Modding FR


13 Novembre 2010

Minecraft est un jeu en plein développement,aussi bien du coté de chez Mojang que de celui de la communauté, qui ne cesse de développer toujours plus de mods et de extures packs.

Cependant, pour toute personne voulant tenter le modding de Minecraft,il faudra passer par les tutoriaux du forum officiel,où le français n'est pas vraiment courant.
De plus,si la personne en question ne connait pas un minimum certaines bases de code,sa devient vite un enfer de se lancer dans le domaines...

C'est pourquoi,devant l'absence total de tutoriel français sur le sujet,et afin d'encourager de nouveaux modder français,j'ai décidé de créer le 1er Tutoriel de Modding Minecraft FR.

Le but n'est pas seulement de créer un tutoriel en français,j'esseye de faire en sorte qu'il sois le plus accessible possible pour toutes personnes, compréhensible même pour des non initiés a toutes formes de codes (ou presque).



*27-02-11: Mise a jour des tutos I et III pour MCP 29a et ModLoader Beta 1.3_01v4.
*27-02-11: Correction d'une erreur dans le tuto II,merci a Woreck de me l'avoir fait remarquer !
*11-04-11: Mise a jour complète pour Minecraft Beta 1.4_01,MCP211 et ModLoader B1.4_01 v1.
*27-04-2011: Mise a jour pour Minecraft B1.5_01,MCP v2.12 et ModLoader v3 B1.5_01.
*30-04-2011: Correction d'une erreur avec les recettes,et mise a disposition des fichiers et
*29-05-11: Mise a jour pour Minecraft B1.6.5,MCP v3.3 et ModLoader v1 B1.6.5.

! Les liens suivants sont morts !


Tutorial Modding FR - Téléchargement:

Tuto I - Téléchargement et installation
Tuto II - Création d'un mod simple,ajout de nouveaux blocs
Tuto III - Compilation et tests
Tuto IV - Quelques petits trucs a savoir avant de continuer
Tuto - Création de nouveaux objets
Tuto - Ajouter des blocs et objets pour le four
Tuto - Blocs – Autres possibilités
Tuto - Autres possibilités - objets
Sources du mod du Tuto II

Nouveaux fichiers ajoutés suite aux liens morts à la fin du message.
Il manque juste les "Sources du mod du Tuto II".
Je précise que ce sont les fichiers d'origine, le code est parfois obsolète !

Fichiers joints

Ça m'étonnerais que l'on puisse m'aider mais dès fois mon MCP bug et voila le message d'erreur :
Mods loaded: 2
ModLoader Beta 1.8.1
net.minecraft.src.mod_Mack 1.5_01

      Minecraft has crashed!

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to [email protected].
Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 2e3a52d4 --------
Generated 25/09/11 18:43

Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.8.1
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_25, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: Intel(R) HD Graphics version 2.1.0 - Build, Intel

    at net.minecraft.src.Entity.moveEntity(
    at net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving.moveEntityWithHeading(
    at net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving.onLivingUpdate(
    at net.minecraft.src.EntityMob.onLivingUpdate(
    at net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving.onUpdate(
    at net.minecraft.src.EntityMob.onUpdate(
    at net.minecraft.src.EntityCreeper.onUpdate(
    at net.minecraft.src.World.updateEntityWithOptionalForce(
    at net.minecraft.src.World.updateEntity(
    at net.minecraft.src.World.updateEntities(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(
--- END ERROR REPORT 84926cac ----------

J'ai touché seulement à EntityLiving et voila comment je l'ai modifié :
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page:
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode

package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.*;

// Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
//            Entity, Vec3D, World, DamageSource,
//            Material, Potion, EntityXPOrb, MathHelper,
//            EntityPlayer, EntityWolf, Block, StepSound,
//            AxisAlignedBB, NBTTagCompound, NBTTagList, PotionEffect,
//            ItemStack, MovingObjectPosition

public abstract class EntityLiving extends Entity
    public int func_gold;
    public EntityLiving(World world)

    func_gold = 1;
    if (this instanceof EntityGiantZombie)
    func_gold = 6;
    if ((this instanceof EntityCreeper) || (this instanceof EntityGhast) || (this instanceof EntityEnderman))
    func_gold = 6;
    if ((this instanceof EntityZombie) || (this instanceof EntitySkeleton))
    func_gold = 4;
    if (this instanceof EntitySpider)
    func_gold = 2;

        heartsHalvesLife = 20;
        renderYawOffset = 0.0F;
        prevRenderYawOffset = 0.0F;
        field_9358_y = true;
        texture = "/mob/char.png";
        field_9355_A = true;
        field_9353_B = 0.0F;
        entityType = null;
        field_9349_D = 1.0F;
        scoreValue = 0;
        field_9345_F = 0.0F;
        isMultiplayerEntity = false;
        field_35169_bv = 0.1F;
        field_35168_bw = 0.02F;
        attackedAtYaw = 0.0F;
        deathTime = 0;
        attackTime = 0;
        unused_flag = false;
        field_9326_T = -1;
        field_9325_U = (float)(Math.random() * 0.89999997615814209D + 0.10000000149011612D);
        field_34904_b = null;
        field_34905_c = 0;
        field_35172_bP = 0;
        field_35173_bQ = 0;
        field_35170_bR = new HashMap();
        field_9348_ae = 0.0F;
        field_9346_af = 0;
        entityAge = 0;
        isJumping = false;
        defaultPitch = 0.0F;
        moveSpeed = 0.7F;
        numTicksToChaseTarget = 0;
        health = 10;
        preventEntitySpawning = true;
        field_9363_r = (float)(Math.random() + 1.0D) * 0.01F;
        setPosition(posX, posY, posZ);
        field_9365_p = (float)Math.random() * 12398F;
        rotationYaw = (float)(Math.random() * 3.1415927410125732D * 2D);
        stepHeight = 0.5F;

    protected void entityInit()

    public boolean canEntityBeSeen(Entity entity)
        return worldObj.rayTraceBlocks(Vec3D.createVector(posX, posY + (double)getEyeHeight(), posZ), Vec3D.createVector(entity.posX, entity.posY + (double)entity.getEyeHeight(), entity.posZ)) == null;

    public String getEntityTexture()
        return texture;

    public boolean canBeCollidedWith()
        return !isDead;

    public boolean canBePushed()
        return !isDead;

    public float getEyeHeight()
        return height * 0.85F;

    public int getTalkInterval()
        return 80;

    public void playLivingSound()
        String s = getLivingSound();
        if(s != null)
            worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, s, getSoundVolume(), (rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F);

    public void onEntityUpdate()
        prevSwingProgress = swingProgress;
        if(rand.nextInt(1000) < livingSoundTime++)
            livingSoundTime = -getTalkInterval();
        if(isEntityAlive() && isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock())
            attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.field_35538_d, 1);
        if(isImmuneToFire || worldObj.multiplayerWorld)
            fire = 0;
        if(isEntityAlive() && isInsideOfMaterial(Material.water) && !canBreatheUnderwater() && !field_35170_bR.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(Potion.field_35680_o.field_35670_H)))
            if(air == -20)
                air = 0;
                for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    float f = rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat();
                    float f1 = rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat();
                    float f2 = rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat();
                    worldObj.spawnParticle("bubble", posX + (double)f, posY + (double)f1, posZ + (double)f2, motionX, motionY, motionZ);

                attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.field_35539_e, 2);
            fire = 0;
        } else
            air = maxAir;
        prevCameraPitch = cameraPitch;
        if(attackTime > 0)
        if(hurtTime > 0)
        if(heartsLife > 0)
        if(health <= 0)
            if(deathTime > 20)
                if(field_34905_c > 0 || func_35163_av())
                    for(int j = a(field_34904_b); j > 0;)
                        int l = EntityXPOrb.func_35121_b(j);
                        j -= l;
                        worldObj.entityJoinedWorld(new EntityXPOrb(worldObj, posX, posY, posZ, l));

        worldObj.entityJoinedWorld(new EntityGold(worldObj, posX, posY, posZ, func_gold));
                for(int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
                    double d = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
                    double d1 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
                    double d2 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
                    worldObj.spawnParticle("explode", (posX + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F)) - (double)width, posY + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * height), (posZ + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F)) - (double)width, d, d1, d2);

        if(field_34905_c > 0)
        } else
            field_34904_b = null;
        field_9359_x = field_9360_w;
        prevRenderYawOffset = renderYawOffset;
        prevRotationYaw = rotationYaw;
        prevRotationPitch = rotationPitch;

    protected int a(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
        return field_35171_bJ;

    protected boolean func_35163_av()
        return false;

    public void spawnExplosionParticle()
        for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            double d = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
            double d1 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
            double d2 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
            double d3 = 10D;
            worldObj.spawnParticle("explode", (posX + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F)) - (double)width - d * d3, (posY + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * height)) - d1 * d3, (posZ + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F)) - (double)width - d2 * d3, d, d1, d2);


    public void updateRidden()
        field_9362_u = field_9361_v;
        field_9361_v = 0.0F;

    public void setPositionAndRotation2(double d, double d1, double d2, float f,
            float f1, int i)
        yOffset = 0.0F;
        newPosX = d;
        newPosY = d1;
        newPosZ = d2;
        newRotationYaw = f;
        newRotationPitch = f1;
        newPosRotationIncrements = i;

    public void onUpdate()
        if(field_35172_bP > 0)
            if(field_35173_bQ <= 0)
                field_35173_bQ = 60;
            if(field_35173_bQ <= 0)
        double d = posX - prevPosX;
        double d1 = posZ - prevPosZ;
        float f = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d * d + d1 * d1);
        float f1 = renderYawOffset;
        float f2 = 0.0F;
        field_9362_u = field_9361_v;
        float f3 = 0.0F;
        if(f > 0.05F)
            f3 = 1.0F;
            f2 = f * 3F;
            f1 = ((float)Math.atan2(d1, d) * 180F) / 3.141593F - 90F;
        if(swingProgress > 0.0F)
            f1 = rotationYaw;
            f3 = 0.0F;
        field_9361_v = field_9361_v + (f3 - field_9361_v) * 0.3F;
        float f4;
        for(f4 = f1 - renderYawOffset; f4 < -180F; f4 += 360F) { }
        for(; f4 >= 180F; f4 -= 360F) { }
        renderYawOffset += f4 * 0.3F;
        float f5;
        for(f5 = rotationYaw - renderYawOffset; f5 < -180F; f5 += 360F) { }
        for(; f5 >= 180F; f5 -= 360F) { }
        boolean flag = f5 < -90F || f5 >= 90F;
        if(f5 < -75F)
            f5 = -75F;
        if(f5 >= 75F)
            f5 = 75F;
        renderYawOffset = rotationYaw - f5;
        if(f5 * f5 > 2500F)
            renderYawOffset += f5 * 0.2F;
            f2 *= -1F;
        for(; rotationYaw - prevRotationYaw < -180F; prevRotationYaw -= 360F) { }
        for(; rotationYaw - prevRotationYaw >= 180F; prevRotationYaw += 360F) { }
        for(; renderYawOffset - prevRenderYawOffset < -180F; prevRenderYawOffset -= 360F) { }
        for(; renderYawOffset - prevRenderYawOffset >= 180F; prevRenderYawOffset += 360F) { }
        for(; rotationPitch - prevRotationPitch < -180F; prevRotationPitch -= 360F) { }
        for(; rotationPitch - prevRotationPitch >= 180F; prevRotationPitch += 360F) { }
        field_9360_w += f2;

    protected void setSize(float f, float f1)
        super.setSize(f, f1);

    public void heal(int i)
        if(health <= 0)
        health += i;
        if(health > 20)
            health = 20;
        heartsLife = heartsHalvesLife / 2;

    public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource damagesource, int i)
            return false;
        entityAge = 0;
        if(health <= 0)
            return false;
        field_704_R = 1.5F;
        boolean flag = true;
        if((float)heartsLife > (float)heartsHalvesLife / 2.0F)
            if(i <= field_9346_af)
                return false;
            b(damagesource, i - field_9346_af);
            field_9346_af = i;
            flag = false;
        } else
            field_9346_af = i;
            prevHealth = health;
            heartsLife = heartsHalvesLife;
            b(damagesource, i);
            hurtTime = maxHurtTime = 10;
        attackedAtYaw = 0.0F;
        Entity entity = damagesource.func_35532_a();
        if(entity != null)
            if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
                field_34905_c = 60;
                field_34904_b = (EntityPlayer)entity;
            } else
            if(entity instanceof EntityWolf)
                EntityWolf entitywolf = (EntityWolf)entity;
                    field_34905_c = 60;
                    field_34904_b = null;
            worldObj.setEntityState(this, (byte)2);
            if(entity != null)
                double d = entity.posX - posX;
                double d1;
                for(d1 = entity.posZ - posZ; d * d + d1 * d1 < 0.0001D; d1 = (Math.random() - Math.random()) * 0.01D)
                    d = (Math.random() - Math.random()) * 0.01D;

                attackedAtYaw = (float)((Math.atan2(d1, d) * 180D) / 3.1415927410125732D) - rotationYaw;
                knockBack(entity, i, d, d1);
            } else
                attackedAtYaw = (int)(Math.random() * 2D) * 180;
        if(health <= 0)
                worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, getDeathSound(), getSoundVolume(), (rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F);
        } else
            worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, getHurtSound(), getSoundVolume(), (rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F);
        return true;

    public void performHurtAnimation()
        hurtTime = maxHurtTime = 10;
        attackedAtYaw = 0.0F;

    protected void b(DamageSource damagesource, int i)
        health -= i;

    protected float getSoundVolume()
        return 1.0F;

    protected String getLivingSound()
        return null;

    protected String getHurtSound()
        return "random.hurt";

    protected String getDeathSound()
        return "random.hurt";

    public void knockBack(Entity entity, int i, double d, double d1)
        field_35118_ao = true;
        float f = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d * d + d1 * d1);
        float f1 = 0.4F;
        motionX /= 2D;
        motionY /= 2D;
        motionZ /= 2D;
        motionX -= (d / (double)f) * (double)f1;
        motionY += 0.40000000596046448D;
        motionZ -= (d1 / (double)f) * (double)f1;
        if(motionY > 0.40000000596046448D)
            motionY = 0.40000000596046448D;

    public void onDeath(DamageSource damagesource)
        Entity entity = damagesource.func_35532_a();
        if(scoreValue >= 0 && entity != null)
            entity.addToPlayerScore(this, scoreValue);
        if(entity != null)
        unused_flag = true;
            a(field_34905_c > 0);
        worldObj.setEntityState(this, (byte)3);

    protected void a(boolean flag)
        int i = getDropItemId();
        if(i > 0)
            int j = rand.nextInt(3);
            for(int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                dropItem(i, 1);


    protected int getDropItemId()
        return 0;

    protected void fall(float f)
        int i = (int)Math.ceil(f - 3F);
        if(i > 0)
            attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.field_35549_h, i);
            int j = worldObj.getBlockId(MathHelper.floor_double(posX), MathHelper.floor_double(posY - 0.20000000298023224D - (double)yOffset), MathHelper.floor_double(posZ));
            if(j > 0)
                StepSound stepsound = Block.blocksList[j].stepSound;
                worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, stepsound.stepSoundDir2(), stepsound.getVolume() * 0.5F, stepsound.getPitch() * 0.75F);

    public void moveEntityWithHeading(float f, float f1)
            double d = posY;
            moveFlying(f, f1, 0.02F);
            moveEntity(motionX, motionY, motionZ);
            motionX *= 0.80000001192092896D;
            motionY *= 0.80000001192092896D;
            motionZ *= 0.80000001192092896D;
            motionY -= 0.02D;
            if(isCollidedHorizontally && isOffsetPositionInLiquid(motionX, ((motionY + 0.60000002384185791D) - posY) + d, motionZ))
                motionY = 0.30000001192092896D;
        } else
            double d1 = posY;
            moveFlying(f, f1, 0.02F);
            moveEntity(motionX, motionY, motionZ);
            motionX *= 0.5D;
            motionY *= 0.5D;
            motionZ *= 0.5D;
            motionY -= 0.02D;
            if(isCollidedHorizontally && isOffsetPositionInLiquid(motionX, ((motionY + 0.60000002384185791D) - posY) + d1, motionZ))
                motionY = 0.30000001192092896D;
        } else
            float f2 = 0.91F;
                f2 = 0.5460001F;
                int i = worldObj.getBlockId(MathHelper.floor_double(posX), MathHelper.floor_double(boundingBox.minY) - 1, MathHelper.floor_double(posZ));
                if(i > 0)
                    f2 = Block.blocksList[i].slipperiness * 0.91F;
            float f3 = 0.1627714F / (f2 * f2 * f2);
            float f4 = onGround ? field_35169_bv * f3 : field_35168_bw;
            moveFlying(f, f1, f4);
            f2 = 0.91F;
                f2 = 0.5460001F;
                int j = worldObj.getBlockId(MathHelper.floor_double(posX), MathHelper.floor_double(boundingBox.minY) - 1, MathHelper.floor_double(posZ));
                if(j > 0)
                    f2 = Block.blocksList[j].slipperiness * 0.91F;
                float f5 = 0.15F;
                if(motionX < (double)(-f5))
                    motionX = -f5;
                if(motionX > (double)f5)
                    motionX = f5;
                if(motionZ < (double)(-f5))
                    motionZ = -f5;
                if(motionZ > (double)f5)
                    motionZ = f5;
                fallDistance = 0.0F;
                if(motionY < -0.14999999999999999D)
                    motionY = -0.14999999999999999D;
                if(isSneaking() && motionY < 0.0D)
                    motionY = 0.0D;
            moveEntity(motionX, motionY, motionZ);
            if(isCollidedHorizontally && isOnLadder())
                motionY = 0.20000000000000001D;
            motionY -= 0.080000000000000002D;
            motionY *= 0.98000001907348633D;
            motionX *= f2;
            motionZ *= f2;
        field_705_Q = field_704_R;
        double d2 = posX - prevPosX;
        double d3 = posZ - prevPosZ;
        float f6 = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d2 * d2 + d3 * d3) * 4F;
        if(f6 > 1.0F)
            f6 = 1.0F;
        field_704_R += (f6 - field_704_R) * 0.4F;
        field_703_S += field_704_R;

    public boolean isOnLadder()
        int i = MathHelper.floor_double(posX);
        int j = MathHelper.floor_double(boundingBox.minY);
        int k = MathHelper.floor_double(posZ);
        return worldObj.getBlockId(i, j, k) == Block.ladder.blockID;

    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
        nbttagcompound.setShort("Health", (short)health);
        nbttagcompound.setShort("HurtTime", (short)hurtTime);
        nbttagcompound.setShort("DeathTime", (short)deathTime);
        nbttagcompound.setShort("AttackTime", (short)attackTime);
            NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
            NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1;
            for(Iterator iterator = field_35170_bR.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); nbttaglist.setTag(nbttagcompound1))
                PotionEffect potioneffect = (PotionEffect);
                nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound();
                nbttagcompound1.setByte("Id", (byte)potioneffect.func_35799_a());
                nbttagcompound1.setByte("Amplifier", (byte)potioneffect.func_35801_c());
                nbttagcompound1.setInteger("Duration", potioneffect.func_35802_b());

            nbttagcompound.setTag("ActiveEffects", nbttaglist);

    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
        health = nbttagcompound.getShort("Health");
            health = 10;
        hurtTime = nbttagcompound.getShort("HurtTime");
        deathTime = nbttagcompound.getShort("DeathTime");
        attackTime = nbttagcompound.getShort("AttackTime");
            NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound.getTagList("ActiveEffects");
            for(int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); i++)
                NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = (NBTTagCompound)nbttaglist.tagAt(i);
                byte byte0 = nbttagcompound1.getByte("Id");
                byte byte1 = nbttagcompound1.getByte("Amplifier");
                int j = nbttagcompound1.getInteger("Duration");
                field_35170_bR.put(Integer.valueOf(byte0), new PotionEffect(byte0, j, byte1));


    public boolean isEntityAlive()
        return !isDead && health > 0;

    public boolean canBreatheUnderwater()
        return false;

    public void onLivingUpdate()
        if(newPosRotationIncrements > 0)
            double d = posX + (newPosX - posX) / (double)newPosRotationIncrements;
            double d1 = posY + (newPosY - posY) / (double)newPosRotationIncrements;
            double d2 = posZ + (newPosZ - posZ) / (double)newPosRotationIncrements;
            double d3;
            for(d3 = newRotationYaw - (double)rotationYaw; d3 < -180D; d3 += 360D) { }
            for(; d3 >= 180D; d3 -= 360D) { }
            rotationYaw += d3 / (double)newPosRotationIncrements;
            rotationPitch += (newRotationPitch - (double)rotationPitch) / (double)newPosRotationIncrements;
            setPosition(d, d1, d2);
            setRotation(rotationYaw, rotationPitch);
            List list1 = worldObj.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(this, boundingBox.contract(0.03125D, 0.0D, 0.03125D));
            if(list1.size() > 0)
                double d4 = 0.0D;
                for(int j = 0; j < list1.size(); j++)
                    AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = (AxisAlignedBB)list1.get(j);
                    if(axisalignedbb.maxY > d4)
                        d4 = axisalignedbb.maxY;

                d1 += d4 - boundingBox.minY;
                setPosition(d, d1, d2);
            isJumping = false;
            moveStrafing = 0.0F;
            moveForward = 0.0F;
            randomYawVelocity = 0.0F;
        } else
        boolean flag = isInWater();
        boolean flag1 = handleLavaMovement();
                motionY += 0.039999999105930328D;
            } else
                motionY += 0.039999999105930328D;
            } else
        moveStrafing *= 0.98F;
        moveForward *= 0.98F;
        randomYawVelocity *= 0.9F;
        float f = field_35169_bv;
        field_35169_bv *= func_35166_t_();
        moveEntityWithHeading(moveStrafing, moveForward);
        field_35169_bv = f;
        List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this, boundingBox.expand(0.20000000298023224D, 0.0D, 0.20000000298023224D));
        if(list != null && list.size() > 0)
            for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
                Entity entity = (Entity)list.get(i);


    protected boolean isMovementBlocked()
        return health <= 0;

    public boolean func_35162_ad()
        return false;

    protected void jump()
    motionY = 0.41999998688697815D;
            float f = rotationYaw * 0.01745329F;
            motionX -= MathHelper.sin(f) * 0.2F;
            motionZ += MathHelper.cos(f) * 0.2F;
        field_35118_ao = true;

    protected boolean canDespawn()
        return true;

    protected void despawnEntity()
        EntityPlayer entityplayer = worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity(this, -1D);
        if(canDespawn() && entityplayer != null)
            double d = ((Entity) (entityplayer)).posX - posX;
            double d1 = ((Entity) (entityplayer)).posY - posY;
            double d2 = ((Entity) (entityplayer)).posZ - posZ;
            double d3 = d * d + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
            if(d3 > 16384D)
            if(entityAge > 600 && rand.nextInt(800) == 0)
                if(d3 < 1024D)
                    entityAge = 0;
                } else

    protected void updateEntityActionState()
        EntityPlayer entityplayer = worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity(this, -1D);
        moveStrafing = 0.0F;
        moveForward = 0.0F;
        float f = 8F;
        if(rand.nextFloat() < 0.02F)
            EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity(this, f);
            if(entityplayer1 != null)
                currentTarget = entityplayer1;
                numTicksToChaseTarget = 10 + rand.nextInt(20);
            } else
                randomYawVelocity = (rand.nextFloat() - 0.5F) * 20F;
        if(currentTarget != null)
            faceEntity(currentTarget, 10F, getVerticalFaceSpeed());
            if(numTicksToChaseTarget-- <= 0 || currentTarget.isDead || currentTarget.getDistanceSqToEntity(this) > (double)(f * f))
                currentTarget = null;
        } else
            if(rand.nextFloat() < 0.05F)
                randomYawVelocity = (rand.nextFloat() - 0.5F) * 20F;
            rotationYaw += randomYawVelocity;
            rotationPitch = defaultPitch;
        boolean flag = isInWater();
        boolean flag1 = handleLavaMovement();
        if(flag || flag1)
            isJumping = rand.nextFloat() < 0.8F;

    protected int getVerticalFaceSpeed()
        return 40;

    public void faceEntity(Entity entity, float f, float f1)
        double d = entity.posX - posX;
        double d2 = entity.posZ - posZ;
        double d1;
        if(entity instanceof EntityLiving)
            EntityLiving entityliving = (EntityLiving)entity;
            d1 = (posY + (double)getEyeHeight()) - (entityliving.posY + (double)entityliving.getEyeHeight());
        } else
            d1 = (entity.boundingBox.minY + entity.boundingBox.maxY) / 2D - (posY + (double)getEyeHeight());
        double d3 = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d * d + d2 * d2);
        float f2 = (float)((Math.atan2(d2, d) * 180D) / 3.1415927410125732D) - 90F;
        float f3 = (float)(-((Math.atan2(d1, d3) * 180D) / 3.1415927410125732D));
        rotationPitch = -updateRotation(rotationPitch, f3, f1);
        rotationYaw = updateRotation(rotationYaw, f2, f);

    public boolean hasCurrentTarget()
        return currentTarget != null;

    public Entity getCurrentTarget()
        return currentTarget;

    private float updateRotation(float f, float f1, float f2)
        float f3;
        for(f3 = f1 - f; f3 < -180F; f3 += 360F) { }
        for(; f3 >= 180F; f3 -= 360F) { }
        if(f3 > f2)
            f3 = f2;
        if(f3 < -f2)
            f3 = -f2;
        return f + f3;

    public void onEntityDeath()

    public boolean getCanSpawnHere()
        return worldObj.checkIfAABBIsClear(boundingBox) && worldObj.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(this, boundingBox).size() == 0 && !worldObj.getIsAnyLiquid(boundingBox);

    protected void kill()
        attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.field_35550_i, 4);

    public float getSwingProgress(float f)
        float f1 = swingProgress - prevSwingProgress;
        if(f1 < 0.0F)
        return prevSwingProgress + f1 * f;

    public Vec3D getPosition(float f)
        if(f == 1.0F)
            return Vec3D.createVector(posX, posY, posZ);
        } else
            double d = prevPosX + (posX - prevPosX) * (double)f;
            double d1 = prevPosY + (posY - prevPosY) * (double)f;
            double d2 = prevPosZ + (posZ - prevPosZ) * (double)f;
            return Vec3D.createVector(d, d1, d2);

    public Vec3D getLookVec()
        return getLook(1.0F);

    public Vec3D getLook(float f)
        if(f == 1.0F)
            float f1 = MathHelper.cos(-rotationYaw * 0.01745329F - 3.141593F);
            float f3 = MathHelper.sin(-rotationYaw * 0.01745329F - 3.141593F);
            float f5 = -MathHelper.cos(-rotationPitch * 0.01745329F);
            float f7 = MathHelper.sin(-rotationPitch * 0.01745329F);
            return Vec3D.createVector(f3 * f5, f7, f1 * f5);
        } else
            float f2 = prevRotationPitch + (rotationPitch - prevRotationPitch) * f;
            float f4 = prevRotationYaw + (rotationYaw - prevRotationYaw) * f;
            float f6 = MathHelper.cos(-f4 * 0.01745329F - 3.141593F);
            float f8 = MathHelper.sin(-f4 * 0.01745329F - 3.141593F);
            float f9 = -MathHelper.cos(-f2 * 0.01745329F);
            float f10 = MathHelper.sin(-f2 * 0.01745329F);
            return Vec3D.createVector(f8 * f9, f10, f6 * f9);

    public float func_35159_aC()
        return 1.0F;

    public MovingObjectPosition rayTrace(double d, float f)
        Vec3D vec3d = getPosition(f);
        Vec3D vec3d1 = getLook(f);
        Vec3D vec3d2 = vec3d.addVector(vec3d1.xCoord * d, vec3d1.yCoord * d, vec3d1.zCoord * d);
        return worldObj.rayTraceBlocks(vec3d, vec3d2);

    public int getMaxSpawnedInChunk()
        return 4;

    public ItemStack getHeldItem()
        return null;

    public void handleHealthUpdate(byte byte0)
        if(byte0 == 2)
            field_704_R = 1.5F;
            heartsLife = heartsHalvesLife;
            hurtTime = maxHurtTime = 10;
            attackedAtYaw = 0.0F;
            worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, getHurtSound(), getSoundVolume(), (rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F);
            attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.field_35547_j, 0);
        } else
        if(byte0 == 3)
            worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, getDeathSound(), getSoundVolume(), (rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F);
            health = 0;
        } else

    public boolean isPlayerSleeping()
        return false;

    public int getItemIcon(ItemStack itemstack)
        return itemstack.getIconIndex();

    protected void dropFewItems()
        Iterator iterator = field_35170_bR.keySet().iterator();
            Integer integer = (Integer);
            PotionEffect potioneffect = (PotionEffect)field_35170_bR.get(integer);
            if(!potioneffect.func_35798_a(this) && !worldObj.multiplayerWorld)
        } while(true);

    public boolean func_35160_a(Potion potion)
        return field_35170_bR.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(potion.field_35670_H));

    public PotionEffect func_35167_b(Potion potion)
        return (PotionEffect)field_35170_bR.get(Integer.valueOf(potion.field_35670_H));

    public void func_35165_a(PotionEffect potioneffect)
        } else
            field_35170_bR.put(Integer.valueOf(potioneffect.func_35799_a()), potioneffect);

    public void damageEntity(int i)

    protected void func_35164_b(PotionEffect potioneffect)

    protected void func_35161_c(PotionEffect potioneffect)

    protected void func_35158_d(PotionEffect potioneffect)

    protected float func_35166_t_()
        float f = 1.0F;
            f *= 1.0F + 0.2F * (float)(func_35167_b(Potion.field_35677_c).func_35801_c() + 1);
            f *= 1.0F - 0.15F * (float)(func_35167_b(Potion.field_35674_d).func_35801_c() + 1);
        return f;

    public int heartsHalvesLife;
    public float field_9365_p;
    public float field_9363_r;
    public float renderYawOffset;
    public float prevRenderYawOffset;
    protected float field_9362_u;
    protected float field_9361_v;
    protected float field_9360_w;
    protected float field_9359_x;
    protected boolean field_9358_y;
    protected String texture;
    protected boolean field_9355_A;
    protected float field_9353_B;
    protected String entityType;
    protected float field_9349_D;
    protected int scoreValue;
    protected float field_9345_F;
    public boolean isMultiplayerEntity;
    public float field_35169_bv;
    public float field_35168_bw;
    public float prevSwingProgress;
    public float swingProgress;
    public int health;
    public int prevHealth;
    private int livingSoundTime;
    public int hurtTime;
    public int maxHurtTime;
    public float attackedAtYaw;
    public int deathTime;
    public int attackTime;
    public float prevCameraPitch;
    public float cameraPitch;
    protected boolean unused_flag;
    protected int field_35171_bJ;
    public int field_9326_T;
    public float field_9325_U;
    public float field_705_Q;
    public float field_704_R;
    public float field_703_S;
    private EntityPlayer field_34904_b;
    private int field_34905_c;
    public int field_35172_bP;
    public int field_35173_bQ;
    protected HashMap field_35170_bR;
    protected int newPosRotationIncrements;
    protected double newPosX;
    protected double newPosY;
    protected double newPosZ;
    protected double newRotationYaw;
    protected double newRotationPitch;
    float field_9348_ae;
    protected int field_9346_af;
    protected int entityAge;
    protected float moveStrafing;
    protected float moveForward;
    protected float randomYawVelocity;
    protected boolean isJumping;
    protected float defaultPitch;
    protected float moveSpeed;
    private Entity currentTarget;
    protected int numTicksToChaseTarget;
C'est pas en balancant plus de 1000 lignes de code qu'on verra ou tu l'a modifié ^^

Par contre c'est pas un cas isolé ça me le fait aussi, et même en solo.
J'ai l'impression qu'il y a beaucoup plus de plantages en 1.8.1 ( et aussi de lagus avec les explosion... )

Jai toujours pas trouver la solution , jai meme essayer de cree un notre fichier mod sans aucune erreur au compilage mais toujours un crach avec le startclien par contre quand j enleve le deuxieme objet que je veux rajouter tout marche bien je ne comprend pas .:(
je n arrive qua rajouter un objet dans mon mod quelqun pourait me montrer un exemple de code avec deux objet dans le même mod.
Bonjour je cherche comment faire pour que mon bloc se génère au moment de la création de la map et qu'il soit un peu plus rare que le diamant :D, pouvez vous m'éclaircir svp merci
Jai toujours pas trouver la solution , jai meme essayer de cree un notre fichier mod sans aucune erreur au compilage mais toujours un crach avec le startclien par contre quand j enleve le deuxieme objet que je veux rajouter tout marche bien je ne comprend pas .:(
je n arrive qua rajouter un objet dans mon mod quelqun pourait me montrer un exemple de code avec deux objet dans le même mod.

Vérifie que l'ID de ton bloc ou item n'est pas déjà utilisé par Minecraft...
Bonjour je cherche comment faire pour que mon bloc se génère au moment de la création de la map et qu'il soit un peu plus rare que le diamant :D, pouvez vous m'éclaircir svp merci​

Rajoute ça dans le code de ton mod :​

 public void GenerateSurface(World world, Random rand, int i, int k)
        for(int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
            int chunkX = i + rand.nextInt(16) - rand.nextInt(16);
            int chunkY = rand.nextInt(hauteurMaxOuTrouverLeBlock);
            int chunkZ = j + rand.nextInt(16) - rand.nextInt(16);
            (new WorldGenMinable(tonBlock.blockID, 5)).generate(world, rand, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);
Rajoute ça dans le code de ton mod :​

[INDENT=1]public void GenerateSurface(World world, Random rand, int i, int k)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]    {[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]        for(int a = 0; a < 1; a++)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]        {[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]            int chunkX = i + rand.nextInt(16) - rand.nextInt(16);[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]            int chunkY = rand.nextInt(hauteurMaxOuTrouverLeBlock);[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]            int chunkZ = j + rand.nextInt(16) - rand.nextInt(16);[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]            (new WorldGenMinable(tonBlock.blockID, 5)).generate(world, rand, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]        }[/INDENT]
Merci , c'est quel ligne pour la rareté du block?[/code][/INDENT][/quote]

J'ai un problème, j'ai créer 6 blocks, ils marchent tous, mais quand je l'est détruit il me donne toujours mon block 3. C'est à dire que je peux crafter mes 6 blocks, je les verrai comme il faut, je pourrai détruire le 1, 2 et 3, il n'auront pas de problème, mais si je détruit le 4, 5 et 6, il me donne mon block 3 !!

Voiçi mes codes mod_MyMod (pas changer le nom ^^):
package net.minecraft.src;
public class mod_MyMod extends BaseMod
    public mod_MyMod()
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc, 8), new Object[]
        {"#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.dirt});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc2, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.planks, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc3, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.stone, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc4, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.cobblestone, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc5, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.brick, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});
        ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(myBloc6, 8), new Object[]
        {"#L#",Character.valueOf('#'), Block.blockSteel, Character.valueOf('L'), myBloc});

    public static final Block myBloc = (new
    public static final Block myBloc2 = (new BlockMyBloc2(201,235)).setHardness(0.5F)
    public static final Block myBloc3 = (new BlockMyBloc3(202,234)).setHardness(0.6F)
    public static final Block myBloc4 = (new BlockMyBloc3(203,233)).setHardness(0.6F)
    public static final Block myBloc5 = (new BlockMyBloc3(204,232)).setHardness(0.6F)
    public static final Block myBloc6 = (new BlockMyBloc3(205,231)).setHardness(0.6F)
    public String Version()
    return "1.8.1";

Et pour mes 6 blocks (je mets que les deux premiers, après j'ai juste changer le 2 en 3, etc, etc...):

package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
public class BlockMyBloc extends Block
    public BlockMyBloc(int i, int j)
    super(i, j, Material.ground);
    public int idDropped(int i, Random random)
    return mod_MyMod.myBloc.blockID;

package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
public class BlockMyBloc2 extends Block
    public BlockMyBloc2(int i, int j)
    super(i, j, Material.ground);
    public int idDropped(int i, Random random)
    return mod_MyMod.myBloc2.blockID;