Il y avait des repeaters
Je pense pas, à moins que je m'en souvienne pas... je vais regarder ça.
EDIT : après vérification, tu as raison !
1.3 February 22, 2011
- New blocks/items (Redstone Repeaters, Beds)
- Added three new half-size blocks (Wooden Slab, Cobblestone Slab, Sandstone Slab)
- Breaking a block made of two slabs now drops 2 slabs.
- Slimes have a higher spawn rate
- New Mojang logo splash screen
- Graphics settings screen
- Ability to toggle between classic lighting and "smooth" lighting
- Worlds now use a generic McRegion chunk save format, with built-in auto conversion
- While starting a new world, players can choose the world's name and seed to generate the world from.
- More than 5 Worlds possible
- Scrollbars added in both the texture pack list, and in the map selection screen
- Added whitelisting to the server. To use, enter whitelist <cmd> where cmd is on, off, add <player>, remove <player>, list orreload
- F1 and F3 are now toggled when pressed.
- When F3 is toggled on, mobs display their unique entity ID numbers over their heads.
- F8 toggles mouse smoothing
- In 3rd person mode, character can be visibly seen to bob side to side when you walk (only when View Bobbing is enabled).
- Sandstone is now found at the bottom of naturally generated sand.
- All pressure plates now require two of its materials, instead of 3. Stone slabs are now created by using 3 of the materials (see specific block pages for further information)
- Mine time for Sandstone decreased.
- Redstone Wire will get darker the farther away it is from a source of power.
- Fewer passive Mobs when on harder modes.
- Deleting world confirmation changed slightly.
- Sulphur renamed back to Gunpowder
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