type /register <password>'
    ForceRegistration: '&dYou have to register an account before playing!'
    FreeRegistration: '&dYou are free to register an account for best protection of
        your account!'
    DatasourceError: '&cInternal error! Please notify an admin about this issue!'
    NotRegistered: '&cError: You are not registered!'
    NotLogged: '&cError: You are not logged in!'
    WrongPassword: '&cError: You inserted a wrong password!'
    PlayerNotRegistered: '&cError: This player is not registered!'
    AlreadyRegistered: '&cError: You are already registered!'
    InvalidPassword: '&cInvalid password'
    AlreadyLoggedIn: '&cError: You are already logged in!'

Prenons par exemple la ligne de code:"Login: '&cPlease identify yourself with /login <password>". On peut remarqué que le "identify yourself with /login" s'affiche dans le chat lors que utilisateur doit ce connecter sauf que j'aimerais le personnaliser a ma guise pour afficher une phrase qui me conviendrais et cela pour plusieurs plugins.

J'espère avoir était assez claire ^^ Merci d'avance :)