hum d'après
- The temporary punishments aren't working correctly (for example, people aren't unbanned at the end of their temporary ban)
- A timezone issue is often the cause of the problem. In order to fix it, you need to check if the timezone of your mysql server is the same as the one of your bungeecord server. For that the best is to ask your hoster which timezone is used on the MySQL server and on the bungeecord server. Or you can execute whatever punishment in bungee, look at the hour in the bungee log then go in your database with PHPMyAdmin and look at the begin_date of the punishment. If they're not the same, you've got a timezone issue. In order to fix it, the only way is to set the mysql server timezone and the bungeecord timezone to the same one. Ask your hoster to do it, or if you have an dedicated server look for an tutorial on google.