Modding FR


13 Novembre 2010

Minecraft est un jeu en plein développement,aussi bien du coté de chez Mojang que de celui de la communauté, qui ne cesse de développer toujours plus de mods et de extures packs.

Cependant, pour toute personne voulant tenter le modding de Minecraft,il faudra passer par les tutoriaux du forum officiel,où le français n'est pas vraiment courant.
De plus,si la personne en question ne connait pas un minimum certaines bases de code,sa devient vite un enfer de se lancer dans le domaines...

C'est pourquoi,devant l'absence total de tutoriel français sur le sujet,et afin d'encourager de nouveaux modder français,j'ai décidé de créer le 1er Tutoriel de Modding Minecraft FR.

Le but n'est pas seulement de créer un tutoriel en français,j'esseye de faire en sorte qu'il sois le plus accessible possible pour toutes personnes, compréhensible même pour des non initiés a toutes formes de codes (ou presque).



*27-02-11: Mise a jour des tutos I et III pour MCP 29a et ModLoader Beta 1.3_01v4.
*27-02-11: Correction d'une erreur dans le tuto II,merci a Woreck de me l'avoir fait remarquer !
*11-04-11: Mise a jour complète pour Minecraft Beta 1.4_01,MCP211 et ModLoader B1.4_01 v1.
*27-04-2011: Mise a jour pour Minecraft B1.5_01,MCP v2.12 et ModLoader v3 B1.5_01.
*30-04-2011: Correction d'une erreur avec les recettes,et mise a disposition des fichiers et
*29-05-11: Mise a jour pour Minecraft B1.6.5,MCP v3.3 et ModLoader v1 B1.6.5.

! Les liens suivants sont morts !


Tutorial Modding FR - Téléchargement:

Tuto I - Téléchargement et installation
Tuto II - Création d'un mod simple,ajout de nouveaux blocs
Tuto III - Compilation et tests
Tuto IV - Quelques petits trucs a savoir avant de continuer
Tuto - Création de nouveaux objets
Tuto - Ajouter des blocs et objets pour le four
Tuto - Blocs – Autres possibilités
Tuto - Autres possibilités - objets
Sources du mod du Tuto II

Nouveaux fichiers ajoutés suite aux liens morts à la fin du message.
Il manque juste les "Sources du mod du Tuto II".
Je précise que ce sont les fichiers d'origine, le code est parfois obsolète !

Fichiers joints

J'ai mis ça dans mon
package net.minecraft.src;
public class mod_MyMod extends BaseMod
    public mod_MyMod()
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc, 8), new Object[]
        {"#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.dirt});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc2, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.planks, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc3, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.stone, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc4, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.cobblestone, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc5, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.brick, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc6, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.blockSteel, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddName(myBloc, "BTR");
        ModLoader.AddName(myBloc2, "Bois");
        ModLoader.AddName(myBloc3, "Roche");
        ModLoader.AddName(myBloc4, "Pierre");
        ModLoader.AddName(myBloc5, "Briques");
        ModLoader.AddName(myBloc6, "Bloc de Fer");

    public static final Block myBloc = (newBlockMyBloc(200))ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/BTR.png")
    public static final Block myBloc2 = (new BlockMyBloc2(201))ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/Bois.png")
    public static final Block myBloc3 = (new BlockMyBloc3(202))ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/Roche.png")
    public static final Block myBloc4 = (new BlockMyBloc4(203))ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/Pierre.png")
    public static final Block myBloc5 = (new BlockMyBloc5(204))ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/Briques.png")
    public static final Block myBloc6 = (new BlockMyBloc6(205))ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/blocdefer.png")
    .setBlockName("Bloc de Fer");
    public String Version()
    return "1.8.1";

Résultat, 30 errors, 1 warning (PS: faut mettre où son dossier "mod" et après sa texture dans "scr" ou dans "jars" --> "bin" -->"minecraft.jar" ?):
Voila, nouveau problème, j'ai voulu modifié la rareté du bloc, et il me met erreur, où est-ce qu'il faut le placer ?

Euh oula je parlais pas de ça, je pensais que tu voulais utiliser le code dans la génération du block...
La fonction dans laquelle tu as mit le bout de code est utilisé pour savoir quel Item va sortir quand on casse un block

J'ai mis ça dans mon

Dans tes public static final Block, tu as mit en gros ça :

public static final Block myBloc4 = (new BlockMyBloc4(203)) ModLoader.addOverrid("/terrain.png", "/mod/Pierre.png")
// ...

Remplace par ça ( en faisant les modifications nécéssaires, il se peut que les arguments que tu donne au constructeur* soient différents )

* = dans le code de ton block, c'est la phrase public BlockMyBlock(int i, int j)

public static final Block myBloc4 = (new BlockMyBloc4(203, ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/mod/Pierre.png")))
// ...

Tu dois mettre ta texture EXACTEMENT ( exactement ? exactement ! ) sous \MCP\bin\minecraft
Tous les sous-dossiers des textures de ton mod y comprit
Euh là c'est moi qui ai un problème :

J'ai de sérieux problème avec mon reobfuscate...
Je passe mon mod en 1.8.1, et après avoir lancé reobfuscate, j'ai des centaines de lignes qui s'affichent puis il me balance sur la moitié des fichiers File machin.class not found

[B]# Field net/minecraft/src/SoundPoolEntry/soundUrl renamed to b from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/EnumOSMappingHelper/enumOSMappingArray fp/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/EnumOSMappingHelper/enumOSMappingArray renamed to a fr
om name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/RecipesDyes/addRecipes (Lnet/minecraft/src/CraftingManager
;)V hj/a (Lef;)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/RecipesDyes/addRecipes renamed to a from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ChunkBlockMap/func_26002_a ([B)V abv/a ([B)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ChunkBlockMap/func_26002_a renamed to a from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/ChunkBlockMap/field_26003_a abv/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/ChunkBlockMap/field_26003_a renamed to a from name mak
MD: net/minecraft/src/OpenGlCapsChecker/checkARBOcclusion ()Z qp/a ()Z
# Method net/minecraft/src/OpenGlCapsChecker/checkARBOcclusion renamed to a from
 name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/OpenGlCapsChecker/tryCheckOcclusionCapable qp/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/OpenGlCapsChecker/tryCheckOcclusionCapable renamed to
a from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/addRecipe (Lnet/minecraft/src/ItemStack;[L
java/lang/Object;)V ef/a (Lul;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/addRecipe renamed to a from name make
MD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/getInstance ()Lnet/minecraft/src/CraftingM
anager; ef/a ()Lef;
# Method net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/getInstance renamed to a from name ma
MD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/getRecipeList ()Ljava/util/List; ef/b ()Lj
# Method net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/getRecipeList renamed to b from name
MD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/findMatchingRecipe (Lnet/minecraft/src/Inv
entoryCrafting;)Lnet/minecraft/src/ItemStack; ef/a (Lwn;)Lul;
# Method net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/findMatchingRecipe renamed to a from
name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/addShapelessRecipe (Lnet/minecraft/src/Ite
mStack;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V ef/b (Lul;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/addShapelessRecipe renamed to b from
name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/recipes ef/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/recipes renamed to b from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/instance ef/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/CraftingManager/instance renamed to a from name maker.[/B]
[B]MD: net/minecraft/src/ColorizerWater/func_28182_a ([I)V tt/a ([I)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ColorizerWater/func_28182_a renamed to a from name ma
FD: net/minecraft/src/ColorizerWater/waterBuffer tt/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/ColorizerWater/waterBuffer renamed to a from name make
MD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/getPosition (Lnet/minecraft/src/Entity;)Lnet/mi
necraft/src/Vec3D; qu/a (Lkj;)Lax;
# Method net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/getPosition renamed to a from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/getPathEnd ()Lnet/minecraft/src/PathPoint; qu/c
# Method net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/getPathEnd renamed to c from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/isFinished ()Z qu/b ()Z
# Method net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/isFinished renamed to b from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/incrementPathIndex ()V qu/a ()V
# Method net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/incrementPathIndex renamed to a from name
FD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/pathIndex qu/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/pathIndex renamed to c from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/pathLength qu/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/pathLength renamed to a from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/points qu/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/PathEntity/points renamed to b from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/updateEquippedItem ()V jo/a ()V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/updateEquippedItem renamed to a from nam
e maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderFireInFirstPerson (F)V jo/d (F)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderFireInFirstPerson renamed to d fro
m name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderWarpedTextureOverlay (F)V jo/c (F)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderWarpedTextureOverlay renamed to c
from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderInsideOfBlock (FI)V jo/a (FI)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderInsideOfBlock renamed to a from na
me maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderItem (Lnet/minecraft/src/EntityLiving;L
net/minecraft/src/ItemStack;)V jo/a (Lwd;Lul;)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderItem renamed to a from name maker.[/B]
[B]MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/func_9450_c ()V jo/c ()V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/func_9450_c renamed to c from name maker
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/func_9449_b ()V jo/b ()V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/func_9449_b renamed to b from name maker
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderItemInFirstPerson (F)V jo/a (F)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderItemInFirstPerson renamed to a fro
m name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderOverlays (F)V jo/b (F)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderOverlays renamed to b from name ma
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/mc jo/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/mc renamed to a from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/mapItemRenderer jo/f
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/mapItemRenderer renamed to f from name ma
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderBlocksInstance jo/e
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/renderBlocksInstance renamed to e from na
me maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/prevEquippedProgress jo/d
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/prevEquippedProgress renamed to d from na
me maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/field_20099_f jo/g
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/field_20099_f renamed to g from name make
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/equippedProgress jo/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/equippedProgress renamed to c from name m
FD: net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/itemToRender jo/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/ItemRenderer/itemToRender renamed to b from name maker
FD: net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/updateTime adk/d
# Field net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/updateTime renamed to d from name m
FD: net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/z adk/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/z renamed to c from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/y adk/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/y renamed to b from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/x adk/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/RedstoneUpdateInfo/x renamed to a from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/getObjectType ()I wi/c ()I
# Method net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/getObjectType renamed to c from name
MD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/setObject (Ljava/lang/Object;)V wi/a (Ljav
# Method net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/setObject renamed to a from name make
MD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/getDataValueId ()I wi/a ()I
# Method net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/getDataValueId renamed to a from name
MD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/setWatching (Z)V wi/a (Z)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/setWatching renamed to a from name ma
MD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/getObject ()Ljava/lang/Object; wi/b ()Ljav
# Method net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/getObject renamed to b from name make
FD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/watchedObject wi/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/watchedObject renamed to c from name m
FD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/isWatching wi/d
# Field net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/isWatching renamed to d from name make
FD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/dataValueId wi/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/dataValueId renamed to b from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/objectType wi/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/WatchableObject/objectType renamed to a from name make
MD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/getScaledWidth ()I za/a ()I
# Method net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/getScaledWidth renamed to a from nam
e maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/getScaledHeight ()I za/b ()I
# Method net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/getScaledHeight renamed to b from na
me maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledWidth za/d
# Field net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledWidth renamed to d from name ma
FD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaleFactor za/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaleFactor renamed to c from name ma
FD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledHeightD za/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledHeightD renamed to b from name
FD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledWidthD za/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledWidthD renamed to a from name m
FD: net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledHeight za/e
# Field net/minecraft/src/ScaledResolution/scaledHeight renamed to e from name m
MD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/setChunkPosition (II)V jq/a (II)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/setChunkPosition renamed to a from nam
e maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/setWorldAndChunkPosition (Lnet/minecraft/sr
c/World;II)V jq/a (Lrv;II)V
# Method net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/setWorldAndChunkPosition renamed to a
from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/worldObj jq/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/worldObj renamed to b from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1352_e jq/e
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1352_e renamed to e from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1351_f jq/f
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1351_f renamed to f from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/chunkZ jq/d
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/chunkZ renamed to d from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1350_g jq/g
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1350_g renamed to g from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1348_a jq/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1348_a renamed to a from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1349_h jq/h
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/field_1349_h renamed to h from name mak
FD: net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/chunkX jq/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/IsoImageBuffer/chunkX renamed to c from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/AchievementMap/getGuid (I)Ljava/lang/String; b/a (I)Ljava/
# Method net/minecraft/src/AchievementMap/getGuid renamed to a from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/AchievementMap/guidMap b/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/AchievementMap/guidMap renamed to b from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/AchievementMap/instance b/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/AchievementMap/instance renamed to a from name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/field_31057_a mz/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/field_31057_a renamed to a from na
me maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/offsetsXForSide mz/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/offsetsXForSide renamed to b from
name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/offsetsYForSide mz/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/offsetsYForSide renamed to c from
name maker.
FD: net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/offsetsZForSide mz/d
# Field net/minecraft/src/PistonBlockTextures/offsetsZForSide renamed to d from
name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/func_27297_a (Lnet/minecraft/src/StatCraf
ting;Lnet/minecraft/src/StatCrafting;)I yo/a (Laay;Laay;)I
# Method net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/func_27297_a renamed to a from name
# Method net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/compare renamed to compare because o
f super class.
FD: net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/statsGUI yo/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/statsGUI renamed to a from name maker
FD: net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/slotStatsBlockGUI yo/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/SorterStatsBlock/slotStatsBlockGUI renamed to b from n
ame maker.
# Method net/minecraft/src/ThreadCheckHasPaid/run renamed to run because of supe
r class.
FD: net/minecraft/src/ThreadCheckHasPaid/mc fr/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/ThreadCheckHasPaid/mc renamed to a from name maker.
MD: net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/sortByDistanceToEntity (Lnet/minecraft/src/Wo
rldRenderer;Lnet/minecraft/src/WorldRenderer;)I fe/a (Lbv;Lbv;)I
# Method net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/sortByDistanceToEntity renamed to a from
 name maker.
# Method net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/compare renamed to compare because of su
per class.
FD: net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/field_30007_b fe/b
# Field net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/field_30007_b renamed to b from name make
FD: net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/field_30009_c fe/c
# Field net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/field_30009_c renamed to c from name make
FD: net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/field_30008_a fe/a
# Field net/minecraft/src/EntitySorter/field_30008_a renamed to a from name make
MD: in/b (D)I in/b (D)I
# Method in/b renamed to b from name maker.
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumAction;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lun;>;
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumArt;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lev;>;
!m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;IIII)V => (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lan
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumCreatureType;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lvw
!m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/Class;ILnet/minecraft/src/Material;Z)V => (Lja
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumDoor;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Ljg;>;
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumJsonNodeType;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lpf
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumMobType;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lzs;>;
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumMovingObjectType;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumOptions;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Ltq;>;
!m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ZZ)V => (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumOS1;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Luu;>;
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumOS2;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lyb;>;
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumSkyBlock;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lrf;>;
!m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V => (Ljava/lang/String;II)V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumStatus;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lbm;>;
!m ()V => ()V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumToolMaterial;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<Lpv
!m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFI)V => (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFI)V
!c Ljava/lang/Enum<Lnet/minecraft/src/EnumToolMaterial2;>; => Ljava/lang/Enum<LE
!m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFI)V => (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFI)V
Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.[/B]
[B]RetroGuard error: duplicate entry: in.class
> Extracting modified classes
== Reobfuscating server ==
> Gathering md5 checksums
> Compacting server bin directory
> Reobfuscating server jar
> Extracting modified classes
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...[/B]

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider ^^[/code][/B]

J'ai donc suivis tout ce qu'on ma dis (enfin je pense), je recompile, aucun problème, ensuite je lance "startclient.bat", et là j'atteinds même pas le menu :(, voiçi l'ensemble de mes fichiers: si quelqu'un voudrais bien les vérifier.

Merci, bcp, Nle88.

PS: j'ai mis les textures dans:

J'ai mis dans ces trois là mais je sais pas lequel est le bon ^^'.
J'aimerai avoir plus d'information sur les outils (Quels blocs peuvent ils casser, la longueur du cassage, la solidité...)
et le code pour ouvrir un bloc comme le coffre, la boite craft ou le four.
Merci d'etudier ma question