Bonjour, j'ai un probléme avec Iconnomy, les joueur gagne des sous sans rien faire :o
voila la config :
voila la config :
# iConomy Settings
# The name of your currency
Currency: Ecu
Currency_Plural: Ecu
# The initial balance a player logs on with
Initial_Balance: 50.0
# Should we log transactions?
# Logging is logged to a database table named [table]_Transactions
# It will not be in a file like before it is all through the transaction
# system which other plugins can tie into.
Enabled: false
# Should we use this system?
# Default is false
Enabled: true
# Announce a message to the user?
# Message located in: Messages.yml under interest
Announce: false
# How many seconds for this to happen
IntervalSeconds: 60
# Percentage
# 10 is a good number
# This overrides all below if used.
Percentage: 4.0
# Leave this at 0.0 if you wish to use Min/Max!
# Otherwise, this will over-ride that.
# This is the DIRECT amount, it's not dynamic and will not change.
FlatRate: 0.0
# How much minimum money do they get per interval
MinimumPerInterval: 1
# How much maximum money do they get per interval
MaximumPerInterval: 15
# Can be MySQL, or H2SQL
Type: H2SQL
# Name of the database
Name: minecraft
# Table name
Table: iConomy
# Mysql Details
# MySQL Login Username
Username: 'root'
# MySQL Login Password
Password: 'pass'
# MySQL Connection Hostname (IP)
Hostname: 'localhost'
# MySQL Connection Port Number
Port: 3306