Créer un serveur Sponge de A à Z [Acceptant Mods & Plugins Sponge]

Bonjour j'ai créer un serveur minecraft version (1.12.2) sur sponge , avec les plugins (Skin changer,Luckperms,UniverseGuard,Worldedit,nucleus,broadcast)
Tout fonctionne mêmes les mods.
Sauf que j'ai créer des groupes avec Luckperms,et je leurs et attribués des permissions (via le site de Luckperms) qui fonctionne tous aussi.
Mais a ma grande surprise quand je me suis mis dans un groupe ici "Roi", il n'y a aucun moyen de build en effet quand je casse un bloque il réapparaît automatiquement et quand je place un bloque il disparaît automatiquement.
En revanche dans l'autre groupe "modérateur" j'ai entré tout les autorisations de tout les plugins ainsi que celle de minecraft dans le site Luckperms (j'ai remarquer que pour donner tout les autorisations il fallait juste entrer le nom du plugin.)
Mais je n'ais pas trouvé de permission concernant le build.
Ma question est donc : Comment placer et miner des bloques avec une classe qui n'est pas moderateur ?
je vous remercie de votre aide d'avance !

Dernière édition:
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                   __         __   ___  __         __                         | #
# |                        |    |  | /  ` |__/  |__) |__  |__)  |\/| /__`                        | #
# |                        |___ \__/ \__, |  \  |    |___ |  \  |  | .__/                        | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                         | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  SOURCE CODE:                                             | #
# |  WIKI:                                        | #
# |  BUG REPORTS:                                      | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  Each option in this file is documented and explained here:                                  | #
# |   ==>                                 | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  New options are not added to this file automatically. Default values are used if an         | #
# |  option cannot be found. The latest config versions can be obtained at the link above.       | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                      ESSENTIAL SETTINGS                                      | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                   Important settings that control how LuckPerms functions.                   | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# The name of the server, used for server specific permissions.
# - When set to "global" this setting is effectively ignored.
# - In all other cases, the value here is added to all players in a "server" context.
# - See:
server = "survival"

# If the servers own UUID cache/lookup facility should be used when there is no record for a player
# already in LuckPerms.
# - When this is set to 'false', commands using a player's username will not work unless the player
#   has joined since LuckPerms was first installed.
# - To get around this, you can use a player's uuid directly in the command, or enable this option.
# - When this is set to 'true', the server facility is used. This may use a number of methods,
#   including checking the servers local cache, or making a request to the Mojang API.
use-server-uuid-cache = false

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                       STORAGE SETTINGS                                       | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                Controls which storage method LuckPerms will use to store data.               | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# How the plugin should store data
# - The various options are explained in more detail on the wiki:
# - Possible options:
#   |  Remote databases - require connection information to be configured below
#   |=> MySQL
#   |=> MariaDB (preferred over MySQL)
#   |=> PostgreSQL
#   |=> MongoDB
#   |  Flatfile/local database - don't require any extra configuration
#   |=> H2 (preferred over SQLite)
#   |=> SQLite
#   |  Readable & editable text files - don't require any extra configuration
#   |=> YAML (.yml files)
#   |=> JSON (.json files)
#   |=> HOCON (.conf files)
#   |=> TOML (.toml files)
#   |
#   | By default, user, group and track data is separated into different files. Data can be combined
#   | and all stored in the same file by switching to a combined storage variant.
#   | Just add '-combined' to the end of the storage-method, e.g. 'yaml-combined'
# - A H2 database is the default option.
# - If you want to edit data manually in "traditional" storage files, we suggest using YAML.
storage-method = "h2"

# The following block defines the settings for remote database storage methods.
# - You don't need to touch any of the settings here if you're using a local storage method!
# - The connection detail options are shared between all remote storage types.
data {

  # Define the address and port for the database.
  # - The standard DB engine port is used by default
  #   (MySQL = 3306, PostgreSQL = 5432, MongoDB = 27017)
  # - Specify as "host:port" if differs
  address = "localhost"

  # The name of the database to store LuckPerms data in.
  # - This must be created already. Don't worry about this setting if you're using MongoDB.
  database = "minecraft"

  # Credentials for the database.
  username = "root"
  password = ""

  # These settings apply to the MySQL connection pool.
  # - The default values will be suitable for the majority of users.
  # - Do not change these settings unless you know what you're doing!
  pool-settings {

    # Sets the maximum size of the MySQL connection pool.
    # - Basically this value will determine the maximum number of actual
    #   connections to the database backend.
    # - More information about determining the size of connection pools can be found here:
    maximum-pool-size = 10

    # Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will try to maintain.
    # - For maximum performance and responsiveness to spike demands, it is recommended to not set
    #   this value and instead allow the pool to act as a fixed size connection pool.
    #   (set this value to the same as 'maximum-pool-size')
    minimum-idle = 10

    # This setting controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds.
    # - The value should be at least 30 seconds less than any database or infrastructure imposed
    #   connection time limit.
    maximum-lifetime = 1800000 # 30 minutes

    # This setting controls the maximum number of milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a
    # connection from the pool, before timing out.
    connection-timeout = 5000 # 5 seconds

    # This setting allows you to define extra properties for connections.
    properties {
      useUnicode = true
      characterEncoding = "utf8"

  # The prefix for all LuckPerms SQL tables.
  # - Change this is you want to use different tables for different servers.
  table_prefix = "luckperms_"

  # The prefix to use for all LuckPerms collections. Change this if you want to use different
  # collections for different servers. The default is no prefix.
  mongodb_collection_prefix = ""

  # MongoDB ClientConnectionURI for use with replica sets and custom connection options
  # - See
  mongodb_connection_URI = ""

# Define settings for a "split" storage setup.
# - This allows you to define a storage method for each type of data.
# - The connection options above still have to be correct for each type here.
split-storage {
  # Don't touch this if you don't want to use split storage!
  enabled = false
  methods {
    # These options don't need to be modified if split storage isn't enabled.
    user = "h2"
    group = "h2"
    track = "h2"
    uuid = "h2"
    log = "h2"

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                            UPDATE PROPAGATION & MESSAGING SERVICE                            | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |    Controls the ways in which LuckPerms will sync data & notify other servers of changes.    | #
# |     These options are documented on greater detail on the wiki under "Instant Updates".      | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# This option controls how frequently LuckPerms will perform a sync task.
# - A sync task will refresh all data from the storage, and ensure that the most up-to-date data is
#   being used by the plugin.
# - This is disabled by default, as most users will not need it. However, if you're using a remote
#   storage type without a messaging service setup, you may wish to set this to something like 3.
# - Set to -1 to disable the task completely.
sync-minutes = -1

# If the file watcher should be enabled.
# - When using a file-based storage type, LuckPerms can monitor the data files for changes, and
#   automatically update when changes are detected.
# - If you don't want this feature to be active, set this option to false.
watch-files = true

# Define which messaging service should be used by the plugin.
# - If enabled and configured, LuckPerms will use the messaging service to inform other connected
#   servers of changes.
# - Use the command "/lp networksync" to manually push changes.
# - Data is NOT stored using this service. It is only used as a messaging platform.
# - If you decide to enable this feature, you should set "sync-minutes" to -1, as there is no need
#   for LuckPerms to poll the database for changes.
# - Possible options:
#   => sql       Uses the SQL database to form a queue system for communication. Will only work when
#                'storage-method' is set to MySQL or MariaDB. This is chosen by default if the
#                option is set to 'none' and SQL storage is in use. Set to 'notsql' to disable this.
#   => pluginmsg Uses the plugin messaging channels to communicate with the proxy.
#                LuckPerms must be installed on your proxy & all connected servers backend servers.
#                Won't work if you have more than one proxy.
#   => redis     Uses Redis pub-sub to push changes. Your server connection info must be configured
#                below.
#   => none      Disables the service.
messaging-service = "none"

# If LuckPerms should automatically push updates after a change has been made with a command.
auto-push-updates = true

# If LuckPerms should push logging entries to connected servers via the messaging service.
push-log-entries = true

# If LuckPerms should broadcast received logging entries to players on this platform.
# - If you have LuckPerms installed on your backend servers as well as a BungeeCord proxy, you
#   should set this option to false on either your backends or your proxies, to avoid players being
#   messaged twice about log entries.
broadcast-received-log-entries = true

# Settings for Redis.
# Port 6379 is used by default; set address to "host:port" if differs
redis {
  enabled = false
  address = "localhost"
  password = ""

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                    CUSTOMIZATION SETTINGS                                    | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |              Settings that allow admins to customize the way LuckPerms operates.             | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Controls how temporary permissions/parents/meta should be accumulated.
# - The default behaviour is "deny".
# - This behaviour can also be specified when the command is executed. See the command usage
#   documentation for more info.
# - Possible options:
#   => accumulate   durations will be added to the existing expiry time
#   => replace      durations will be replaced if the new duration is later than the current
#                   expiration
#   => deny         the command will just fail if you try to add another node with the same expiry
temporary-add-behaviour = "deny"

# Controls how LuckPerms will determine a users "primary" group.
# - The meaning and influence of "primary groups" are explained in detail on the wiki.
# - The preferred approach is to let LuckPerms automatically determine a users primary group
#   based on the relative weight of their parent groups.
# - Possible options:
#   => stored                  use the value stored against the users record in the file/database
#   => parents-by-weight       just use the users most highly weighted parent
#   => all-parents-by-weight   same as above, but calculates based upon all parents inherited from
#                              both directly and indirectly
primary-group-calculation = "parents-by-weight"

# If the plugin should check for "extra" permissions with users run LP commands.
# - These extra permissions allow finer control over what users can do with each command, and who
#   they have access to edit.
# - The nature of the checks are documented on the wiki under "Argument based command permissions".
# - Argument based permissions are *not* static, unlike the 'base' permissions, and will depend upon
#   the arguments given within the command.
argument-based-command-permissions = false

# If the plugin should check whether senders are a member of a given group before they're able to
# edit the groups data or add/remove other users to/from it.
# Note: these limitations do not apply to the web editor!
require-sender-group-membership-to-modify = false

# If the plugin should send log notifications to users whenever permissions are modified.
# - Notifications are only sent to those with the appropriate permission to receive them
# - They can also be temporarily enabled/disabled on a per-user basis using
#   '/lp log notify <on|off>'
log-notify = true

# Defines the options for prefix and suffix stacking.
# - The feature allows you to display multiple prefixes or suffixes alongside a players username in
#   chat.
# - It is explained and documented in more detail on the wiki under "Prefix & Suffix Stacking".
# - The options are divided into separate sections for prefixes and suffixes.
# - The 'duplicates' setting refers to how duplicate elements are handled. Can be 'retain-all',
#   'first-only' or 'last-only'.
# - The value of 'start-spacer' is included at the start of the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - The value of 'end-spacer' is included at the end of the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - The value of 'middle-spacer' is included between each element in the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - Possible format options:
#   => highest                        Selects the value with the highest weight, from all values
#                                     held by or inherited by the player.
#   => lowest                         Same as above, except takes the one with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_own                    Selects the value with the highest weight, but will not
#                                     accept any inherited values.
#   => lowest_own                     Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_inherited              Selects the value with the highest weight, but will only
#                                     accept inherited values.
#   => lowest_inherited               Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_on_track_<track>       Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
#                                     value was inherited from a group on the given track.
#   => lowest_on_track_<track>        Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_not_on_track_<track>   Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
#                                     value was inherited from a group not on the given track.
#   => lowest_not_on_track_<track>    Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
meta-formatting {
  prefix {
    format = [
    duplicates = "first-only"
    start-spacer = ""
    middle-spacer = " "
    end-spacer = ""
  suffix {
    format = [
    duplicates = "first-only"
    start-spacer = ""
    middle-spacer = " "
    end-spacer = ""

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                            PERMISSION CALCULATION AND INHERITANCE                            | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |    Modify the way permission checks, meta lookups and inheritance resolutions are handled.   | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# The algorithm LuckPerms should use when traversing the "inheritance tree".
# - Possible options:
#   => breadth-first            See:
#   => depth-first-pre-order    See:
#   => depth-first-post-order   See:
inheritance-traversal-algorithm = "depth-first-pre-order"

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Permission resolution settings                                                               | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If users on this server should have their global permissions applied.
# When set to false, only server specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global = true

# If users on this server should have their global world permissions applied.
# When set to false, only world specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global-world = true

# If users on this server should have global (non-server specific) groups applied
apply-global-groups = true

# If users on this server should have global (non-world specific) groups applied
apply-global-world-groups = true

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Inheritance settings                                                                         | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If the plugin should apply wildcard permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect wildcard permissions, and resolve & apply all registered
#   permissions matching the wildcard.
apply-wildcards = true

# If the plugin should parse regex permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect regex permissions, marked with "r=" at the start of the
#   node, and resolve & apply all registered permissions matching the regex.
apply-regex = true

# If the plugin should complete and apply shorthand permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect and expand shorthand node patterns.
apply-shorthand = true

# If LuckPerms should resolve and apply permissions according to Sponge's implicit wildcard
# inheritance system.
# That being:
# If a user has been granted "example", then the player should have also be automatically granted
# "example.function", "example.another", "example.deeper.nesting", and so on.
# If this option is set to false, this system will not be applied.

# If the plugin should apply Sponge default subject permissions.
# Plugins can manipulate a set of default permissions granted to all users. If this option is set to
# false, LuckPerms will ignore this data when considering if a player has a permission.

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Extra settings                                                                               | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Allows you to set "aliases" for the worlds sent forward for context calculation.
# - These aliases are provided in addition to the real world name. Applied recursively.
# - Remove the comment characters for the default aliases to apply.
world-rewrite {
  #world_nether = "world"
  #world_the_end = "world"

# Define special group weights for this server.
# - Group weights can also be applied directly to group data, using the setweight command.
# - This section allows weights to be set on a per-server basis.
group-weight {
  #admin = 10

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                      FINE TUNING OPTIONS                                     | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |     A number of more niche settings for tweaking and changing behaviour. The section also    | #
# | contains toggles for some more specialised features. It is only necessary to make changes to | #
# |                  these options if you want to fine-tune LuckPerms behaviour.                 | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Miscellaneous (and rarely used) settings                                                     | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If LuckPerms should produce extra logging output when it handles logins.
# - Useful if you're having issues with UUID forwarding or data not being loaded.
debug-logins = false

# If LuckPerms should allow usernames with non alphanumeric characters.
# - Note that due to the design of the storage implementation, usernames must still be 16 characters
#   or less.
allow-invalid-usernames = false

# If LuckPerms should allow a users primary group to be removed with the 'parent remove' command.
# - When this happens, the plugin will set their primary group back to default.
prevent-primary-group-removal = false

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                      DEFAULT ASSIGNMENTS                                     | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# This section allows you to define defaults to give users whenever they connect to the server.
# The default assignments are highly configurable and conditional.
# There is one default assignment built into LuckPerms, which will add all users to the "default"
# group if they are not a member of any other group. This setting cannot be disabled. However, you
# can use this section to add more of your own.
# In order to save storage space, LuckPerms does not store users who have no permissions defined,
# and are only a member of the default group. Adding default assignments to this section will negate
# this effect. It is HIGHLY RECCOMENDED that instead of assigning defaults here, you add permissions
# to the "default" group, or set the "default" group to inherit other groups, and then use the
# group-name-rewrite rule above.
# It is also important to note that these rules are considered every time a player logs into the
# server, and are applied directly to the user's data. Simply removing a rule here will not reverse
# the effect of that rule on any users who have already had it applied to them.
# The "has" and "lacks" conditions below support standard boolean logic, using the 'and' & 'or'
# characters used in Java.
# e.g. "(some.other.permission | some.permission.other) & some.thing.else" == a user has
# 'some.other.permission', or 'some.permission.other', and they also have 'some.thing.else'
# Groups are represented by the permission node: group.<group name>
# Per server and per world nodes are represented by "server-world/permission" or "server/permission"
# Within conditions, permission nodes MUST be escaped using "<" and ">". See the example below.
# Explanation of the examples below: (they're just to demonstrate the features & use cases)
# rule1:
# If a user is either in the vip or vip+ group, and they have the "titles.titlecollector" permission
# set to true, and the "some.random.permission" set to false... if they're not in the group
# "prison_titlepack" on the "prison" server, then give add them to the "prison_titlepack" group on
# the "prison" server, and remove "some.random.permission".
# rule2:
# If the user isn't in any of the following groups on the skyblock server: sb_level1, sb_level2,
# sb_level3, then add them to sb_level1 on the skyblock server.
# rule3:
# If the user is a member of the default group, remove them from default, add them to member, and
# set their primary group to member.
# WARNING: Unlike internal commands, this system does not ensure that a group exists before adding
# a user to it. It also does not unsure that a user is a member of a group before making that group
# their primary group.
# Before you use "give: group.<name>" or "set-primary-group", make sure that the group exists, and
# that the user is a member of the group.
default-assignments {
#  rule1 {
#    if {
#      has-true="(<> | <>) & <titles.tilecollector>"
#      has-false="<some.random.permission>"
#      lacks="<prison/group.prison_titlepack>"
#    }
#    give = [
#      "prison/group.prison_titlepack"
#    ]
#    take = [
#      "some.random.permission"
#    ]
#  }
#  rule2 {
#    if {
#      lacks="<skyblock/group.sb_level1> & <skyblock/group.sb_level2> & <skyblock/group.sb_level3>"
#    }
#    give = [
#      "skyblock/group.sb_level1"
#    ]
#  }
#  rule3 {
#    if {
#      has-true="<group.default>"
#    }
#    take = [
#      "group.default"
#    ]
#    give = [
#      "group.member"
#    ]
#    set-primary-group="member"
#  }

Re bonjour ! j'ai trouvé en faite le problème ne venais de aucun plugin mais du server properties mon spawnprotection était réglé sur 100 c'est pour cela que je me suis fais avoir =)
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Bonsoir, cela veut dire que les personnes seront obligés d'avoir forge pour rejoindre le serveur ?

si tu as des mods sur le serveur, oui. Tous les mods qui sont sur le serveur, devront être sur le client. ;)

Il n'y a pas une méthode pour faire comme les serveurs sous launcher ? (Vanadia, plutonia ect..).
Pour juste intégrer des nouveaux items et des nouveaux bloc?

bah "la technique" c'est juste des Mods... C'est simple, dès que tu as une modification sur le client (blocs, interfaces, etc...) c'est un Mod. Et, par sa conception, un Mod doit être obligatoirement mis sur le serveur et sur le client.
Sinon, tu as les plugins qui sont bien plus limités mais eux sont présents uniquement sur le serveur.

Un launcher c'est juste une version Minecraft sur laquelle Forge et les Mods sont déjà installés... rien de plus ! ;)

bah "la technique" c'est juste des Mods... C'est simple, dès que tu as une modification sur le client (blocs, interfaces, etc...) c'est un Mod. Et, par sa conception, un Mod doit être obligatoirement mis sur le serveur et sur le client.
Sinon, tu as les plugins qui sont bien plus limités mais eux sont présents uniquement sur le serveur.

Un launcher c'est juste une version Minecraft sur laquelle Forge et les Mods sont déjà installés... rien de plus ! ;)

Merci beaucoup de ton aide, je comprends beaucoup mieux à présent =)
  • J'aime
Reactions: DiscowZombie