Staff Facilities - Quelques fonctionnalités pour aider les members de votre staff !


l | l | l | l | l
18 Août 2013
1 065

Quelques fonctionnalités pour aider les members de votre staff !

Merci de garder en tête que le plugin est en version snapshot!
Si vous souhaitez aider au développement du plugin, n'hésitez pas à me faire parvenir vos retours!​


StaffFacilities est un plugin ajoutant quelques fonctionnalités utiles pour aider vos membres du staff dans leur travail.


  • Module de sanction avec GUI.
    Accessible grâce à la commande /punish <target>, ce module permet à votre staff de sanctionner un joueur sans apprendre par coeur les sanctions. Cette fonctionnalité leur permet principalement de gagner du temps.
  • Mode staff
    Accessible grâce à la commande /staff, vous permet d'obtenir un inventaire spécial avec des fonctionnalités utiles aux modérateurs. Parmis ces fonctionnalités, vous trouverez par exemple le module de sanction présenté précédemment et accessible avec un clic droit sur un joueur, ou encore une téléportation aléatoire.
  • Téléportation à un joueur de manière aléatoire
    Commande permettant de se téléporter à un joueur de manière aléatoire sur le serveur. Disponible dans le mode staff.
  • Canaux de discussion spéciaux aux membres du staff
    StaffFacilities contient deux canaux de discussion: Un premier canal de discussion initialement destiné à tous les membres du staff leur permettant de discuter entre eux directement en jeu. Le second canal de discussion est destiné à l'équipe d'administration afin de leur permettre de discuter entre eux directement en jeu et en toute intimité.
  • Demandes d'aide pour le staff
    Le plugin contient aussi un plugin permettant aux joueurs d'envoyer une requête au staff de manière plus visible.


Le plugin admet uniquement une dépendence afin de rendre les messages du plugin d'autant plus customisables.
Afin d'utiliser StaffFacilities, vous devez installer PlaceholderAPI.
Voici le lien : PlaceholderAPI | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft


  1. Vérifiez au préalable que PlaceholderAPI est installé.
    → Lien: PlaceholderAPI | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
  2. Placez le plugin Staff Facilities dans le fichier plugins de votre serveur.
  3. Lancez et éteignez le serveur.
  4. Ouvrez le fichier config.yml et choisissez les modules et commandes que vous souhaitez utiliser.
  5. Vous pouvez redémarrer le serveur !
Par la suite, vous pouvez configurer l'entièreté du plugin dans le dossier nommé "StaffFacilities".


StaffFacilities admet au total six fichiers de configuration.

Le premier fichier dont nous allons parler est le fichier de configuration principal appelé config.yml.
Dans ce fichier, vous pouvez activer ou désactiver les modules et les commandes du plugin ou changer les permissions à vos souhaits par exemple.

# StaffFacilities main configuration file generated by version 1.0

#First, you can choose which module you want.
enableStaffModule: true #/staff
enablePunishModule: true #/punish
enableStaffChatModule: true #/sc
enableAdminChatModule: true #/admin
enableSrtpCommand: true #/srtp
enableModCommand: true #/mod
#Note: All GUI are configurable in the "gui" folder.

#In order for the plugin to be compatible with all punishment plugins, Staff Facilities execute ban or mute commands instead of the player.
#If the commands don't match your plugin's command, you can change them below.
muteCommand: "mute %player% %length% %reason%"
ipmuteCommand: "ipmute %player% %length% %reason%"
banCommand: "ban %player% %length% %reason%"
ipbanCommand: "ipban %player% %length% %reason%"

#Originally, Staff Facilities was created for Litebans, which contains a system of silent punishments.
#If you are not using Litebans or if you are using another sanction plugin, you can setup the argument to do silent sanctions.
#If your sanction plugin does not have this function, you can put " ".
silentArgument: "-s"

#Here is cooldown configurations for StaffFacilities.
#To prevent staff members from spamming staff mode features, you can cooldown their actions.
#This value is in milliseconds.
staffModeCooldown: 1000
modCommandCooldown: 1000

#Finally, you can setup all permissions as you want.
punishCommandPermission: "stafffacilities.punish.use"#Allow to use /mod command.
punishMuteGUIPermission: "stafffacilities.punish.mute" #Allow to open and use the Mute GUI.
punishBanGUIPermission: "stafffacilities.punish.ban" #Allow to open and use the Ban GUI.
staffChatPermission: "" #Allow to use /mod command.
staffChatDisablePermission: "" #Staff member can disable the staff chat for him.
staffChatTogglePermission: "" #Allow to toggle staff chat.
adminChatPermission: "stafffacilities.admin" #Allow to use /adm command.
srtpCommandPermission: "stafffacilities.srtp" #Allow to use /srtp command.
staffCommandPermission: "stafffacilities.staff" #Allow to use /staff command. Needed for reload command.
staffReloadCommandPermission: "stafffacilities.staff.reload" #Allow to use /staff reload command.
staffGamemodePermission: "stafffacilities.staff.gamemode" #Allow to switch to creative gamemode while using staff mode.
modCommandPermission: "stafffacilities.mod" #Allow to use /mod command.
modSeePermission: "stafffacilities.mod.see" #Allow to see messages from /mod command.
modCooldownBypassPermission: "stafffacilities.mod.cooldown.bypass" #Allow to bypass /mod command cooldown.

Ensuite, vous avez un fichier appelé messages.yml où vous pourrez configurer tous les messages envoyés par le plugin.
# StaffFacilities message configuration file generated by version 1.0

#Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI are usable only in this configuration file.

punishHelp: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilies&7] &7Error. Use: /punish <player>."
staffHelp: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilies&7] &7Error. Use: /staff (reload)."
srtpHelp: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilies&7] &7Error. Use: /srtp."

noPerm: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7You don't have permission."
errorContactAdmin: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7An internal error occurred while perfoming the command. An error log was sent to the console, please contact an administrator."
executeFromPlayer: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Only players can perform this command."
playerNameTooLong: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Player's name is too long ! It can't be longer than 16 characters."
moreArg: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Error: There is arguments missing."
alonePlaying: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7You're the only one playing !"
staffChatIsDisabled: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilies&7] &7Your staff chat is disabled, you can't send message."
commandOnCooldown: "&7[&4&lStaffFacilities&7] &7You're executing this command too quickly! Please wait %cd% seconds."
staffModeOnCooldown: "none" #Type "none" to disable it.

reloadSuccessful: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Reload successful."
reloadInProgress: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Reload in progress..."
teleportOnRandomPlayer: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7You've been teleported on %target% !"
staffChatEnabled: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Your staff chat is enabled."
staffChatDisabled: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7You won't receive anymore messages from staff chat. Type \"/sc\" to enable it."
staffChatToggled: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Your chat staff is toggled. Now, you can type your message in your chat without type \"/sc\"."
staffChatUntoggled: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Your chat staff is untoggled."
modMessageSent: "&7[&3&lStaffFacilities&7] &7Your request for help has been sent.\n&7Here is your message: %message%"
modMessageReceived: "&7[&d&lModRequest&7] &7%luckperms_prefix% %player_name%› &d%message%"

#Several stuffs can be formatted as you wish like staff chats and logs.
#Note that PlaceholderAPI placeholders can be used in these formats. Use %message% for the sent message.
staffChatFormat: "&7[&b&lSC&7] %luckperms_prefix% %player_name% &7›&a %message%"
staffChatConsoleFormat: "&7[&b&lSC&7] &dConsole &7›&a %message%"
adminChatFormat: "&7[&4&lADM&7] %luckperms_prefix% %player_name% &7›&c %message%"
timeFormat: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
staffChatLogFormat: "%time% | <%player_name%> : +message+"
staffChatConsoleLogFormat: "%time% | Console : +message+"
adminChatLogFormat: "%time% | <%player_name%> : +message+"
modLogFormat: "%time% | <%player_name%> : +message+"

Enfin, vous trouverez, dans un fichier nommé "gui", quatre fichiers permettant de configurer entièrement les inventaires des GUI du plugin.
Les fichiers nommés punishment-gui.yml, mute-gui.yml et ban-gui.yml permettent de configurer les trois GUI de la commande /punish.
Le dernier fichier, nommé staffmode-gui.yml, permet de configurer l'inventaire du mode staff.
# StaffFacilities mute GUI configuration file generated by version 1.0
#In this file, you can configure the main punishment GUI inventory.

#First, you can setup the size and the name of the GUI.
size: 45
name: "Punishment GUI"

#You can setup decoration blocks.
#If you need help with slots number, you can look at this picture: !
#If you don't know materials, you can find them by typing "spigot materials XXX" with XXX your version. Example: "spigot materials 1.8".
#Here is material names for 1.8:
#Here is material names for 1.12:
#Note: The names of the configuration keys (such as whiteGlassPlane or lightBlueGlassPlane) are not important. They allow you to be free in the names you choose in order to find your way more easily.
displayName: ''
enchanted: false
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displayName: ''
enchanted: true
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#Here you can setup the three items visible in the GUI.
#Note: only %player% placeholder works in the name of items here.
displayName: "&3&lMute %player%"
material: BOOK
slot: 20
enchanted: false
displayName: "&3&lBan %player%"
material: IRON_SWORD
slot: 24
enchanted: false
# StaffFacilities mute GUI configuration file generated by version 1.0
#In this file, you can configure the GUI inventory for mutes.

#First, you can setup the size and the name of the GUI.
size: 54
name: "Mute GUI"

#You can setup decoration blocks.
#If you need help with slots number, you can look at this picture: !
#If you don't know materials, you can find them by typing "spigot materials XXX" with XXX your version. Example: "spigot materials 1.8".
#Here is material names for 1.8:
#Here is material names for 1.12:
#Note: The names of the configuration keys (such as whiteGlassPane or lightBlueGlassPane) are not important. They allow you to be free in the names you choose in order to find your way more easily.
displayName: ''
enchanted: false
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displayName: ''
enchanted: true
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#In this part you can setup the punishments listed in the mute menu.
#Note: The names of the configuration keys (such as Provocation or Offend) are not important. They allow you to be free in the names you choose in order to find your way more easily.
material: BOOK
displayName: '&3&lProvocation'
- '&bLength: &f30m'
- '&bExample: &feasy'
slot: 10
length: "30m"
reason: "Provocation"
ipPunish: false
enchanted: false
material: BOOK
displayName: '&3&lOffend'
- '&bLength: &f1h'
- '&bExample: &fBitch'
slot: 12
length: "1h"
reason: "Offend"
ipPunish: false
enchanted: false
material: BOOK
displayName: '&3&lSpam/Flood'
- '&bLength: &f30m'
- '&bExample: &faaaaaaaa'
slot: 14
length: "30m"
reason: "Spam/Flood"
ipPunish: false
enchanted: trufalsee
displayName: '&3&lAdvertising'
- '&bLength: &f30m'
- '&bExample: &fCome on'
slot: 16
length: "30d"
reason: "Advertising"
ipPunish: true
enchanted: true
# StaffFacilities ban GUI configuration file generated by version 1.0
#In this file, you can configure the GUI inventory for bans.

#First, you can setup the size and the name of the GUI.
size: 54
name: "Ban GUI"

#You can setup decoration blocks.
#If you need help with slots number, you can look at this picture: !
#If you don't know materials, you can find them by typing "spigot materials XXX" with XXX your version. Example: "spigot materials 1.8".
#Here is material names for 1.8:
#Here is material names for 1.12:
#Note: The names of the configuration keys (such as whiteGlassPane or lightBlueGlassPane) are not important. They allow you to be free in the names you choose in order to find your way more easily.
displayName: ''
enchanted: false
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displayName: ''
enchanted: true
- 0
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#In this part you can setup the punishments listed in the mute menu.
#If you want the bannissement to permanent, you can put " ".
#Note: The names of the configuration keys (such as XRAY or BugExploit) are not important. They allow you to be free in the names you choose in order to find your way more easily.
material: IRON_SWORD
displayName: '&3&lCheat - ForceField'
- '&bLength: &f∞'
slot: 10
reason: "Forcefield"
length: " "
ipPunish: false
enchanted: false
material: IRON_SWORD
displayName: '&3&lBugExploit'
- '&bLength: &f∞'
slot: 16
reason: "Bug Exploit"
length: " "
ipPunish: false
enchanted: false
material: IRON_SWORD
displayName: '&3&lXRAY'
- '&bLength: &f30d'
- '&bExample: &feasy'
slot: 37
reason: "XRAY"
length: "30d"
ipPunish: false
enchanted: false
displayName: '&3&lAdvertising'
- '&bLength: &f30m'
- '&bExample: &feasy'
slot: 43
reason: "Anti-AFK"
length: "30m"
ipPunish: true
enchanted: true
# StaffFacilities staff mode GUI file generated by version 1.0

#In this file, you can configure all the items in the staff mode GUI (corresponding to the inventory of a staff member during staff mode).

#You can choose the filling item's material. If you don't want any filling item, type "none".
#If you need help with slots number, you can look at this picture: !
#Keep in mind that your hotbar correspond to the first line of this picture, and the next three lines are you inventory.
#If you don't know materials, you can find them by typing "spigot materials XXX" with XXX your version. Example: "spigot materials 1.8".
#Here is material names for 1.8:
#Here is material names for 1.12:
fillingItem: none

#Note: StaffFacilities will execute commandes likes "/gamemode survival" or /"fly" instead of the staff member to allow the plugin to be compatible with any other plugin.
#Therefore, the staff member must also have the appropriate permissions.

#Commands performed: /gamemode survival || /gamemode creative || /gamemode spectator"
material: GRASS
displayName: '&3&lGamemode 0/1 → 3'
- ""
- "&fUse this item to switch between"
- "&3survival &for &3creative gamemode &fand"
- "&3spectator gamemode"
- ""
slot: 2
enchanted: false

#Command performed: /fly
material: FEATHER
displayName: '&3&lFly'
- ""
- "&fUse this item to &3fly&f !"
- ""
slot: 3
enchanted: false

#Commands performed: /vanish
material: ENDER_EYE
displayName: '&3&lVanish'
- ""
- "&fUse this item to get &3vanished&f !"
- ""
slot: 4
enchanted: false

#Commands performed: /srtp
material: COMPASS
displayName: '&3&lStaff Random TP'
- ""
- "&fUse this item to &3random teleport on"
- "&3 a player&f !"
- ""
slot: 5
enchanted: false

#Commands performed: /punish %target%
material: IRON_SWORD
displayName: '&3&lPunish player'
- ""
- "&fUse this item to open the &3Punish"
- "&3GUI on a player open&f !"
- ""
slot: 6
enchanted: true


  • /punish <target>
    Accès au GUI de sanctions.
  • /staff
    Permet d'activer ou désactiver le mode staff.
  • /staff reload
    Reload le plugin et ses configurations.
    Si un fichier de configuration manque, il sera recréé automatiquement avec ses valeurs par défaut.
  • /sc
    Utilisé seule, cette commande permet de toggle le canal de discussion, de manière à ne plus être obligé de taper "/sc" pour envoyer un message dans le canal de discussion.
  • /sc <message>
    Permet d'envoyer un message dans le canal de discussion du staff.
  • /sc disable
    Permet de désactiver le staff chat uniquement pour la personne ayant executé la commande. Utile si le staff contient des créateurs de contenu.
  • /adm <message>
    Permet d'envoyer un message dans le canal de discussiond es administrateurs.
  • /mod <message>
    Permet à un joueur d'envoyer un message aux membres du staff.
  • /srtp
    Permet de se téléporter à un joueur aléatoire connecté sur le serveur.


Note: Toutes les permissions listées ci-dessous sont configurables à votre guise dans le fichier config.yml. Ce sont donc les permissions par défaut du plugin.
  • stafffacilities.punish.use
    Accès à la commande "/punish".
  • stafffacilities.punish.mute
    Accès à la partie mute de la commande "/punish".
  • stafffacilities.punish.ban
    Accès à la partie ban de la commande "/punish".
    Accès à la commande "/sc" et permet de voir les messages envoyés dans le canal de discussion du staff.
    Donne la possibilité de désactiver le canal de discussion du staff avec la commande "/sc disable".
    Donne la possibilité de toggle le canal de discussion du staff avec la commande "/sc" utilisée seule.
  • stafffacilities.admin
    Accès à la commande "/adm" et permet de voir les messages envoyés dans le canal de discussion des administrateurs.
  • stafffacilities.srtp
    Accès à la commande "/srtp".
  • stafffacilities.staff
    Accès à la commande "/staff".
  • stafffacilities.staff.reload
    Accès à la commande "/staff reload".
  • stafffacilities.staff.gamemode
    Autorise l'utilisateur à passer au gamemode créatif au lieu du gamemode survie avec le mode staff.
  • stafffacilities.mod
    Accès à la commande "/mod".
  • stafffacilities.mod.see
    Autorise à voir les messages envoyés par les utilisateurs de la commande "/mod".
  • stafffacilities.mod.cooldown.bypass
    Permet de bypass le cooldown de la commande "/mod".

Le plugin présenté est disponible au téléchargement sur la plateforme SpigotMC, avec sa description originale: StaffFacilities | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft

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